February 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 87) • Page Image 1
…I rwww-- su.Walp UIL.1-No. $7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAIN, TUESDAY, lIC iRARY 2, 1892. Boating at Princeton. 1atlts rowv in b-arges foidexvelip- The Mock congress. ,'),.etesesnof SI, rowing ~ fraclhowvzeri the nintti irestt. theu e o ork Czcnxgrss I xxxt ex-enlix I(IT na; ctirely iropped rnt the I The hPrincetonian has nt o iccltp rbxiix oia-rnlt fMdux xxxxtiiiit P~ ts xtI Ixitrtma tihe project, xnd it trims xquxite pi oix The SxxcIety is at...…