November 06, 1925

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November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…T,, ESTABLISHED 1890 LY t1kan ~Iaih APRESS ----- ". i,." VOL. XXXVI. No. 40 FRESHMIENSELECT LASS OFICIALS; NINE CANDIDATES NOMINATED FOR MAJOR POSITION IN LITERARY COLLEGE BURSLEY SPEAKS Ellen Grinnell Named Vice-President, Mary Alice Moore, Secretary; Wachs, Treasurer Harlan Cristy, '29, took the presi- dency of the freshman literary class from a field of nine candidates when he received 174 of the 313 votes cast at Hill auditorium ye...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…D TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1925 COMMUNiTY DRIVE TO START SUNDAY1 Sixth Aiuiiial Callpal-grn'°or 1Eleve Of City' ( s Org ukat ezvh- '11() Be Iau g iri ,, 1 GOAL SET AT *521225 Setting its goal at $52,225, the sixth annual campaign drive of Ann Arbor's Conmmunity- fund 'association will be launched Sunrday mornin.An initial gift of $1,000 wras -x Cen;Fei by iiie as-I sociation y-estc'day. Eleven of thei ty'1,s ocialsr~e ...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, NOr VMBER 6, 1925 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THR' rHF MICIITCAM DAT! Y PAGE Tfl1~EW T 1 } in their quarters in thie neW building~ WO L Y W L A K NEW A THLETfIC OFFICES for sohie time.1( W, O 1,EY l[[ 91K( !No {lerfnl ,ie latuas Been set for t he ~QNTRA SPO TATON EADfFO O1CUPNCofhork oil ue odofc inl ii fc 31(aIc.ii ,UciV 11. It. is prob~able 04 'D,,o 11ustraailed Lectures) i c 1al ii , , hiat t Huuest ion will lbe settled by WI e v...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…PACE FOUR THE FMTrT4HC AN T)AYL V a a a 1-,r 17114.,.1 t 1 \,: .3-11 t ,1.1t-Vi L-P, I FRIDAY: NOVE~MER .6.i192 I,,ar and upon equality and justice be- tween all nations, great and small, ,shall be formulated and adopted. -, y e Mna (c) When war is outlawed, the durngt},e unrsity yar by the Board in~ Coto tudnt Publications. Permanent Court of International - Justice shall be granted affirmative, of etern Conference Editorial jurisdiction...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, NC VEIIBER 6, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY %" I.: :, "; 4 1 P-P - -N 0 Trjiv r, . WI CIAgoCBINET rHOLDS OPEN MEET 1rsenta2res of Student Friendship Fund Speak on European S tuation NE 'D AMERICAN HELP Outlining the work of the American division of the European Student re- lief and emphasizing the spirit of impartiality with which it carries on its work, Mr. Conrad Hoffman, trav- eling secretary of the World Student Christian f...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…PAGE S~IX ..,,,W r r THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER E, ;1!25 ________________- A IT lit- I v FORE I GN f f .1 W ,' WOLVERINES LEAVEIs T ATTI R1 PDIIL F i } ! 1 .j -r.e nvistmas Air TourHAHBIERS ENIRAIN osesL FOR URBANA MEET I I UU R IILL 1UIiI LLB Herrnstein Replaces Gregory; Oter Runored tliages Fail T Materialize EXPECT HARD GAME Determined to conquer Northwest- ern, and to keep its goal line uncross- ed, Michigan'...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, NVEMI3ER 6, 1925 THTE MICHIGAN DATLY r A P.M . A D V R T IS I N GU CLOSES gCLOSE$ A C3 M ADVERTISING AT 3 PM Appointed Viceroy f l i illllililliliill ll llililll111i li ililllllllllll il#I i111111 i 1ll I1ltlli i l l, News Fro Other Colleges Frog, Chicken ad Steak Diners Served at - W'tASHINGTON- Umiversities an.=d term. The final decisions wrill ],c! BOULEVARD N colleges in the United States have a made at th( cnd of te ilemes...…

November 06, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 40) • Page Image 8

…PAGE MOOT .____ '4--7--, THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'RT'b-k , N0VMMTrR -I25 ~A~ ~tflTFR... ,.. ..~, 92 .DLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI FRIDAY, N OVEHBER f, 1925 NumbEr 4) Notice to AllFaculty Members: At meetings of the Regents held January 10 and April 25, 1919, the Boar...…

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