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October 17, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-17

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K ~~~~~ ~Candidates For Class Foot Ball Team S o s gi~ __ _
____________________ (Continued fom Ftrt Page.) .
Pubised Diy3005o ondeced ii Soth 10. leii ls -./1 at a TSac!rifice
Conlgeyerat Ilendoro iiKeley. Barber. Sad, . .
tiEUIVRIYOFMCI lNMtsn. tilmoire SkiffMttt(at, Stew' ~ The say our ooes are gong will
M oOT-IETY F IoCHIGAN ceiu Ionl i'e X thry,tathra,st- \surpise you, and the prices that
A INo OFIdC-. BtRAN3O i c E eer o tt fiitltr . S tttwtsris, W 'n, e r ast sic t;. 33 sae tee.a king them go will surprise
BohPoe - ewSae-hn 12 l a i S ~nnbo fri1, you still more It will be profit
MAAIGEDITOR. ioiioe. tb 8(~i uglilitks, lliiry, si'k11, a-be for you to be ssiprised Drop
MANAINGStot-it S~cring, arktis Wilisiiososin today and try it.
00 I I. toN, 'ill S otet, Ii ttite. ilitisri.SH E O fD
r. E~e.>.nsr, 01 Rnlittcon.Iulii, Joses, Wilont,GAS'SHE T
P. ittoett otto 55 L IIafijeid fung, Surgeonti etaller, 1O S.M i tet
EDTEtBrtisgian ivMes, Quirk, Clitonei, -O p evnings uti ANN ARBOR, MICH.
AruigriS. 11 0. lriorn. S E.Tay lor, G rlp, Vougtht, NtsfsrBow-r
A, H. Mcito tt i.,OIttLS. Xw. A. Stosott, o1 L.. itniBiggs, O(I e iry, leatt3 ley itoe
Mss L. K. Soetoc 3 Ct t o s 'On )ug, Stiti, Suth, SEton, Cnltlt,
H. . WoRow'04 W.P. HAar,(itL tU- nle toeSigtor, M'eoreieis, lan- s-
_ _ d 1 o glero n-tuu, ilcox, MoCleIlansi.
Ow n, '. r, Sitevnrito, 't lllii. "e _______________
Thomps_____________________ i i ont ii 110. Jtrt-ti ii, Bradley, -
rl it .ei tt ptt ce tte M, t,,, t $50 BaeniiStittilz. Itlliuttt, Boo-kmowirtork-
Sur the cottiege tea, tttliitateo u1teiier or) t to ttt-,it Ziutitisiots, ro-tCllititO"-, ( '" i
teie otor trh att titer a te n tt rs - i r Sti nt ol. ittsiitt . i-ri-iit it-r Ar the pices in sone Of the e-
tiot is tbe aud t attit D~I~ytrce ac t~n ultoter. 11essititso f life. W iths our clothing
th~eyo a e ie ettted t o tp t. oelittitt Stu. ' t ttitiit-il iotkt-r, it's tqtite different, ever been sold
it eo to S t.,ttlet n -t3 ,i y
itt-i-cleper -1nor hae there eero
toIta rttly t tl t . y - - -beeti better goods or better valte
All rttes u tt itider tttii h n u t i ttetiosti, PItiu t nlm (it-utlnsi o
the affe t 3 p. i.tnn tedpe iot t at .l iIt-it o t lt-St-I illii-iiii ,5(ret-lityir -. " " - g ien than we are offering today.
('att Sitoilnd(it 11ltitea tote-h.dSTAEBLER HATTERS
tciont i B 0 tittc ; iD a ltentiontthI Whetry Wins Fall Tennis ChamAND21onout
i~1#nleanhendvio crai t~-ship. iitl-& VUERTH FURNISHERS Main St
Vis Ioliti f t-tihit slie i ngit hut ytit omettt i stait ke- iniy-estraoy t Isily '10,110 mi .1
eke itlil ott jn, otllI1 t i tioiitt t ttftpit d ostedeftin A T H ENS T H E1.A R E..
ita-ris o titiltomof theil0 n. It ton t Y trdaty- aftrntooti~"be'ry DFAN il. SEA BOLT, Crsee and Mqry).
teeit-t-- It- u-tell iin ie ilittl, 4-ti. a-. ______
I hatrtd tt -ltot ' i dead-i i i' 1 tii ue 46.St e ttii-ittta i te l titna slit
tutee,ltO or all(let ti hro willtLit lt- -i'ttytosItlcl hsF I ~ ~. 19
le it- nit t ae telnoiltp"vl rstdyyl h ets in atii -thec tIsrt o n otttr o T his Season's Suces ss Altred E Arons presetts the
yt,-rry ttt tttth Ooitotosuc0lit tt-chav yer. I tt iitloitttotiail itbtI itsGOLIGE ( US (zAIETY;i wn nnrt.Tebeitrihu, litoohl phus11herliatly- /y f
itt-tc i hle t- iie g I11,- tttildlt) t-in it i, Ottlti tottt oitisitLout_______me____________be_____p_____ ____________________________
know tititit ttto 3lnlg"In t- the liars-ye Kelly, Etintie Girirdot, Edwardh S.Abeles, Mat-it
top n Otetii . t ,Dil foSeatsit O'Neill, Snitz Edwards, Lawene Wheat, WlimBr
<tn nd~efintt Hnll rt eserved rosOlive Wsllace, Castol n Iletis, eorgia (Car-
uhispee. I isnot ttt~eier ier ye eat hat, Esther Mlaitei, Ethel Moore, Effie Fa,
ofe-li ihered :end tit5 Iiiiit Iand___FOR ____Maie Alen, Anie Dle, Rtuthi Mantel,
'iisnd"Hll11"ihn e in t ileiEthel l bag aiid CiORS O F o Stat-i.
field ot il(] tot-to :.httil nt irtit A ( 4Mots i New Yok 1 ons in Boston and 3 Months i hldiha
gaadltesoldloe Itt ii it iA n PRICES: Gallery 50 and 75c, ower Floor 75 and $100, First 8 Rows $150
- 5dno isili Iigd i tteir fts.tlSpecial Reseved SeS stle at H'ngtefer's State street.
stici lrotil Ot-lioto ltttieii iii it I fo ON SALE AT -OAOAOAC Z Z0 0A^0Q^
Ertnest Seon-Thomipson Seur ed Fo 1 itufii'r R 0
S. L A. Corsem ''~~ -IJISE111 itSliiEl ) )t15 t~tt
____Printed lectures for alt depart- " L I R PA R LO R
Ilt S 1,.1' . lieio t-ie tO s ott I it-eit-- menlo of the Universty. Type-
leietosct -t amest--- lSlton-Iltiellti Wriing and iniographig. REMODELED, REFITTED, EVERYTEING NEW
lttinit. t r ir a tabu-Redmnd, err Co GENUINEi j SI
tonl 11 irayEeightto it Sriltitiolt-otlidiesIl titloBANKERS, sHG RA E--
ottti oi ittlty totltg lst 41 Wall Street, New York C q q, T s o , CQ R T E
ioi'Ott it ilil liii tittHit-oti ll ii lt tiatot a generl bttititg bsinesse
lit ttoo i titer and iti lotte rI,01- Rt-ire epeito subjet todSctt Diriends DAILY h13U1L,'ttS (i- t1L Pttt{ING I EVENTS
iloitedlSoett I r is t t oiteltrt1IIi - a iSntertol sleted otiS reuittd, Act aso O It tso
Itolit.tI,Ai ptoit ighe 't~sltnd(11V alodsre alaygscmais r- E NInS Fisal Agents for snd negotiate theisSon f SLID AND RS TATE
poplini st Isarits olf tits ;re a e:t seurites outgtad sold on esmtnmiiottTO -T T
le<ir- totftii M ~ Setber Ne Y otttnge R EYNOLDS ROSENfTPt-n UI TRET
ila Litior rrretttseeingsssnet oapplication, Ji[l DD. E tlCtIt2CtONTlUTt~IONAtND SPiLIES,
The1tiioeoreitg I isttii It-tes vortk PHILADE~LtHIA GGPFIONIENT5 *7 SrTA[ AND StH OTATtRSHEAN,
Tributi-of Isiutit;2 GRAHAM, KERR & Co 207 E. Washington Street. 11HATSiSIC GAS AND) iLttClc FITREiS.
'I iritig'-te los) er111'al 3coi toh ouHIt' __H___GRADE_________MANTELS____________AND______GRATES._________
rletIS tettttitleoork, itotlt to 1 rilcte itith
tos. hr trttt, to i ta tti~t t o ftt cititg

ttotv inittto polrityle htotobeentrtay-
,vaing anilt-wctritngto-it-totodtay duritng4
this t tsottr tuoitlis, stud =hissdeli.+ht- pusu la , flu
s'tt thore -wierrs than niy leetutrer In THlE JHlOEMN : s
Snite lycentis, hits audiences beinug 015155t 218 S. MAIN ST. ~
scttlly<cesitipoecti osfyung laeotle stud
gslawtsvllul s-tt

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