May 29, 1907

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May 29, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michigran aily No. 1; LAWS 9UALIFY FOR FINALS; bITS WIN Engineer-i Are Shut Out, S toO0- Gfilbert Twirls Good (Game Last Semi-Final Game Today. firatlrCI, cure; Wcrc 1,l: 11:Iif ()f the f4mrth, wi pct hll, Flitcrllft lccl t itlrlcr clt+ ice. ltki _lI rrrur rIt -lltirt S.lx .ICI: e c rc ;Ill cm trccl into tllt° lici 1 htit waI it het hx 1jTEACHERS MUST M .(,A IA S t '' I) r iialdthe "ia tlll t he yii - Il-- w ill I-i-i- lat-cd ithl :I.I...…

May 29, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

… 4: «,- TI _ i Y= v i +, i W0 o 0s . r ' f 'r '.. .. ; .' LL: F C: 2:Z _ , r. f _ ti # = .~ C " / f t L, - "ft _ r A 1; f e" V f . fir, .. V f f ,Q _ c = , "t. r :... ., os 'v' "°' r .. L "._. d C '- y W .r-. v . -+ Q s H = ox,- 47 0. ._ l. :. G LLy J o / - t0 0 o E CJC C 1r 1 ..... ... t. V' °L n /j/"^ ..J * M l y1 i Fy F.1 w -r. ---, H .-. U ... ,--. ..-, .:, t.... cc t I a-+ QI it cz v v C r- a .31 0 IWPI cc cm LM qa C6 7; ...…

May 29, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…,.. 1. I San Burchfield Fine Tailorinig ,Trade Can Deliver the Gioods SAM B'URK'CH"FIEhL 0.P; 106 EAST URON STREET T~lE MICHSIGAN DAILY AT MACK'S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN ARBOIR MACK ( COO i It 1l I. r e e . For a Complete Llne of Fishing Tackle CALL ON MEUHLIG & SCHMID 2o5 S. Main St. Foster's Art Stores 300 South State St. 10 East Liberty S.ft. 1' \ TI'. ' i'1 e I,-six' lttoi, o M\ss. cml-11.i ,,~lay 'c-Il a) alinl a ...…

May 29, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHtiGAN DAILY Hoag's ., AlarmI Clocks Brak o'Day 75- Signal. (S9c Persian Lawn 29c Slhandon [Bells Toilet Soap HOAG'S IHonc Supply Store. Occidental Hotel Xre Cater to Btanquets, Ijtc. H~ixson Lunch- Ypsilanti DE~TOT,:JACKSON and CHICAGO RY. steiil 1 i> to 1tt r it 8 a. III., 111( cver5 t totot 1)1s ut t ip 1. " cal catrs to Jacks(1A :30o;1. 11., liii hh t l seritti ])et iti :i a. Ill t (i ) :I 5 p. ni l., t lI I :I . Tw Mi r b iii'h c...…

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