March 15, 1901

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March 15, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…;be o (? AN, VOL. XLI ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MIARCH 1 ., 1901 .Oar Special Line o.... PROF. JOHNSON ACCEPTS "Sank-' Condo Will Not Play Foreign and IDomiestic Will Depart Abot April 1st For the Thl aealvemwlilc h e FABDI~Philippines--Third Untversitj 0 so oeo hsxix lUiit F B ISProfessor Hostid toply. --ai ws (tileof te hi fi tli me hatl ever (oiliell i FEQR SPRI N G Prof.b. -'. Jliiixsoii ill aocep1 ie orlvi' higioii. I oot ifielin...…

March 15, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…THE* UNIVERSITY Uof mICHIGMN DAILY. 2 ,_._ it Publisohedt Daily (Moottday ocptddtriig Colege aat THE1 UNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN AIOFIE BAcOFIE s Bdt,Mai a St. 33 S. Stteo Stee. tob 'Phtoes 13. Nw Stwe'Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR . H. HST,0 BUSINESS MANAGER, P. Esc tH~oot,'00 L" EDITORS A2ItLtt t HuTc Ottt oo Cit s. DOcoiot'00 A.H.MOCD~t6oAt..'5tEH, 0. H.,rto o, 'E Miss IL, K. S~Atttoot'03 W. A. KstI~o1 L St0 WA. Bts0SCOE, '03 H. . HtooTO\, '03 1...…

March 15, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…Li~tE fi vjrsis1'Y OF ICHIGAN DAILY staih $1.90 egsfthtethrbakrpal o 19 SWheseare feinsotermnrfheeelet wensaes onlyOerso *will ash $2.50. They're in the window. xo sxv x t v I x OOSEE* G117 MIAIN STREET __OODSEED'A * -I 3n1? ?laa3lai3?i 3 333 Etar~ :am E ?E3 .33 *: s ~za~? Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINL- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with tirect connections at ('Virago for St. Louie. Kansas City, St. Pa...…

March 15, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 S.PECIAL SALE MCI~ ISRITU BOKAGENCY ONE WEEK OlNLY Bn G Steady Eiuiloymenl4 AETSWNE Writing Paper For Energetic AGNSW TE y the pound at 2,5c an match bc ipreittkltgo 3, aen23c I VL IIIIIII Goodrich, POSTER BOARD e 1M r PHOTO NI UNT S Over First National Bank TYPEWRiTEIR SUP';LIES. _______________ Sheehan ' Co.jjj' Oyster Cocktails 320 S. STATE STREET. I4.(~IOC You Cdn get d CA L S F or that hungry feeling H...…

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