March 23, 1893

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March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…c je tt* o , t . a ln. VOL. III.-No. 1 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 2"', 1893. PRICE, TiENE CENTS. FACTS ABOUT HAWAII. Hon. W. H.Castle Gives a Iighly Interesting Lectureaen "He- wani and Annexation. Lat veelea 11in1 111ersil y IHal Il . toll ' R, C alie tel iveredothi1 seon lecture211221 on1 tile 'Ila(iVilln arĀ° t; t In llt t fo\ltl ll I. ~ ,,, )1msT1;1111ii.~ oh ilc lec~t 1101~iSt~n1511beI TRACK ATHLETES AT WORK. ovrthrlo...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sundays excepted) duriaa the Conllegre yrar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subecriptionxprice per year, invariably .n ads-ance Single cnpies 3 cents. Subscrip- tones may be lerr at tbe onfce oit the DAILY, at Stnffiet'n, swith any nf the editors o authnrized slicitors. Ccmmunicatinns shoutld reacth tbccffbce by 7 oclcek P. x. if they are en appear the next Jay. Address all mtier intended fnr publica- ionatn the...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREA CLOHINGSALE ALL OVERICOATS AT 4 OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF. We have made arrang;ements 'with A. Benjamin &f Co. to take ordlers for their elegant and NOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. Their samples are now ready for inspection and we wouldl be plleased. to have you ('All and inspect them. See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & R ULE. r TWO 8s M. Ann Arbor Savings Bank ' Ann Arbor Mic...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY IEASY f1i~ Ff~IA 11ONLY $1400. IN r kng.I, 'i1'II. 'IIr5y5 IN 11 011 11(71" CALKINSW .SE PHA RM A CYI.EY 34 Suth tateStret,71 TIRS. C -LUETTS NEW COLLAR, L4 11 0 1,71 l~l MOORE &WTMORE OOK STORES NO- 6 SUTHMAIN STREET OTJ SY SS O IN1'.71V -.7N71I (D 'l) i ' ). ) P L) illrd (071'IpCLI aii. c 41A Pi~, a. L r, x E-'' . F i OJ EU _ 3 . 1' U3 of 7 (I. C-> 7 II17 to r<1 i 11711 r711i ( ]1:) 4 P F- iN711 -- 710 (V.A...…

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