a a a 1-,r 17114.,.1 t 1 \,:
.3-11 t ,1.1t-Vi L-P, I
I,,ar and upon equality and justice be-
tween all nations, great and small,
,shall be formulated and adopted.
-, y e Mna (c) When war is outlawed, the
durngt},e unrsity yar by the Board in~
Coto tudnt Publications. Permanent Court of International
- Justice shall be granted affirmative,
of etern Conference Editorial jurisdiction over international contro-
versies between sovereign nations, as
The ,.!,cejted bress is exclusively en provided for and defined in the code
fttlc to the us e for republication *of all news.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise and arising under treaties.}
credited in this paper and the local news pub- 3. Should the signatories fail within '
te .two years to make such a declarationt
____ _ ..
- ,
. 1 141 L1i'3,. .L L' 1 L Yi.i i.R ll. 1 'G'
va s .. . oR9 " e]cc r : _ "t .._..- ]
The article on the sports page (we
have one you know, just a little fur-
ther on in the paper) in which it gavej
the comment of the Ntav men when
TONIGHT: The Play Production
classes present "Three Live Ghosts"
by Max Marcin and Frederick Isham
in University hall at 8 o'clock.
* * *
Special Bargains
We are running bargain tables at both stores. Displays are change
twice a week. Prices are so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these
bargains individually. It will pay you to watch them each week.
Grahtms Bft ooks
At. Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, and to join in a conference, the United
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate they returned, to Annapolis was in-
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- States may withdraw its adherence to
mnaster Genieral., deed illuminating and edifying. It
symail,the Court Protocol; should the nationsddy
t n by carver, $3.5;by a fail within five years to make a gen- shiows that while a Navy team may be
Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-eral treaty embodying these princi- badly defeated it cannot be beaten.
rs Editorial, 425; business, 21214. es, the United States shall withdraw We might make so quite novel com-
__________________________ - ~thereupon.
EDITORIAL STAFF The Harmony Plan does not satisfyj mnt on the spirit which Sailors have
Telephone 4925 Ithose who believe that the United always shown, men like Dewey andI
States should join the League of Na- Farragut, all of which would be true,
MANAGING EDITOR tions openly, as advocated by Wood- but too trite to be worthwhile.
GEORGE W. DAVIS row Wilson; neither does it please the It was not so much the fact that
nationalists who would follow thel
Chiy Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield principles set down by Washir.gton they did not attempt to establish an
News Editor...........Manning Housewort and stay clear of all foreign entangle ibi; but that they voluntarily ad-
Womnen's Editor............ Helen S. Ramnsay
Sports Editor .... Joseph Kruger ments. It-is a compromise, and like mitted exactly what happened. It
Tlgah Editor .William Walthour I
Mele ra nd Dr.. lam obert B. Henderson; all compromises, fails to provide a was obvious, we believe, that after the
Siga t Editors strong, definite procedure. first few minutes of play the Navy
iard . Crsby Tonard C. Koykka Open approval of the League of Na-
I Vilar B.Croby Ton~s V Kokkamen were swept off their feet by the
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson tions and participation in its activities Michigan defense which was more
Assistant City Edito hi ' would attain the ends sought by th nearly a forward drive, and an offense
[rwin Olian rederick H. S o Harmony Peace plan - and would a as irresistable as lightning. It is not
Gertrude E. Bailey Stanford N. Phelps tain them faster, more simply, and as tame slihtning. It is not
Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt more certainly. The plan would easy to admit such a thing. It i
estoamttaantetemi Philip C. Brooks Mi Reed pug h ntdSae akit
L. Farnum Simon Rosenbaum plunge the United States back into he better, but it is far less difficult
Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal Ithe whirlpool of European conflict - the te bt it ar ledfu
Edgar Carter Wiltort A. Simpson. Ititan to admit that an opposing eleven
Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair h the one argument against the League
Douglas Doubleday Courtlan C. Smith - and would not provide the interna-verwhelmed you.
Mary Dunnigan James n. Sprowian . o*v*ie
ames T. Herald Stanley Steinko tional improvement that could be .
lizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa Tapson This department offers a tidy sum
Marion Kubik Henry Thurnau wrought by American co-operation to anyone who can determine any-
Walter H. Mack David C. JVWhpes ihteIege oayoewocndtrieay
Louis R. Markus Chandier J. Wpple with the League thing about Mr. Jesse Lynch Williams
Ellis Merry Cassam A . Wson j owever, a compromise is better
c1.rvt1ic anmnimto h i ht fronm the
Martinez Sierra is
matist, and in "The
which Masques are to
a Spanish dra-
Cradle Song,"
present as their
annual play in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall this Tuesday and Wednesday
evening, he has taken the quiet pathos
and irony of Spanish convent life to
make a subtly moving tragi-comedy.
The play on the stage may possibly be
undramatic; at least it will require a
most expert interpretation.
Yet it is, with all its quiet humor,4
a very grateful, sympathetic work,
and perfectly adapted to an all-girl
cast. In many ways it is the counter-
part of "The Cloister," which the
Mimes produced several years ago,
only a much more human and rounded
drama than Verhaeren's unhealthy,.
neurotic tragedy. It has the sunlight
and grey joy of the Latin tempera-
ment; it has the touchstone to the
world within its grave cloistered
And there is a part in it, the role of
Sister Joanna of the Cross, which
paints a portrait of feminine beauty
and suffering, even heroism as the
idiom goes, almost unequalled in
literature. This figure of a woman
with her boundless mother instinct
that must be suppressed, bringing up
the child Teresa, who has been thrust
upon the mercies of the nuns as a
foundling, and finally the closing
scene as she gives the.girl to a young
man in marriage, and so back to a life
of renunciation, a're touched with the
deep glow of the world well lost.
Marguerite Goodman is playing
Teresa. She is the finest actress on
the campus.
* * *
Irving ar olisIJS
707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212
With the Old One
and get a
Re ]aVe the most modern equip1
Ient for wa ing Collegiate Hats and;
they are the REST values on thel
campus-(ustom), mae and to fit any
head. We also malke old hats looki
like new.
617 Packard Street. Phone 744.1
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State St.)
-. _._.
The irresistible musiC, the
pleasant surrounding, and the
congenial crowd make Gran-
ger's Academy the popular
institution that it is.
Wednesday - Friday - Saturday
Heen Morrow Thomas . Winter than nothing. The deadlock that has
Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszkeg
kept the United States inactive in
BUSINESS STAFF world affairs ever since President
Telephone 21211 Wilson returned from Paris should be
broken and perhaps the Harmony
BUSINESS MANAGER !"Peace plan will offer a middle ground
BYRON W. PARKER'on which the two rival camps may
------ 1meet. It is a step in the right. direc-
Advertising."................ J. Finn tion and should the League once
Advertising......-......T. D. Olmsted, Jr-
Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. more meet the disapproval of-the rep-
Advertising...... ..........Win. L. Mullin
Circulation . .... .... H. L. Newman resentatives of the people in Congress,
Publication....'........Rudolph Bostelixani will offer a course of action that is at
Accounts ... . ........... ,... Paul W. Arnold+
Assistants least aimed in the right direction.
Ingred M. Alving S. 11. Pardee _______________
George H. Aniable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow CLEAR THIE DECKS!
lohn iH. i5orink Robert Prentiss
Elden W. Butzbach Wm. C. Pusch
. JzCox Franklin J. Rauner The fighting colonel is once more
Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan
lanes R. DePuy Margaret Smith on the warpath. A full week of sil-
Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland ence on the advice of Representative
T: Kenneth Hlaven Win. H. Wearne
J. E. Little Eugene Weinberg Reid, while the court argued about
Frank E. Mosher Wm. J. Weinman the technicalities of whether Colonel
F. A. Nordquist
Mitchell could be tried or not, was too
save nis approxlmaie eg91 1011L
interview with him which appeared in
yesterday's M. and D. dept.
A great salness has come upon us
again. This time our life is darkened
by our past sins. For all these years
we and our predecessors have been
joshing the B. and G. boys, and never
did we think that some day we should
become one of them.
* * *
Alas, friends, we are now among
them. We receive forty cents an hour
about once a month for services ren-
All Wool Pre-Shrunk in Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not. Fade.i
At Only
$ 5t
Manufactured by
much for the colonel himself-and
FRIDAY, - VBER 6, 1925 he evidently spent the time preparing
a new set of charges that equal in im-
Night Editor--WLLARD B. CROSBY portance those of the past few months.
-When he takes the stand next week)
Mi i e e t S I- -.
Tomorrow iic igaln" L
worthwestern on the gridiron.
Praised by critics as the greatest
teamI In tie country, every 311ehi-
gan mai and woman is eager to
see the Wolverines emerge as
victors, and with an uncrossed
goal line, if possible. But more
important than maintaining an
impressive string of victories is
the maintenance of that spirit
that has ever been Michigan's,
and which rests in the hanuds of
the team and the students who
accompany it to Evaiston.
a new bombardment of naval authori-
ties will be in order.
That the war department has been
guilty of "almost treasonable admin-
istration" in permitting foreign pow-
ers to peril the Panama canal; that
$200,000 was paid to a Germn crew
to sail the Los Angeles to this coun-
try; that sending aeroplanes overland
without parachutes is "criminal neg-
ligence;" that an unnecessary number
of lives have been lost in the army,
navy and postoffice aviation services;
that the arnty hinders the issuance of
propaganda by the air service - these
are a few of the bombshells that Col-
onel Mitchell is expected to explode
during the two or three lays that he
is on the stand next week.
Such action is of the type that isr
expected of Mitchell. The charges
that he faces are not such as to allow
quibbling over the constitutional
points; they are drastic charges and
must be met with incontrovertible
dered, nevertheless that is enough to All plays are divided into three
make us professional, and so we are
a B an G.boyThik wat hisde-parts: comedy, t'ragedy, and unparal-
a B. and -. boy. Think what this de- leled hokum. Of these, "The Cat and
partment has come to when it gets the Canary" since Maestro Cohan's in-
into the hands of the B. and G. dept! comparable "Seven Keys to Baldpate"
*ac*en nh. e --and what a hash the picture ver-
An article appearing in this perfect sion was! -is the example par ex-
paper stated that the cast of "TheIcelence of the American thriller at its
Cradle Song" Masques' annual play npeak. Horror, thumbing-of-the-nose,
which will be presented to the local cedk. pre slapick ae
) comedy, and pure slapstick are all
theater lovers next Tuesday and mixed in as mad a jumble as the
Wednesday, have become so engrossed theater has ever known. And what an
in their parts as nuns that it has be- olla podrida!
come a common sight to see one of I have seen the play four times, and
these part-time nuns at the Union of a when it appears at the Whitney thea-
week-end sitting out a dance with her ter tomorrow and Sunday evening I
hands folded, etc, etc. shall see it again. The audience yells
We doubt that statement, first of and shrieks until they have to stop the
all, it is not among the habits of nuns play: such thrilling bombast has al-
to attenddances in monasteries;and ways been, since the days of Moliere
secondly anyone who sits out a dance and the commedia dell' arte, the
I at the Union should risk a chance of theater's most legitimate excuse. A
catching a bad cold. And nuns are truly great play .
never supposed to have colds. At
least they never carry handkerchiefs
in pictures or anything. If all the COMEDY CLU'B
girls in the cast are nuns, they will Arrangements have just been com-
certainly nake the best looking con-pleted to present the first production
vomit ever assenibled. Per~haps tis is on any stage of Colin Canipbell Cle-
just as well. If all nuns were of that ments' "The Beginner" as the second
caliber, there wouldn't be much dif- production of the year by Comedy
ference between a convent and League Club on January 12 and 13.
house. You just couldn't keep the , The play is a melodrama of post-1
Smen away. war Paris in six scenes and a pro-
; * * logue, and moves in its cycle from a
If "The Cradle Song" were movieiz- insane asylum through a continental
ed the title would, no doubt read, circus to Heaven . . . Marguerite
"Conventional Love" or "The Sisters' Goodman and Robert Henderson will
assion.,,play the leading 'roles.
The Famous Golden lule
Phone 9736
And ask that a representative of the NASH CO. call upon you to
show samples and styles and to take your measu refor suit or
overcoat of which you will be proud.
Sone of the best dressed people you meet cre wearing Nash clothes.
ook for this advertisement on Tuesday and Friday of each week.
Tailors of Cinuionat.
If You ave Date With An Egg
Break it and come to Donovan's. We have the stock and by golly we
have the price. We tell you who we are, where we are, what's our price.
We are in the same spot day in and day out to back up our guarantee:
"Your money back with a smile if you're not satisfied." So don't .r9y
save ! Buy it at Donovan's.
When Congress opens its regular
session next month, it will be faced
by the most important decision since
the Treaty of Versailles and the
League of Nations went down to de-
feat in the halls of the Senate after
the World war. The policy of the
United States in regard to participa-
tion in the affairs of Europe must be
settled. The question of adherence
of the United States to the Protocol
of the World court constitutes the
chief immediate issue before the
It is of paramount importance to2
bring about the co-operation of the
United States with the rest of the
world in effective measures to end
war. To this end, a movement is
under way to rouse popular support
of a compromise called by the authorsj
the Harmony Peace plan. This plan
alis at the abolition of war and the
strengthening of the Permanent Courtj
of International Justice as a judicial
substitute for armed conflict, through
the adoption by the United States of
three proposals:I
1. The imngdiate adherence of the
United States to the Court Protocol,
with the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge
2. \Vithin two years after the ad-!
herence of the United State to the
Court Protocol, the signatories there-;
to, inhiuding the United States, shall1
formally declare their endorsement of
the following basic principles of the
outlawry of war and shall call an in-
ternational conference of all civilizedI
nations for the purpose of making ai
general treaty embodying these sug-
proof. The colonel is once more on Our wish is that we had an assistant AND AT LAST:
the right track --he is giving the con- who could write this for us each day Following the second week's en-
duct of the United States defense units so that we could go in to Detroit and gagement of the San Carlo Opea
the public airing that they need. Per- enjoy ourselves for a few weeks. It's company at the Shubert-Detroit thea-
haps he is overdoing it-the resulte
of the court martial will answer that, being done these days. ter Eugene O'Neill's "Desire Under the
ofthe aaratialwisanmserhat,* * * Elms" will open at this playhouse
but at any rate he is accomplishing a With all due respects to The Inlan- I Sunday evening, November 15. The
great good. der, it seems a bit out of place for a cast - for once - will include Walter
But however biting the colonel's magazine striving for a better type of Huston, Mary Morris, and the origi-
words may be, without proof they will writing to run poems which rhyme nal New York company.
not carry much weight with the level- Indian and Lexington, without batting Even in spite of Mr. Williams'
headed commanders who make up the
an eye. opinion, "Desire Under the Elms,"
court martial. His charges are son- * * * personally, is the greatest American
sational in the extreme; if he can After all, you know, the Inlander is play ever written. Its conception is
prove then entirely correct, he should the Inlander and Rolls is Rolls. breath-taking, and the whole power
be granted the public recognition that * * * of its theme and execution over-
lie deserves. To defy one's superior WITHOUT APOLOGIES whelms one. It is the high-mark of
l officers and force them to defend There was a young man from the American theater.
themselves,. while the whole world Lexington--R. B. H.
watches requires courage, even from Leigon -sa.B.*H.
an aviation colonel. I Whose brother was an-Indian***
The cargesofstion wThough his friends lived in Day- PLAY PRODUCTION COMEDY
The charges of the prosecution will ton "Three Live Ghosts," a comedy by
not crumble, lIke the walls of Jericho, He knew nary a Persian Max Marcin and Frederick Isham, will
at the blast of trumpets. Force must And his sister worked on the be presented at 8 o'clock tonight, and
back up the trumpeting that is now 'Ensian at the same hour tomorrow night, in
being done. Colonel Mitchell's time , * * * University Hall, as the first numberl
on the stand should be replete withi Now that means lots more than the in Professor Hollistes play prodtuc-
facts, not mere verbal bombardments. gdon course. The p
_ average Inlander poem, and its rhyme of a detective-mystery farce, and has
scheme is better for every single line been produced at one of the Broadway
We wonder if the underclassmen rhymes with every other. Of course to theaters in New York city.
will be able to stir up more spirit for run that in this column is all right The principal parts will be taken
the fall games than has been present but, well it isn't creative Art, by Eleta Seeley, '26, in the chaaracter
during the past few years. * * * of Mrs. Gubbins; Kathryn Clarke, '26,
F: P. A. in his column in the N. Y. as Peggy Woofers; Edward T. Reece.
Democrats see victory ahead for World states that not even Luther '27, as Bolton; Frederick Jarrett,
1926 and 1928. Now is the safest time Burbank could c-ross the Michigan spec, as Jimmie Gubbins; and Monroe
for the political forecasters to jrdc iewt nopsn em Lippman, 26, as William Foster. The
fo hepltia orcser opredict line with att opposing team. eta.0ng is under' the direction of
such things. Perhaps he could, but Mr. Yost de- Edith Alvin, '26Ed.
flies him to cross the Michigan goal Course tickets for all productions in
$6 Arvin Heaters
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