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August 10, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-08-10

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OL. XV. No. 44



Work Delayed as Herriot Goes to
France for Special Session-
at Paris
London, Aug. 9.-(By A. P.)-The
first of three protocols necessary to
put the Dawes reparation plan into
operation was signed this afternoon
by representatives of the German gov-
ernment and the reparation formerly
ac-cepts the Dawes plan and by it,
the reparation commission releases
all German assets so that they will
be available assecurity for the pro-
posed loan to Germany.
One of the protocols is between the
Allies and the German government
while the third contains an agreement
imong the allied nations. The ef-
fectiveness of the protocol signed to-
day is conditional upon the signing
tf these two protocols, a conclusion
which depends upon the success of
.Premier Herriot's important mission
In Paris where he will meet the
French in a hurried summoned ses-
James A. Logan sat as unofficial
American representative with the re-
parations commission this afternoon
and after the signing, he described,
the protocol as a business like ar-
rangement between the reparation
commission and the German govern-
ment. Its completion without difficul-
tiesthe said, was due largely to the
skilfed handling of the situation by
M. Barthou, president of the com-
Despite the shifting of conference£
interests to Paris, the experts contin-
ined their labors i nDowning street.
.With.the German experts, they com
pleted their studies of the report on
restorations on fiscal and economic
unity in Germany and tomorrow will
dress the covering letter with which
the report will be handed to .'the
"States 14". The experts still are
confronted with the task of getting
the Germans to agree to the tird
phase of the Allied program for o-
erating the Dawes plan. The Ger-
mans have balked on that part Qf the
French scheme which permits Alld
priority in the purchase of coal, coke,
dyes, and other products within Ger-
many, and the Berlin representatives
evidently are intent on bolding out
until M. Herriot compromisesP P the
military eacuatio of the Rhpr.
The experts will meet at 6 o'clock
tomorrow evening, but it ismnot ex-
pected that an agreement will be ar-
rived at until M. Herriot returns from

Dean Kraus Pleased With
Work Of Summer Students

Examination Schedule

The final examinations in the Schools and Colleges on the
weeks basis will be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August
and 15, according to the following schedule:

13, 14,

Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the sum-
mer session, expressed himself, in an
interview yesterday, as being pleas-
ed with the work done by the summer
students this year and spoke with ap-
preciation of the cooperation of the
faculty and student body as a whole.
Dean Kraus has directed the work
of the summer session for several


years and believes that the student in
the University this summer has been
superior to the students of previous
years. Enrollment figures show an
increase of approximately 100 over
the total registration of last summer
but the increase of 160 students at-
tending the summer session who al-
ready hold degrees indicates that the
summer term is drawing more schol-
ars to the University and fewer so
called credit-hunters, according to
Dean Kraus.
In speaking of the various elements
besides the §purely academic that have
helped to make the summer session a
success, Dean Kraus spoke of the
excursions which have been taken ev-
ery week. The Niagara and Put-in-
Bay trips, conducted by Prof. W. H.1
hobbs, of the geology department,
were especially successful trips this
year. These excursions helped to bal-
ance the work of the session with ed-
ucational pleasure trips. It is esti-
mated that fully 316 people availed 1
themselves of the opportunity to visit
these two places of interest during
their summer in the University. I
Besides the excursions, the speciall
lectures that were offered by the Un-
iversity have proved to be attractions1
to the students and the University was
fortunate in securing several prom-l
inent visiting professors this summer.
Dean Kraus believes that the exchange
of scholars between the University
and the various universities in for-'
eign countries should be encouraged
more than ever next year as it gives
Michigan students an opportunity to
come in contact with, and profit from,
the ideas offered by visiting profes-
"Summer school is becoming more
popular with students all over the
country," stated Dean Kraus, when he
explained that the enrollment figures
had almost reached their limit in most
of the larger universities and that,
now the University should encourage
the special courses which cannot be,
offered in the smaller schools. The
Public Health Summer school at the
University this summer proved to bel

St. Andrew's Church
There will be Holy Communion at
8 o'clock. The morning prayer and
sermon by Rev. H. C. Robinson will
be at 9:30. These hours will be ob-
served for the church services for the
rest of the summer.
First Baptist Church
"The Ministry of Hope" will be the
topic of the sermon at the morning
wrship at 10:30. This will be given
by Mr. Chapman, minister of univer-
sity students. There will be special
music. The regular Sunday morning
services will continue throughout the
summer. Mr. Chapman will be the
vacation pulpit supply.

will be on "The Unjust Steward."
There will be holy communion. Bible
school will meet at 11 o'clock.
Officials Decide to Follow Policy Sue-
cessfully Carried Out
Last Year

Hours of Recitation Time of Examinations
7..............................Wedenesday..............2- 4
8 ........................ .....W ednesday' ......... . . ..4- 6
9 ..............................Thursday ..................8-10
10. ................... ..... Thursday ................4- 6
11 ............................Friday ..................8-10
1.........................Friday,....... .........10-12
2..........Thursday ................10-12
3 .............................. Thursday................2- 4
4 .............................Friday .....................2- 4
Irregular .... .................Friday .....................4- 6
All classes will continue to meet regularly until Wednesday noon, Aug-
ust 13:
T oday In Ann Arbor Churches.
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- - - --- - - --- ---

Fight Scheduled to Go 20 Rounds Soon
Stopped by Fast, Hard Fighting
of Gibbons
Wembley Stadium, London, Aug. 9-
(By A.P.)-Tom Gibbens, American
light-heavyweight, knocked out Jack
Bloomfield, English aspirant for
heavy.weight .honors, in the third,
round of their scheduled 20-round
bout in the stadium here this after-
The American floored his British op-
ponent three times in the second
round, the bell saving Bloomfield on
the third knockdown, after which the
seconds had to drag his limp form
through the ropes to his chair for. the
Bloomfield went out groggy for the
third round and Gibbons floored him
with a :left to the head and a right
to the chin. The Britisher went down
for the count of four and got up bleed-
ing from the nose and staggering.
Gibbons laced into Bloomfield with
ferocious hooks to the head as soon
as the Britisher got to his feet and.
dropped him with a left for the count.
It was a right uppercut, landing
squarely on Bloomfield's chin in the
second round, that really settled the
issue. From then on Bloomfield was
groggy and directly afterward went
down for the count of six.
When the Britisher rose Gibbons
smashed him with hard rights and
lefts to the head and Bloomfield went
down for the count of nine. As soon
as he got to his feet Gibbons downed
him for the third time. 1
The only blows Bloomfield landed
during the entire fight were two light
taps to the head in the firs~t round and
two wild slugging swings in the third.
Gibbons left the ring without a
mark on his body.


Dean Edward H. Kraus

University Aids
State In Crime
Detection WorkE
Important work in crime detection
aterests the Toxelogical and Psycho-.
ogoy departments of the University
while it is also important in other
epartments where applied chemistry]
s used in their work.
In the Toxology department of the
VIedical school, this crime detection
work is in analyzing evidence for
ourts. Blood, poisons in the body
nd in food are all analyzed for thet
tate for use in their trials carriedl
>n in different cities of this state.1
the work of this department is in de-E
termining whether the blood is hui,
nan or animal, and what kind of poi-
on has been used by the accused on1
his victim. Dr. Herbert Emerson of<
the Bacteriological department is in]
harge.of this work, while A. H. Roe,
as assistant. The work of the de.-'
partment acquired a great reputation
under the direction of Dr. Vaughan.
The Psychology department is active
n a different way from that of the
work of the toxological department
It is mainly used in detecting the thief
from a crowd of suspects. This is
done by tests and a number of dif-
ferent pieces of apparatus.
The tests are called emotional re-
action tests, and usually consist of
words similar to what happened in the
crime. The patient reacts emotional-
ly under certain words which determ-
ine his guilt. This test fails, how-
ever, if the patient is "emotionally
The machines used are all differ-
ent, yet they perform the same func-
tion as they record the reactions of
the accused person. One is the "line
test" when a line records the reac-
tion, another is the "light test," and
still another is the "arm movement"
test, when the arm of the patient in-
voluntarily draws back when a de-
scriptive word of the crime is used.
These tests in psychology are used by
Prof. Charles H. Griffiths, assistant
professor in psychology and these ex-
periments and actual cases have pro-
ved successful in detecting reactions
and guilt in the right person.
The Chemistry department is only
engaged in this work through the var-
ious schools that use applied chemis-
try, but as far as the straight chem-
istry is concerned, it does not have any
connection with crime detection. All
cases are turned over to the various
other schools. Pharmacy, and the
Pathological departments are also en-
gaged in this work.
Members of the faculty and thei
families and friends who are willing
to offer the services of their automo-
biles for the Outdoor Festival, please
join the procession which forms a-
University Hall, Monday, August 11 a
at3:80p. , I

especially successful
ficials of the school

Church of Christ Preliminary arrangements for the
At 9:30 the Bible school will meet, fall campaign work of the Women'sj
The morning service wil be at 10:30 League on the campus are now prac-;
and Rev. C. A. Hanna of Cleveland tically completed. A generous pro-
will deliver the sermon. Special mus- gram of big events has been outlined
ic by members of the Cleveland Festi- and the campaign committee, organ-
val quartet will be given. There will ized last spring, is ready to carry out
be no evening service. All services its plans.
will be held in Lane Hall. Miss Helen W. Brown of Jackson is1
chairman of the committee. Ex-officio
First Congregational Church members are class representatives
A sermon "The Miracles" will be chosen by the women on the campus1
part of the morning service of wor- at the spring elections. The first meet-1
ship at 10:45. It will deal with the ing of the committee will be called at,
question as to whether miracles have the beginning of the fall term.-
any value. At 12 o'clock there will Following the policy iilaugurated
be an open forum. Prof. C. E. Griffin and so successfully carried out last
of the Commerce and Industry De- year, League officials have decided to
partment% will discuss "Reparations concentrate all efforts toward increas-
and the Dawes plan." The church ing the building fund upon three or I
will be closed for the rest of August four large projects. Previously a
Rand until the middle of September. number of activities had been under-1
taken, but with unsatisfactory results.
St. Paul Lutheran Duplication and unnecessary confus-
At 9 o'clock there will be a prepar- ion as to dates of events, together with
atory service. The sermon at 9:30 exce(ssive demands for extra-curricu-
-.lar work, brought revision and unifica-
, g . , tion. The new policy has proven its
Orzgzna Daily' wor h; receipts last year were larger
Now Seems Funny than ever before, and the cooperation
among the women was increased.
The Christmas bazaar will be held
- The first Daily, origin Oly known as this year in both Waterman and Bar-
the "U. of M. Daily," was a four page bou: gymnasiums. The men's build-
paper, each page containing four col- ing will be used for the sale proper,
umns about 14 inches long. The first1which is given jointly by church wo-
page bore advertising after the man-~

according to of-
and of the Uni-

versity. Dean Kraus believes that
these schools, which were conducted
at four universities in the ': t :
promise to have a far reach'
ence on the future of publi:
work in the United State.:
Kraus specially recommen.
hearty cooperation given to ti -
by the United States Publi.-.
The Political Institute for"
which was conducted for a we
ing the summer session also mi
the successful completion of ;ixP,
new project on the campus. i) a
Kraus remarked that the Un r

was living up to its function aso
ucatona cener or te satener of all newspapers of the time.
ucational center for the state W The advertising' is written in the olt
encouraged such meetings as Thiond sm an most o
stitute of Government and Pnl fashioned mariner and most of th

ti14u1G VL ITVYGL1iLttCL2L LtLlu ro j;3j{ , j

i ,.


Men and women engaged in public
service will soon have an internation-
al federation similar to the interna-
tional federations of trade, unions.
This applies especially to teachers.
A meeting of representatives of
tAustralian, French, Dutch, German,
and Czecho-Slovak organizations of
civil servants was held in connec-
tion with the international trade un-
Ion congress held here early in June.
They decided to form a civil servants'
international with a teacher's sub-
October 27 is the date set for the
first international congress at which
the organization is to be definitely
launched. The convention city will
be Paris. British and Belgian organ-
>izations are also expected to be rep-
besented. More than 7,000 French.
5,000 Austrian, and 7,000 German or-
ganized teachers'have already declar-
ed their readiness to affiliate.
A shaker that will deliver either
halt or pepper as desired has been

""" .".... . . arsV- V 111 1 .' > firm s (10~
the campus. onger
The fire
M Y PODUCION Cl , °ty anno
rio lumns
To U t FRE M T ie rugby
- !tory tel
ects for
The players from Earl E. F - omtha
mann's classes who have finishe, " zg page.
summer course in play productic The se
presentation, will give a compl> i id a few
ary matinee and reception Tu of ad
Aug. 12 at 4 o'clock in Universit insistse
for all Summer School student ents an
A group of four one act play fg'e has
be presented by the drama stu s item
These include "The Box," "The th high
ly Married Couple," "Neverth( It is i
and "Two Crooks and a Lady." itorial
The committee in charge of r to ti
gements consists of the followinl inspe
sons: Nancy Harsh, Lucille Be :;° als a p
Mavis Warner, Ethel Shalla, in reg
Brown, Florence McComb, .lnuncia'
Weadock, and John Bennett. hts, an
Wells to Leave For Europl 'y pla
Carleton F. Wells, of the rh the Ur
department, will leave Tuesda VMany
Europe where he will send tl . Ay nun
mainder of the summer vacatiox ;lowing
Wells will travel through Live. erest:

lug the advertising are no
st column of the first issue,
Sept. 29, 1890, contains fac-
ouncoments. The other three
are devoted to a story about
)y team of that year. Thec
lls about the team's pros-
the year in a leasant, con-
t used on the modern sport-
cond page bears the staff flag
editorials but consists most-
[vertising. The third page
entirely of faculty announce-
d advertising, and the fourthl
a column devoted to cam-
s and another column filled
school news.
nteresting to note that the
subject matter is quite sim.
hat still being used. A cas-
ection of the editorials re-
plea fo ra better school spir-
ard . to the football team, a
lion of the annual class
nd an attack on the Detroit
ers for the manner in which
yed up stories detrimental

men of Ann Arbor and League mem-
bers. The tea room will be placed in
t? e women's gymnasium.
Several dances and social affairs
will be given during the winter and
in the spring the second Panhellenic
ball will be held.
Last year a tea-room conducted at
one of the dormitories was very suc-
cessful; some similar event is being
planned for this fall. The rummage
safe held this spring netted enough
to make another probable next year.
A booth in University Hall will dis-
pense candy and blue books.
The Junior and the Senior Girls'
plays will turn their profits over to
the League fund.
The membership campaign, on the
campus is to be directed from the De-.
troit office of the national campaign
Constantinople, Aug. 9.-Read Ad-
miral Mark L. Bristoll, commander of
the U. S. Naval forces in Turkey to-
day returned from Angora where on
Thursday he discussed for nearly six
hours without interruption with the
Premier Isnet Pasha pending ques-
tions affecting Turkey and the Unit-
ed States. Admiral Bristoll will leave
here for Europe on the first holiday of
the five and a half years he has spent
Paris, Aug. 8.--The French govern-
ment has raised Paul Wayland Bart-
lett, American sculptor, to the dignity
of commander of the legion, of honor
of 1908.

A'pplicants for admission to the Un-
iversity number about the same as
last year at this time according to in-
formation received from the office of
the registrar. No exact figures are
available but indications are that the
freshman class of the coming fall will
be just about the same size as that of
last fall. Last fall 956 applications
for admission had been received by
August 10.
Registration for the fall term will
begin September 16. One new feat-
ure of the registration this year will
be the fact that all old students, those
not entering the University for the
first time, will be allowed to register
on September 15 if they desire. This
is being done so that the old students
will be able to get in their applica-
tions for football tickets as early as
Lansing, Aug. 9.--Henry Ford be-
came an involuntary candidate for the
republican nomination for U. S. Sen-
ator when petitions containing suffi-
cient signatures to place his name on
the primary ballot Sept. 9 were filed.
with th'e Secretary of State today.
Pekin, Aug. 9.-While out reconnoit-
ering 1L the vicinity of Miaochien,
which was menaced by bandits, one
policeman was killed and two others
narrowly escaped with their lives.
With this issue, the Summer
Michigan Daily suspends publi- !
cation. Publication of the Mich-
igan Daily will begin on Septem-
ber 23 to continue throughout
' the year.
!_ __ _1


of the news items in the
ubers appear amusing. The(
news story should prove of

Oxford, London and other plac,, 'The electric street railway is pro-
interest. He will return in th' a ssing nicely. Last night a car ran
to resume his work in the rh short distance and at 2:45 p. m. a
,department of the University. moved nicely along Main street."1

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