November 19, 1903

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November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan liai l VOL. XIV. Vo XV.ANN ARBOR, MICH-., THURSDAY, NOVEMBE~R IQ, 1903 No. 47 [OUJR "rOREi PRACICES. CI1ICA60OWRIT~E3SOPINION' YOST WILL STAY HEIRE. WSCOSIN PL[ASI1P. On Ferry Field Before the Wolverine Leave For Chicogo-Signal Work Last Night-Large Score Looked For Against Oeri~r Yost's xwhrwinis will tave onl torathe iceIis on Fe(rylield'i before against the Ma'rns nx Mariixsxti Field Ttanksgivig xiiy. t ichian will practic...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annollleffenl IheLIat cand \lot (ompete Lin of:.. WOOLENS in Ainn Arb oortilliefoutnd at C=. I. Wild & CWS. 181 <st. Wash i tont St.Gr etit palin havi- been taenini ttio Slio or ttl. tttingS, tr itring-, t ot] coti 108 E. Wash. St. SStewart Edward White *THE FORESTf® « Th~or~..n l~t'n.y A i O A oot Itali orithe. charmiiianii o the greasti tie! t hs tueu ' sid Dir i. hl it o that iu."has wod itiia Lathie masttes iif s...…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TUIE SHORUT LINE: ANN ARBOR to " 't ou ~L1 lloaigIV artile IA lii p u)eiO' traeainisthe f; CHICAGOladanalthsyoaseoh-sn krhaebn0' BUFF'AL-O yuin)ttmt w alfori ittay df r tCasof NEW YORK trtittl AND BOSTON 1111E "4K[RS Of COLL[G[ CLOTHEU1S + With drt c I il iitin t CAl (Stun foi, Si. r' Lo is Kan tt i siii Cie it. t.iit iuii' h es: 4. (tlllAAAAAI ("o c((lt os tnL1ty al ii ?'l Forihnoai on a t i to it t Si 5~llonol .t. Ay',11....…

November 19, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i TII RA' I7I( l I i ,5SOM'II's Ii. } A 017 lILA! TI/ll 1Y/l 0111H I SA $.0 BTNOLES Y...................... (;roten in turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. N Eni6yed in America. "MOuL SMOKE MAIMLS EGYTIiAN SM'OKELRS d ~ Cork Taps or'lain.. L f P The W. C. KernlCo, 41E57ih St., Chicago. (} aps and Gowns nntadc to ori A, 7 der and iented. Pennants for all colleges and ill I - fraternities carried " i _ 'in Stock. cASe /4.& '~tv Cla...…

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