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February 02, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-02

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UIL.1-No. $7.


Boating at Princeton. 1atlts rowv in b-arges foidexvelip- The Mock congress.
,'),.etesesnof SI, rowing ~ fraclhowvzeri the nintti irestt. theu e o ork Czcnxgrss I xxxt ex-enlix I(IT
na; ctirely iropped rnt the I The hPrincetonian has nt o iccltp rbxiix oia-rnlt fMdux
xxxxtiiiit P~ ts xtI Ixitrtma tihe project, xnd it trims xquxite pi oix The SxxcIety is at preset limtited
(-> axs of i tisis noxt farito seek. xixie tha t itxwi lnt allowv it to nlx t hrytxoa icr r xxxbyia Nl~
lxilxstitx(t.I xxx txixx xotiii defaxxtt at anyx rate. The l d. bati thtiat numxbier enirnllei, doublt arose
iii. ix i cptixixi p or oueontexiali sil n ('o
xxx ~lxsxntixatexiwxxxixirxacxtxni t i xxxxi txx xwixx xere thletgal xxicxx irs.1
xxxttx xx atix ai r, a ndxxxitheIx iax Boax t (Clubixof *A exioxiittee .eas appxintedtinx- -

PRIExt, Tnitm nCENS.
Mailed to You
Through Your
w " 6 T Ut
51 iifi xiiiofiipest Pixxiliix
itid .ewl1 odSoiet I~tlxxii.


1 -ire andxxRarxitanix caxxal. iPrac-j
,Wk i 1 xxxii a xdli. axxii this haxs
tx xxxxth ixixub xx itix almoxst alll
Pincn xi crewsx inxxx the lipast. Nox
mwxiould ask xforxlixette rplate thxanx
axcanlxinxwich tox dievexlxxixacrew's
xxx hl. ut iinix.ne x xxxind xxxiworxse
,eater oniwhih toxtrinixaxcw to

tti txiviiiti ii Sis- tis estctixxciatx
xxxrxtxxtxxxx to lPr incetxont xxxxixtxx inc
the lxxixie(es xf thxeir clu ion ixxseini
liinn cxxix Prk P iadieipxiax, six
that if tiex rojcisxxtakext up xxixtxi
the ilies sugrestedi iy the iPrxiittx-
xxiii exerytliioii tg ibe ini reain~iess.
-Haxrvard Cixison.
Entries for Sparring and Wrestling.

V stx ti ix ith rmtterx au.5i it i wxxil
oth rs a il xto fo tifx Ilietrxxit
txo appiropia tite 00,000 lxxiforia
E- xposition.x

1 1


tit to x rcxx, and lit is victoxirito t xx etriues lox- tilt spcrringx,
Base-Bail Petition.
1xxx xx tha t thle crxxxwaxits. wres~tli n xidfenitournaxmi i~xient tio
fit the secondxipxlxce theicxxws xx elxd.Fcibiruiarxxixg19are coing i e faculty xxave- nxixdeciisuion in
hie xeextixenu-ellI sixpportedi it ripixdly, anxxxithe sucxcessofithex ienter- iieetingioxxilast nixix ti xthe lixse -
Pr tw eton.x xA iexixi lxxaiiixfi dtlit taxxinment is xiiinue. syet1".( lxiietttt i to. trxas referrexd ixixx
ht tatsrestedxi xxxithe managei mt xxxitt xxaxxixoxcxxxtixtxrfrtxvrlxxi 'ctxx axcomixxtttee tof ien, xxhox txilli
1"11."tt]it lxxixbxenxhaxrxdtx to xiet xxchxampionsh x Iipx fning.x Tiis i thoxroiigllyte xixte iitoitegrant
col.etix sxubscribettnxux li o gracfuxl spxoxt.xxxii calixlsxiirixxxxxxxingo ek(fasene totx denxxxts.
7-1 mxxxxxixg expentsxes if tieewxix x-rile dxeirity. strxtngthxxxxdiskixlli, I iixtresxxlt xxotix the ixrittc cs woxri
x~ili.-xii- xixlixei i xxi. xixi dxxit is toix ehoixx t hai ixt ixnforxe thixx t itill ixtb e xxtc d aixiutixixi llxx iiix-
:)Y t10 int thatii frxixhx'jxi tx '82 1xetrx ie cloxset somxeonext txill extexhc is jtxlxxstx in xathxlxtics.
xiiiiliit xxex xxaxix xlresii. xlii. xi ixiixiixU. or P. Nine.

then .von xcixixxiithe NI ,ii . cxi-S r exxxxxxitillstx-xx-x
inx Shoes M 50 tox x 1 axxpaix-sxsixxtxa i An ixxxx
xx xxxen orf,.flora.t
I) II 1111'L',tMIH
(x thite i(x
mit-itsellitngmit grexiti nit-
x we ricexs, their chie
is f Nexckweaxr, I ider-
(tlpi es.
Chap. Speller & .

xxx xiig; i h . xilxxi.axxxPrine-
I xx xxxni xonly oxx)in teircolxlegixite
xxxxittx atnd tha t lby defauilt.
In spte xxi all thxe. difficulxties xanii
xlilsxxterx tot iast yersxxhowever,
tere has ixeix of lati.roxisideraixie
tisexissioxin mog thxe.stunti ts andxI
tixe alumixoxf IPrincertoniirixer tixe
ixirsability of pulttingx a crexvonxthe
ivtxtr duxrinx time cmxinit sexison.
luchre seemis to be little doubtt thaxt
t unidxirgraduaixtes are in .s-or xo
sox diixg. lBntiefore txakiixg files!x
stepis ini the maxxtter it seenied best txxj
get the topinin of time grariuates;
andi fxir this purpose the Pricetonii-
axi sexit out letters to) promiixenti
graxiuates asking what they tihougiht
xxi tile adisiability of the scimeI
l1n these letters tile Princetonian
sxggesterdtixat once ax wvek the crew
nxigiht go on to Philadeipihia arI row
xxx tine Schoylkili so as to get time
advanitage of practice onm "live wva-
ter. Ten replies xere received and
ixublisimed in foil in a special editions
xof the Princetonian. Of these ten,
six wrere distinctly against the re-
sumptions of rowing and four favored
it. Alt spoke wvell of the plan of
taring the foot-hall men and other

Thue folxoingxix ill xiiiroxixbliiicxrxtxer- I lxx x ixixtixxxfoxr txihetx'ixx iix
lie sixirring aindxi xwrestli contests: f- nvvntexxi xxine thx. vexxxxxiartd x
igit-we i-it spairrinig, tiaintilt For --1xage they ihaxe sc-
Gecorge-Anell anxxx)i G Invertiarity. curxedlthei.uxxi.ofi Crxixg'x Ridinig-
Nitidle-xvwiht sixarringxICxxrxreSchooxilxxor thrtee xdaysxi duixe the
Wtrixt.xveek i.e ineixilt uiixxi.theint x-
H eavy-xweiht sixarringC. . i i-tn dtoxox girounds unxtil thx.e xtheir xiii
tenxger, It. J. itxxx y xxxiiC. S.ixermxiltthxemxito xxxi.thei.athxetit fildt.
Abxbott. lThectearnx is sadliy criiippexdthis year
Feathxer-wveight xrestlinig, G rocehxan froxi the fxact thaxt iearly all oxf tast
aixol hey-. Iyearsniine eft the uiviersity. ''hue
b ight-xveight xrestliing, F-ranxkonlxy iolthoxen that arexnoxv practicinhg
Craxtforxh, Robiert Wxtagxcr xxxii S. amre Lxninmg the cxatchexr, anxix Thonmx-
Dirake.1 soil,xvhxo plavedi righildt. The

Middle-wveight xrestxxxxx I nk I iine have xdraxvxx xx mberxofiicnf dxii-- t'0xxoxx
Craxvforxd anthC. I'.Ritt ht ates froxixithe foxot-hail lehvenas
Stlackey, NMartini, Thayer, 5.1 ad- tIhm1nG{ Straight ' Q cit.
Modleska. eCo n ThrtnwoaeNo. 1
eranink itatin e, ahuretnalxvfoot-niCIGARETTES.
Everx seat in he xnera iouseCigaretti eixmokers ,wlxx
nn bailtixexi. A coach lxax nxttbeen -arexxilinieg tox xc a litt
wvas filled last eveninxg. Stniixxd fxieyseiebx tis hope loeadthagnthe.tllrice
1oo xvy as tobe hadi, andmantreCiarettesth wilsfind
ron n e xxythmat the naoagemnmt xvill lbeeashe to This BRAsND superior lto
wneretuhrned away. Thealie ner et Arthur Irinx. all xthere.
abrillianmt one aind consisted CtN iaets r aefo h I 'ie dates oxade limos far are lBon- leNms deCigatesyfavredadreighesbright-
principally of studeniti. "As 'Voxn ton Leaeue, April a ; Amherst, April ad Lesgin s iSrgi This is rteOlel
Like It' was presentedin iia very 9; Dartmouth, April 13-14; Swarth- adeasresghimtatobyas tthe n osrve a5t th
Ilsareetiat iessnALLssd eNERberre late.
clever manner. Modjeska as Rosa- more, April 16; Yale: April 18; La- isasevrThehse
hond played time role of 'sweet six- fayette, April an; Fordhanm, April Manufacturers. AmercantRchmend, Yirginia.
teen" in an acceptable maxnner. 23; Georgetown, April 2 7; WTesityan, ..A OHMS
i-Ir support was unusually goot. May ;Lafayette, May ";ALehigh, -S
--' - May ie, 18 and 28"; University of -
Choral Union, rehearsal to-nlight. M-chignMy r ALSO 'BuTsACKh AND BAGGAGE LINE.

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