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May 07, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-07

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o Tt the minis of the touited Stattes AT THlE GRAND OPERA I fOUSE. 'Toledo and irnkfort. These traini,
MA, 1stholdb ope'neud to tihe free 'oinalge' will cary sleepting ears, one of whi1ch-
of the attheraio f ~to " alini is to be here sifter a 1ro- will leatve Toledo daily at 7:4.5 p. ini.,
Vublished Daaly (Sunday excepted) daring lonigedt aitseiieonl Saturiday igh't, srio in5 at Firainkfort at S:51) the fol-
tho Coliego y ear, lit The Jeffersonisili Society has tie fob- layt) , ialidlif thtyingigoss00511. lowting ioringi; sie oilier will leave
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. lowing prograili arrainged for tonight: holly iaiioiig the fashionable eleimenltfrnotat70p.1idilriig
Ini loledo I5 . in. The sleeinig ear
Jenen Tnue iaiciig ainSt, ppait Mlsie, F.1".-1. hFrenchl; readjing, -Mr. nniy he relied upon, tileIlpopular .strfaises willtte 81.51) for lower aiid $1
post office,.a ~ne efn l tr o
Itutyley; declaimistioin, E. Mlock; esay, li swiiirgetii ~ tr tifoi uppeirtbertlio.oir$2.5 0 for a seetion..
EIOITOIIS Otto Ittiff; oration, E. IL. Norris; so-iiii thisii lie ever enjoy'edlhefere. Ii e piblic have for a bong tiiiie been
J1. F. T a0taAS, '9i. SF. AV. THA~,t '9. so is 2LtpleiStiig faet to iuoiie thist lii' dt iii indun"1, aredutetiot iniiileeping ear'
IE. L. i soact, '1it 5.F. SI. hoowis, °t8. riety lsaiper,It. Jacoboni; biograptil . repiertoire for the lpreseiit season is fares anot it is lioped they will sows
0. ff. lIAs. '93. F. S. 010555N,95s. ,Me. Sandters; loom,.,Mr. ('lstdiiisti111- liio)ited onily to thle best of the seiioob lis i tli iti ftioliitiii
ii. C. UNDoeiao00, 'so.thi ppeitlftisInvin
Spriompttu disetussioii, affiirmative 13.. of draioa to t'luiels lie is tioe giv iiigoii the pirt of the AntiArttor It. It.
DI %.NAGONG EDITOR. iiRolot. 11egaris'e F. I1. theorge; tb'- Is sttent ion. Ill the rotutlutic selittttl by "uvut -thii' new tratinso atgemluroit
h.1.IAISv'6L ate', slvd ht h Jii2lfor iiistiiee, lei5peenig tin iiloit. 'flu'euew'Su asebedole it aini
('aeser,Etiy liio anudit'e'e'ver lptpu-i'Arbor' will ttt'as follow's: tGoiing niith
BUStNEoS 9AIA'AGE1% L States tiasouotgrown'Ithe plillt'yof prio-Isle "ThrleeS'tGuartdsmiei."thile iiaster- 950 .oc:8Ii .-73 . i.goinug
L. C. ASz > ti . )a .Ii,4:51.i. :32a .;telioli." alirusiutive l-Mr. t'lbadmainttand piece of th1e thir'e'greatest stiei'ofS otl 55)s.u. 55 tii,751a
ASSOCI'ATEI EDITOROS li'. boues.,tnegative Mr. Blind stod i'oiatic' fictioii, lOEtunery, hugro iiiil'ti
W. W. Itc~hes,'5'). S. It. Oraith. '95 L.. r. tetigha. tttillis. -'ot fiind iiothiei acti'rstho -_________
S. WSmOithI, '97t. NF. I. SMorrill, '98.- liss tbeiinittle tos putt life sInl vigor Ripaat Tahbules core hiliousneat.
J. L. Siai,'9It. 5. 11. iB. Ohlleuauu '5 5.. '. noteesirn hmsoehst
C.. .loss. '9sois. Loaise Dadge, '99 'lit' liottihitOof the 'Wetisle'tr a- ut hs trigtee i'ii s
It. t3. 1Mithcasy, 99t.IIi. t'aeeiii, '°t. 'iety for F'riday nightf is as ftltow's: sciltle siortay backF to thit dayssf
-('hlsres IFesliter. indtlhloss -w losrte il
Tue su'uscip tiaai price of tihe Daily has Dtetlamuationi,1F. L. ('anilie; oratliotn u'it' lsttttt ilitIi sit~ 11
been reisicerttosi.0in55 iadevance ior tue roct D.(Goodw'in; ilti'oillttisat less- ls's'tteolt', l'onicede that Isa1iniiitsH9 W 1 T [
Of thc ye'ar. tOure talSccilsticssat the
Daily oat core with I'. ,. Ms'ye, U. si tO. den'itottii; ldebtaite, ''"Reso5'lved''ihit bt lle' toconicede, ifait, t) is
NeicStaii 1.theitasriff ttes'io soutld b he t'masiin faiiiiso reidec''ssor. t)ii his f1511li
Editor of today's paper, S iss'eilthis Jpt'tsidleniitial siii i.' l'tt"iikiis irsithatiiiaiance''l'Ierei'as il
lilt' hicht iitltl'riii'llhite ",
The ('lotaliillis timeuly sylplcsitish Str. oria.I lis admiiti'es halt'haisaSidll all1111
ono "'1'tulmissiell of Womenl'iuto ltie' Inter' State Content Tonight. thalile w'-sequalttosiltgret'erth'i' ghiits
Faceulty of tlt'e~iit'srsity"~ lily itt' hs1n itte ftountd iitilt'dtra'aiofl5 r
lahtiisth g'il'ist 5il5' ts s'lsli'l The Iterslta~ut'e iriatirS ical 'sl stnlac. atd firtisithe latusatory tcttii
eduators oni this stlit'. It is ceasr- w ill Iee ldtat Topiekat. tKiisas, iso 111115 ts lult this illltthise rouseditt
litailiitilib tile coiLriiihohlrstsso ili t'l''s'litvfti tl'5sl'sls's'i . i tiil tllii1.1tl
ly~~V itzcwt iino t f fomltitt.i As ai pro-
Slio Sillsltitili illt iO dseriiiii-. li'steltisli of lt Netaisa, I adilili
tiotll eseit'of sshouSldlitbess iisdet. tOhlioIl linois, IOwva, Minesoit, t'll- isC'i eti e his ris'ittionuas ,1 silt S efiYou oughtto ot.eaurispair St
'T'e '01415it O f Opiiin is that, 215 hu. lislltte' ii iesloer 1Shoies51 ~
'lie tpiog't'aiiiof oraliotss is is ftti.i''55'll'll lt schsohrly' resisarch 9111a11d Ik2 I u°- ~ J
Dr. Draltper, sf Illinois, says, si Sit-
lf , "4. tz~~~~~~~Islic t'alts il. . . .... ,, .--., -. ,.


ca1115'nItheils'fsculty Shldit eht'fillI 1 W1"5:
by' ills'uappoitmsenlt of tile auvsiihsuiii "l.aw'hI'soiucso of Mais'rilislss.''
pesonii"wh'o has othe 111.05 s'sIel'ii Homtete , '. Hue on 'lc;
chueryauiisdapsltalstioni to thsepot55ion5i, ".'but Aisier'icastIdesal," (0. A. Wrigiht,
nto maslter' w'hsethesr utatt'ersonibe OtiissWeusleyausi ilitelsily. tslcwsirs'.
mautioiwoisan.'' Woolenlists''psills-(thuioI.
eel iies'lvesit'O ost su(leessflil 55. 'ie 'twenutisethiCetutry Idleal," Ei-
o:111' 5. :Antrims. Desnver Univ ersity.
tttil5liteces il t'ei'eeoihsr}i' scholt l ls "The Plosopthusof 'rotatSS.'' Ca'sll

the (1119'ly ltappareit srrier uso lhie
futhil. S'susccess in tse 1chasirs is iii
the ri''ltremten~ts s'xstesd fos'the isosi-
tiots,. A;. is 110151 mnt ss'vs'oral tineis
itn tile 55'islssiss. hpre'pasraitin tst' a
psrofe'ssrshliplislustualhly compsleStedl ty
grautsle sttudy ini Europe ot' tooer
eotdittitlln trhllihhavs unhtilh r'ecently
debstiretd w'otme'nfroiltunik s linil-
ege. Aso the opptortuniitieswthitchia10
now' openling iecreaiseuandtithe s-alto'
of w'omen1a'0 i rectusof ikgher edut-
cauttoni hesucoesplatin thi us stion
'sill cealse ttt he tresutedsesrtioly.
Thle Inattrlescoeuursi' of thueIlatterI' will
woarlsouttamoust asitiuaitse utoswer.
Society Programs.
The AlphlaNo\utnd Adelphit societies
'nwillhblbStwso poittdebasuOR00a5SolalO-
whsat iovel 1p1111-at thetirimeetinugs Sat-
uday nighit. Thue Adlpiuwsill senad
Mr. Lathlers and M2r. Hlarrison into
the Alphla No Hall to meet 'Mr. Adalas
and Mr. Backwister, of the later so-
ciety, and the Alpha No will send
Mr. Nicola anod Mr. Rteddick to the
Adelphui Hall to 1000t Mr. Thomnas and
Mr. Rteenian, of thue Adelphi. The
question for debate is, "Resolved,

i. s'lnt-uiu1, Ct'e Ii'.h 'lli-gie ',iyriti'.


"'Evosluitinuuf thhaF'stseisl Shurit.''
I'. N. Et' iti;,.SDe'Patios' Uiviersity,
Ii u'cess'useu, 1huh.
"Muh 11119thur Lassw" Firelli11tt.
Mhonmtosuth Colle'geu', ltsnmuihl, t11.
"Thur Policy of Iueeri'iuh,''A. 51.
C'lotud. Leniosx C'osls'geu, Hopinsuon, ha.
"HssIndutustrisal Stocicty Attasinedu Its
Ultimautes'h"0'5l,''Adolhhl . Ihissti,
t'isei'siiy of Itliislesola.
"'Tlur Grim Chieftait","F. L. Shaut,
W~ashurnel College, Topeukus, K ansaus.
'fle S'Wisconisint assoctiatioha~ ssseaut
ttvo oratoro to thureconte'st owring tos .
luistiitierstaultttltt. SMuissEihi M5.
hEvanls, of ipon C(ollegewose stib-
jet to "'fle Stupremsaey of Goodtness,"
uttd A. D. Baull, of LawrenceSUiver-
sity, wohuose oration is "A Pleut for
Statesmtn," ar'e toth desriouis of
sipeakinug. Theuci' rights* will he subt-
tuittedh to (lie officers ofIthe Intrstate
Assoeiation tis afternlooni.
On accounut of other entertainmuents
on Saturday evening the "t'.nivcrotty
Selusolof Daneinug" will give their prus'
liralia party thits week on Friday eveni-
tog. Friends cordially invited.
LOST-A Zeta Psi monogram charm
with owners name on isack. Finder
please return to Zetat'si House.

'ths An111 Arrit' I. P.Co. expus <t tis . tYt
chsusse tineu'abutstSulsy 17th.,toildstill t xe
Putt sit to ne1155iilhiutra.11itch twoo'u G6N. MAiN'S'f,, OPP.'COURT HOUSE.
Yotausuld se0 outlotck of MTANDO1 -{S
We are obltged 10oniove from otar present store 0000
anuclhaavsosecured 00 00w location.
To Close Our Stock
We areoff~ering a good mandolin at $3.95 and a fine
oe at $4.45. Some better ones at $6.50. These
are rare bargains.
GUITARS AND BANJOS during this sale $3.50
to $7.50. It will pay you to loole.
Ann Arbor Organ Co.
51 S. Main Street.
WF We Sell Bicycles.


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