May 07, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 157) • Page Image 1
…tt 1 . a x . VOL. VI. NO. 157. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1696l. Fouo tPACE,'-- 8 C ENTS. WILL, BE WELL ATITE N I). We Must DMove It 1 The store we now occu py bas lit)eleg-ates Arriving- for the Psi qures ,lYrussese $ UpSilon Convention0 1We M/ust Close Ou W 000oursto iiof Omusic 5 Out to' avid1tY1' 01 li y li e ttr 'is ih(d (he1chapterst of Psi Fps ilon IhoN teid sell goods If low prices l It moeao ooythin- to byes 1yread0(...…