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March 15, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-15

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.Oar Special Line o.... PROF. JOHNSON ACCEPTS "Sank-' Condo Will Not Play
Foreign and IDomiestic Will Depart Abot April 1st For the Thl aealvemwlilc h e
FABDI~Philippines--Third Untversitj 0 so oeo hsxix lUiit
F B ISProfessor Hostid toply. --ai ws (tileof te hi
fi tli me hatl ever (oiliell i
FEQR SPRI N G Prof.b. -'. Jliiixsoii ill aocep1 ie orlvi' higioii. I oot ifielin l 11h1,
j l ii] liilt iihe ilijlliliiex olereil hung ti stoxilat [lhe top ofI-ie 1I
lxiii y le 'resiieit lat ivitli -The dil lit itwill lie extro-ll-ydiitilt to
lias ar'rived an.- I is ar- m ebei vx iivipoil ot lib ice. lid iil t men ine
ranged for inspection. et eipiig. Prof. Johnisonii v beenl or-i e s -ll ohetliitiililbig. uitli Ii0e
We liave tile largiest as- linesI to I ihome by ilness i re lx I*lhti.lii-t-t al
sor monrt in the City', lEitflll oiiviiiaiii i'iii iyruiiii lvile gld o theai-fl.
lboilth iiiland o iereasoibs hialxnot ieis itoiipliyoagil. Owinig to
forma ll ccepte iiiiun ilot Irlihil- li e -ili-uhei denali-ux vax ealit ill
Co .~V s ig Ou S p* ii aI1ii lit hiskeudux lihisiemI le ' -is tnirditiii shi llv noi-i e l-i
lii f li"ao fiily f lowed to il l l i l l-lixe iif lily '-'.
I'1____________________________ lii ii iti f lhigluivli. reiiidiliiiofilentilwoiiktiniicollege. I iolilibeli '
Qii l t-ltiiiiioxiot f 1E(ili lin u t tuber001.if till ihe atleteiiouulii hiave it l
ADUAMS' (ithlei'Stile ilelogie I l ard,. imemb er eei-iiluilil
f the-bar mx ii f ietor of vilt,lni l hu h i vliu llI iyyear ls Tey 011.
tii btes o theI iltst M.E, itliii iiitheigameo uligltl o vivi-ome exueti liv
PEANUTS 'I irm i iiof tlix Nivilg li tiipub h:- ill pig.T ptces14
e iii iii iiofIthe iiiiillici i ty clt-, u -lict o rli.:hledrIntiil li lia y
rectived fresh I liioii)oil lii throi w 1 ing t0 iio sviiii baisxi. Tli rii
every (day:.. rf alsl ilntlaeeriroe ilh ll o orwi ulfr
R ' ii 1)1)1) ihe ii-alloit-iheiio helestxitwo uveek o niri-ut ro
{{ lui Ii iiI : i o Iii- huipt~ ii lbotch three.___
P/ A RMACY of ids ninheepl oibi it N lix viven-1it v ill
be i tt iertl-uan Xpril s. FOOTBALL DATES FOR 191
YO NO hr oget I) i ivlile iii id v ttaite IMaager Bird Anonces
ii ntr i luu n"u o n l)) i sla ii
AL GOOD LUNCHIInd heiwojd ilulel tpip iliili t tt Fl List of Ganes-fhe Sclte-
iA ND w iiiliii.xiiiison ill - liii iiti iii tto a Spedid Ote
]t iito l fthesiiei rhuulox ls'
S MOKIE iI'iliiixiiisovll lht tatiiiiiiiu- Mn -grtairudgay- ouxthe lii-
it, . iJolly, 3013 S. State Street. ii l ih liiiitit rsbtt hi-iii hiii y iiwiill xi luuuivte fiiithi 1901 t oot al ses
____________________________________ followuvliniiilat eilv. Ile iiill iiii imiit vsord-ily.- A ogiei-low- uivit pteio-
h iloclassesi ll Ii c ial tlisrilieii il l('-ymot uvu---l- -uiav i
lrettl ra o aTE I)3 N L7 F tR....tlll, xiie1k oil iiiiiliiiofi-illiis. i lxliwichI i Miligt 'ei-i ha s lia
Trow bridge's tIe'Ylei a-u-i eutan e il t e nir vex;IS i le t idl(it' iwirt. lioi liee ail
Chocolate Chips Ptit -or tu luuuI it ftwuiiIii a i[lositIhiiid Si-i) iiii I l1. Yot.0)10
I v Xc N -2~iI SpilEl etiete Fore iVa leotthua o i'iii -iih li nodls n
I3 HIP TET HA E ER_____nen _y he vexiiwt o it f ix lii i iixiii i iclcllg it lli
Xxe iv iil il o iin i-- iinthe inewi ii i lt ddi - i.r~ i i plyiii-
114 I sc ~ iiloioiii. -xitaI h viiIi ith theXiiirXul si oa88liea
I I\ii xiii-i- liii i-iii-iliuiiAV'iiii- ilil ylii 1 i tho
CH' T AT3 '- (o I L i.Siibi iiI-u so ve- . i-F iill liliw teit it it ll-
ASsi m> i.mli leritt hed0 1it ajriy t i-iIe xla t a y.aa c f e ol1
O / it 1 -lto ia r0 f - (acahul1 cltsi. C =ane il Xiiii Alion-. at
* A ItS D U T R t si al el e tfr.tlspops as l ti-i II u iltiouteiishatl'AoidAle
tiibe3e Itt u-.ulit.for -omoro eimor ing.. Oitl ii ithiru-uooii sQ aif silvt 11ui
toa, comeeletionofaotdweklookoll daeNov. heir(arli ts slitaix.il itriu
around whenever you A.. xdvae Sae ForSosaorConcetwo-boiuand ott slat- fiioltw.
hookin or sock * TI:- xuteif uuil fle iiiuirt Iy Xxv bsic tillimg to h XOioi i Aluui
+ havee time. Ifivd ththeredIiis, SO lithe ""10. Chc o lystei
you woldlikcth thiito sud ItL ;.l -ill iiig - iis h isirediA rboruill2- o llhe itcXl-u ron-
you arewlc me icl i tl ui iiiu[aLt te devTer- Mii higan iiiht ll t bii-ag ithe
J R emem er yu a e lliie s i nirogwgiuhuloxrextheiiilss i- r usx-iioi(jh-iig a It is alo Musiu
I SB .Rihi rwoiu t o d . eiuii o [ l f uiti -Iu tie il aj"uu e i ll of etu n v r s g us.or
I i I Ittiuu.5 is. isodies.oz
The epee t-oft ilb:hl ohee x bei iss Jne Alanso:li]
ilw a y sii1 it0$a . . there xvhiii i ieils tr Sfiet iii --cion a hilitusrbor i
¢Ou wlisbi elos resreitsets xeuuI 0i1 s ast nn Ao.

No. 125
itCentpeteeat of Caracters For the
lit "Magistrate-Seats Go on Sale
tet Tomorrow Morning
vait- A~eir.triuutur Slttiews-o iufessor of
oh(, i iutuitiu- Litoi- tuli- hfat uiuiuui i CiiUni
tlt uuriy. i l uixiflkmg of liii-miiieito-riEnCg-
10s Ilip oluttiltu-o gil ily i-uhuuit theii- ui-
i-crity. says tat "Thue M~gituafv-
u-lu biy Pituet-i. iutioltv-uy thue higet
clsshihhuu) l uf thie gvuvstiouh. The
a ui-u ii 'f Iiu x uuu i x u s eueix-eo
iii m01u-0i fuxil ut u-u- ituiu-im tiai aly of
r-iaciiouuand vigohi- uuiu itoipresentationu
lit ivoyalieveinhi. 11htll) hasix lxiii ie-
Iu--hau-iug faihifuly fortthy-patothu
elin tci tdiclliotsuuaxrei-that afiisholei
ik opr - utnett 1rlot flu eao~t ale
iluiu 1tiopuenso it tlii-iuu'il viSatuday
ill k ihuoe shiioul he o hatuulxiiax tub
ual .-liiire desiraule seatsx.aixthiy ill le
101 iligeaixt demand~uu.
teThe ,-itstie wilibeTransfierr1ediitiovthie
ill Pix oaT-.gahOtieo Modya
Mtanyiiof thle frateurnibtiuextilt glt-
il h e ktiii lid1the eting'si-taiely
liiior tr) ol theit otil ill b I l- tl 1
Th hcs ttht ilup-pe-I-uth-ilaisiv
'a uit uflXlow i its uulluo :0.1
Xli I itt-ti-I- it -- . Iii i-C 1 t*s
lii,(s of the iu rr Stret li thu
Id ir. No ft ns il l
('tiltH rnt YIiii.sirFul
sou(ievsihiintn (is. ulIPotCsxliiibat
atst 31her t - tis im iaeti- iri8. It-e Htilt
M'sTnt lis. iOu ixflliit-liguii.hti
ihell I-iulu i ilPixtieui--Mr.uDe h.t
lIsaor (Ai t ii- iibuix -Mr.IiiloxrySTai-
liii- Xxiii- ICiii tiiu(h ~ek til
11t Oranpetorical Cittr est et Week
em iroi.(tO?, tti~y itgu.Saxt 1
u-u-ut-u titug hut a ssi8y-ti Stilarti'avh
yeihi ( ui in t 5 vi ttiot i-liasuu Piance.it
xi<'s u-iiuTuomlinon ilin htu ladyiv e -it
iu t Phitu-t lo i(m ul-t uthe uiishole)uuuiihx
the lihi hltiug uton i-ohle Sit fu-
t. to tiu li-tu- ii li0 itlterol-
111 Oitoria ots etWe
liiinit ivtt- '2
Xid rhuoitruli-tiov 5-C -I 'setarxif 50th
tel rer Ortraa Laue-.11'tk
he- le n ilti'Thrday9iuititiutarch 2.
l corin t tiry oh. ueidptdaoti
iThe True Pantrot" Hwo5oCrosserl
-ow Parof 11-5-whch ul Carohr iss otocti-
(t ocg fr aha sortsay.san hirs

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