October 17, 1900

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October 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEC 1 , 1900. No. 21 FIGHT FOR THE PENNANT ot-c huled tat fr a half houro scrim- Candidates For Class Foot Bll Teams A nnouncenient mg tl, ok ftetetice team____ Ai otdstiteug b eacl Pretty Bace on in the Middle "est i-cl nIiilvtolt it-t- it The followinitg b t of (.hite football Our special line I-Wisconsain, Minnesota and Chi- smnt too tiit Indi au . Fatunt- cathas bo-iIenitndltoitilitl, DaItily offri...…

October 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAI[GY. K ~~~~~ ~Candidates For Class Foot Ball Team S o s gi~ __ _ ____________________ (Continued fom Ftrt Page.) . Pubised Diy3005o ondeced ii Soth 10. leii ls -./1 at a TSac!rifice Conlgeyerat Ilendoro iiKeley. Barber. Sad, . . tiEUIVRIYOFMCI lNMtsn. tilmoire SkiffMttt(at, Stew' ~ The say our ooes are gong will M oOT-IETY F IoCHIGAN ceiu Ionl i'e X thry,tathra,st- \surpise you, and the prices that A INo OFI...…

October 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SWHAT'S IN A NAME? w When its "GOODSPEE3D" on a garment it means: FIT---Enclusive Fashions Followers recognize the Perfection * of a "Goodspeed" garment. So different from the ordinary. ,,h Nigr Fal4ot."'HN Y BO S Ih MIHG NCENT AL STNDR PIANOS TOm, RENT Taking effect September to, IgoINoonte101a Schaeberle Music .Store, earNOAST.709 N.UNIVERSITY AoVENUE Atlaoil N Expes ........... 3. a We have on our tables an...…

October 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY O01 MICHIGAN DAILY A Excursion Rates F UL L LI NE WE CAN SHOW Y OI' wote than10 M ~TO ALL WIf lb tctitmade-to-neasute garte FOOTBA LL,01 ri btGOODRII Ageentfor the Best Tailorsan Go F0000S Can be found at Our Store1 7jJ1I1 S6CA K N heehan &Co. to( 320 S. STATE STREET,~ You can gjet a lVentschlcv, tb OTLUNCH ATAt Itt ttu 111is ikel t oii he11r'01111.1111'5 338 out SItte1t.1wo, 1rec( ed it( lit' t Ittli. Iamti Nitliil Jain the ci...…

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