The Michigan liai l
No. 47
On Ferry Field Before the Wolverine
Leave For Chicogo-Signal Work
Last Night-Large Score Looked
For Against Oeri~r
Yost's xwhrwinis will tave onl
torathe iceIis on Fe(rylield'i before
against the Ma'rns nx Mariixsxti
Field Ttanksgivig xiiy. t ichian
will practice lehiiiiilharrud gatescti-
ilay .aiditomiorrowI xxiaixdlmecti Oberli
Salturdaix. itMinday andi1 ii'xil'i' (li
finivshin ntces ill xibi Iin,ioniithe
leave lfor thici'i \uiWednesdia.
'Tle'Oberlxinigainxe is xciig"con
siulealexinteresti is thel ist iiimii
ganei, andxsecu'latixnis x i; n th
size oflthlie xc'iceI isxeiellixe
lievedl lhai Coichlxst illxviigie")i
attiieint iion hiiiioe iprt aii ui
itoletixexd aainixst iiCh xicaadileti
tliiiscre taike care ofiitsliii Ni
chxxance ofi injury' toitielemcnvwoivi
lis e Iakexnx anxd i iin'ye ciii i the
gain theii xecnd x ilhlf. he1902
(liii i xx gamecxresxuliteixin avicory
lo ie xgaica toi0iand Iaiithex'Ohioi
xxxigx'c ,aiolii alexix' cxosiered a
a "are ciii'xpxiieitedl Sxiiurdalyx
The cixoenixconiioxifixFxrryiie ldi
mxxxix'a xscrxmna"e xxlnib'xix'Lisi
night axdixhelightestxix liiof xigaa
xxiiik xas xinduxl'e'xin.Alherei
1 ix xcre ini xlix lne-nnx i thxx lxix x
The men ofxth iiii'r lieraryclas
xo's Blli xxi x'riy evenig, N xxiiilx
20, a :0.e ax r'lxxCatxincgx
Coi. xxiixxxix'. lii" xilibexhe irslxx
''stii"i afxlir f thilxs
Pla xxxx'i xha xxxiibiieiininaarn 'frsmixi
xiiielfo'rxan ''xxioyailexi'' xi iandxii
a banqxuxe iniiixii iiliic lbutxxi lii-
ity. iThextaxitx xiiii xe xbifaxidi to
xiihexixxoiint esixixix di'xisxxd'illxi
bex of gener~xal xiteretxtothe lass-
pla x a llxixsin o c'ngIl
nmesxitoxxanxiv iie xof'1lxx( follingvxi
Iis, andxBliaix.
ixnterxsxinxxx iiifiiiaiiiti lk atii rhxi
A. onxthelsubjxctiofx..Thexi lxxx Lxife.Iii'
He xxxiiaidatxtheidexiillie' xasx xxxi
lie phiyialxxx'einti'lxiin cixccral go
ccxxix iare i'xquallv blaxnced.i''il hisi
ieaxasxxixldxii thel Geeksi lix
taxightlbyxthe'r" 'Iilivix lxxx x But the
iieal lix' axIagtilivCliisiaitxis
sxxexxingxxmorxxic'tlan xxxirxxixa xxxii
plucte lie'-it xsasox aixxxuxxelxsh ix',
givn c ouxx of xxitself txoiiother.x.x Onxxof
thli est''xxappaxx'cesx Ioxa liein iet enuywx fla o r lix
clxxxi. 'hxi'gixixan nxxxii xp'xecedx
thxat mxxxy lixsxanx be,'liii'lau
cixonx's, great.lixefrei iiiwhxoxe wril
yelt alt can lxxgin o lxxxixwxuixielishx
nessi, acxiii sxibleginxixgcaxi lxe mae
iii cxxllleiglii xlixebttrtaxnlaer.
Aftex a vatcatxiioof thxieexweexix
tixixAll-Frexsx teaci will lie calexi xiii
xxix etxx itsaxixlitxypagaina r i
Coach Johnson'sx xpxiiiege ihae eexi
iracating iilyibuxl have ieen unble
lxo secure sactixfactxry date. Thet
Freshxmaxn cimeetithe peedy earni
reipreening' the Michgaxn Schxooii fox
the Deaf at Flint, xon Saurdaly.
Seatxsfnc tie Chicago game will le
on cle at Mteyr's Newandciatci9
o'clock this morning.
The vrice of scala will lie: ie-
txw'cn 45-yardliInea, $3.011; briwirn
30 caxl 45-yardline'a, $2.10;ibetxweexn
30 end 25-yard linca, $1.511,accxlcli
other seats $2.00. 'There wilIlibe noI
L' '!
. ,
Record-Herald Football Expert Thinks
Michigan Will Gain Champion'
Greatest Coach ini the World Will Di-
reel the 1904 Eleven-Michigan
Men Are Enthosiastic Over His
Decision-Has Never Coached
a Loser.
H-lve Friendly Feeling Towarda Mich-
igan&Admire Michigan Spirit sonl
their Sportsmxanlike Conduct.
xli ,i xx lii lxxxi ia' Iilx xx I li lxi 0x\'iix xc x
xxxiii xii xT e xalylCaxinaioxciuseniii
a iixeixx ' 'xexiii'rnxxxxi ii. ie cxdii cx a rrxx is Yos ''x'xxxx'xhadxx 1 ii xx'cx xx "'y xxi xxxxxii
c ii 'il x diuofico'ntrol. aindi xxii Yostu heiIdim1lfiillxi Wxexcuxrosini'tiaxviindi lxxxii Xl
lx' xxi' xmen lxx iil'e x xx xthxxxieyxuu xx xx'cxx iixre'xi xxxaiixx'xuxxx' li xxai li
xl iexixurexxiiitlyxiixasuaured iixixiiii lxxxof is patsxxxix I x xi xxiiioya 'y byxthexWol
ii x xi xxxxx Ii iii in 1x aixe ~ie xii ix ill n lr . f ]ik a n lxix ea
h'exxi l'loam 'at" l xii li 'ii ~ 'ii ix ' ineax' xixli' "i'ai'xi cxxiix :il xuixxE ixi ua ihil x'uxxrx'I a'ri
d xl t 'Ilamnte n and 1 a i' liii'un 1r'once'Co''''''' was'witex'f xiei
lineon''hau s'e ' ay.'ersfy a t liex sci e'snix' xxxix ,xx xx inxxiii eiiiw'elii''i'i'''i'i'i tlifilll-
iuuciuxul gauxx 'uuixe
W iiii'cnsnx'x I d1l b l hee el ''ieve 'xerxxx'lx e~ s(b e o'ti lx xc.xiil iixi ii i xienii C xiii) x r I i n A bot a ul e
xxiuponlax'bx'xnIs''c'areerxuinix Ii xxixby
IIxx xiux xx ixu xi xxxciixuxexxl'l e'' lxix x i i i a ixa
"xxaixr xxin 'the iii'rxxixlxxxxatiiIlat shoxii "x'axh ax l 11xxxix xxxir xx iii ''x xlii' 1'with h iis xnec
Ax xxx l x iiliiia" 'ii xxiatxiIho _ ii .it'suxlc all rcx'l ii' IA x xii x xxiixi xixe\
t iiarre x'iiistiii' ii(xxx' l inxx cxxio xxxx'ihe xitit ftege ts c h r xxxns i x lnketx xleliiireidl 'xiierry
xxi 'xi h"a'' til' lx~ x.xixIu muxu liii '"fluxld, lii'ex Tei' exx is ('xa he xxi iiant
!'xl M payrliinihewuhen lxx l l xxui iii ahuh xxi Tomxxi 11r ,a1.~
'ouisxdoubtllorexsx .xxmxxifxde''exx'
routd xxx'thii"s ixuixl ta;xxxi;ka xi xliandNxxxixa B dgexwa
v isi irIii'xl iiii theixi'xxx'u at txuc u iiuxi FsicareSr Y Stho ilyETY t mlrE i n - ''x llxxx xi xxi'x'
c of the' l Hadxlx' i i x' xx ' lxx' k O cO'xx l xx'ixxx''xi'v l ayiii i txxloosiiiotr
'xxx i' xi x ilNiiiixixi'I'uulxiixifrm d bl. 1lxiiis xu oa h Yothaacn i.lxi xi "O e fANCY UlastS pArtYm ni
layi xxx' lxx'w'xl''(xga' iscnsnihrilngxisseent xxxces ''xyar is grd inxxxix xxx iv xix ioi illegeiiath
Ii xx xxxxvcxI 'xx' 'c xxix' 'xxiixx'ax iiiixiiixi ii uxvulii dlxx alx ii'' lxxx e (an
gins i" earlyiiitoiih(x xxi xxx x'oreinsucitor.xxi liiY'sxi' atlx'xxixciii
I i Ati iii xx i'i'xinoii'lii'i x(l xii 00of fota xxafixs x ori an hcriii x bor l Ax. xxiiiof lOf xxW~i
m:x ixl vii liii' exx C xI''l'xxxe Con xeueirluan ' xxa.wxalth ixxi~.xxmier axxi xx s(e it,'xx Ix'''u' ixlxi
r-i to theiI'el of xan l(he xre
the An x Ar xbiliiiicc xiier, ixthe inew i lo ior Wisxiinliii' Ciiachxxxiitxxiioli
l xxxix lxii'' l ix xxxix lxxt'eiii ilandi' guix xxxiifourthixy i'i'iii
rhanynon oftilt W,, oi th> gr;d 'rand wit ou coahes xnd ith aax
and psitix ion wi''ii )viii d soiwlxxxi x ,x -ci=xxofuit)(,iiteam, anitilxxxthextrainiiiefi
atinux tiax Iilxi xxi uxnx''''seie'ms x'ixv xx xii liixxiux xi lxxii au's 'xi h' xxxxx x
ii ii' ul''''Iul 'x ('lxxvxx1illof Axhelxxxx' c IIiaiuixiixWe
Thexiiii xii I idliiiaii xxxiii ''xxi '_uixix
tines mayL eAT ap oc hefr _tix I 'I S I i cixi' ai xew i'clay axIid itsxx xiiist auux'ANCYi iDRESS'"'PARTY.i lx
he x iiixxiiiiixii xi iiiixl xi xii xiilixx ciiir 90 t mpixxmetxixV*s H 1l astx xx i i'iixxxi l~'' iiixi' i
lxx' 'xroixxiii' hilixxix xx fixixxix xxxixall loo iig xior-
'ouui !' x x c " x I lxx ilx cxl ail ii xv I lxixa xixwas 'att xied cx'v'x' ad ccc xlfa cy reiiiar}it ix
xxxiiiandiCraver.' laiii x ix placxxiin1Inlxxiii xillxxiiintsiTai lx Ii
ha 'xxxi xxxe. n d Ix xsx ,c aniii lxx ix 'x' ofu'l e'i gial uaxiii gii lassxxxiii dxi slta i iiost i i abl, u' t e al
aox-offexxxivexxiamxxxii ofiYlal. l prei "xx xriiity s'sm e , i h 11- ,vacf i n i ts charmix '' hxlix sx
ous ux-ilixl''' xu'"lxlahaigiorti xi'xauxi' ixiof xxx xxxii xi ofx thei'ipii''ent
'xi ns xxix lxxaxii 111 I Chxiiiago xil A r iti e t as i g on )c i aiii x i th b re l g o es u
'nued x 'alot ofi mproiil xx iisxl'' iix r erixxx'v s in C ar e of I 'or , l-'iii xli'xx dxx m es' x i nli heavxy, xx xi
'xu d x'o xlxmxuch xux'e l cx'xl xxxx DaviTTand FoMl. ho A rANCsisixtedix ibl
xxxlu'uxu--x'xxxxux xxxi xxxii lxxx' xi i'' 'xix' x iiisilkslxiand .satinsi xiiiuixixiwishuxxaxxxx-
xlxxixxxforex x'tryi' xslt'duuxui x xiiiTae 0 x uuxuli ix uxiux xianxdxx trximlxi' x iii ors;v xl uc le
uxi'i''~uuxx c ixu x-'x'x ]sled ix oxcig pxrepaingcxxvii poi Iixto',ixx
liii'iiix l'iuxs'ioiiu'tlxxx eal xx Tit. lx i uuxixxTansa-ici ixnx'ii' xxi iii x ails, iWecxxI i ansl x iln
I g andxi ug" xxe isiii yexiii a lxie 11'xxixi x'wxhl xxi cxi ciuugJi x xxc iap cxiiie xxnxdnipie( c c xxitcvillxi
xiiiic. Thxuprxultxxi Iacccx'cliirlxxii -o'xacx i i muii yxxioxrx'ibievw is xx
hie ciIl xup lxxsxitito an atrp l r airxfreit in v uxuix lxwx
'x~~~~~~~~~xlo e .e re uari~n i xas cxuirxd lto gila i '.- lxx' xxii Th xliuliixx a cvvx a u 'el cmeuxin xx huui dlien neiw
ft. waup cxxx acnl(liei parloxrIu ofh thex hl axxxciigvxcacvxcu uuI xx'bo xxix o a n odcchxrxxv iu'pix.xx'ng
,wixgde x uuixxxlc, xiis icnei xxx lc h g xxxexxi iiintcl E T R P M H .F AN CKxc i03 xxixxxislxi xx. E ery cmixux -ixh itgshe
acdsx oo an rniiuiherexluxluhl g hexu ,c x uu x Dai al do xeuieets,1a ax f(,hi Faxpssily'x dhax woxux ii ciyuxxxuiuiixx
slvhut-nx noyd o e oftcost r m H r rnic0 hoi a 5iixi lxxsaxoi suux.lilv'ar'gexu'llx iui txIheexxiiciisx 'x no fearic fc rowd- cxx
lei'htfu uluxoat ve neenidxihx 5iix i in 19pals-gradu te workaet IHrad gc lcxxi hd h g cv ilxx
gi ihxOxmx' uaixxvxu xn xi a igv alaici hgh lx'hever cxxihune ersonsxbincxx
hex aosaitilxiv h a ll. hu lii. liItaeccedl thei deg at fHra betoxuxi xdann i c eix ati thvy sAn n elxime lcx ixh
bsy aaicpxxxr ]'f acnoxs xxduxxugxinuw aDuvicllii utc iinclxx inc he. Alarxg' enanoriy
Thurke- Fllowinghis is ux hunrmaneroWIrat'c.nn aicC L RD G IIO L DA O Sc cv ixic yxu pa hi;llwillh Stihart ciii
ofcxc w re -en 2) alfr uxmfw i'xisle hxifxhaiulbaikuhaxxit edu t ox bImxpvc wealcogxmed yi, snixu' il xxxx
nicE.Legg21,oflhh e AnniAis borac us ic lex wxc huslohanheanologmcie bxxxieartAP a MMAtsenoy entERTndaIen.
p etd thed ixigeal I,. iuonc e t sarlxx .Ii ei a mux he a huxen cvvaromxx Bos onxl fapxvo sesc t T u 'K p A l spci(l inmia tSivon isy
prygry ixcatincd ith sevelxx alxxicc- 'l'xxxaciicamtheilayk c hx ingo ln ll gail e nc luma t hrstuc uieatux
ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a sheeanlsasx g]nd.jlies;itvno ya t e nl