August 10, 1924

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August 10, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…M4 r #'ummtr rHE WEATHER UNSETTLED TODAY elan dg A5S CrATiED PRESS tiltD M iT Wi I OL. XV. No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1924 PRICE FIVE C REPARATIONS PLA GAINS91Y9S ONE TREAT5SSIGNED PROTOCOL RELEASES GERMAN ASSETS FOR LOAN SE- CURITY LO4AN CALLS PROTOCOL BUSINESSLIKE FO R M U L A Work Delayed as Herriot Goes to France for Special Session- at Paris London, Aug. 9.-(By A. P.)-The first of three protocols necessary...…

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