October 26, 1892

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October 26, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…t je . of all VOL. III.-11 o. 21. Vor II -N '51 UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20', 1592. ucTREET. PRICE, Ti-IEEE CENTS. SPREAD. hav e ordered tbe same fromt Hang- INSTITUTE FOR BIBLE STUDY,.H RSM Nsafr orsxhnrd Vhtte w___sill be is a profoundl secret, bet The S.C.A. will Hold One This Year - Arrangements Being Made for' with \l~iss MeOmber ai the head, , e i Newberry Hail. a Grand Reception. smtii iitiea vl sdlcos The Unive...…

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