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April 27, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…-I JI, C _ r IS Ail r\fXi:Cy",, ICXCI{ ili . i . s g fi, !N e cliii <l FIi ti s ii rt o d i h 'i VCii xiii_7 111 P~E MICHIGAN DAILY Fvl << . O iiix Oleii alxxl,111i slIii, xxiii~, al lxii i iii. xxxi. xxilixiii il>xix xivent ithe c i.itifr.)m l iiiiii"Al l-- iich .ln porl p5 th \%.;]] r:i li e ll5= S p ri \\ tllt~wmajriy :s i \\asc ~ Shirts \\ ii 11 I; xI10s rll rsHatsW lc ths '\c~il;, h t\( )ltis { 1e i- Thi \ar\\}11aw lith al() )'a t B...…

April 28, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGA'N DAILY - ------- -- - ---- - -------- FRt 106 5E. HironSt. Op or o J. L. CHPViNl Als'o ic Io o1 r s l I o 0 r 5 Cr. ma'A r nx,.1 CI15 . 1500,000 t 1l * FIRT NM W116.1 Booth. >5 >. II 55555 5 15I14 IIHTO N 5I5 5It '1 SKIS \'( 1 (IS'S TI'S. ar,., ra e a 1 a ) : ti 5 tit IW i, ill s d t =t 5> f 1 5' *I>, 1)a Ih l aic 15o I I 1 1 s 5 l t l ci tc h c~cciclcI c 15 5a1 z 151 tt i 5 5i1lr~ 1 ibiitc ( <t5 Sii: >5 iS I ll 1 >d I 3Ic _...…

April 29, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…'i t? : UI I \1'i'' Hi ; 'TEJ, MICHIGAN DAILY return to \im \rbor, and w ill av t e ! d .St ((i r ic ,'1- or the ai quet 1 I I Q 1, r 111 1:0 I: 0011 l l.( 11111 III I' la 1I1IdntaiclalerII Io ' V k Shirts { I ) <' Ii - 111111t 1II BE. I1O t- still 1)e it? tllEtttt" 'I , WIIc'II t I W tr[llll I )t)r t< lo ll al 1:20 .Llld PI- I ' I-' )I 1Ysst i h -v '<'LVCS I I I I will -; I li. XLQUI 01N N it ' 1.2 _ - _ I . 3, NH$ 2, t. _, I _ tN i)1...…

April 30, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

… i 6y ..a. .: - ;t: ,, a { _.: r . '6.i.'.'+.. - . f, ' r< .. / .r ' i \ / 1 r ... f \ \. ' -, - :- . Cifi H FP 0d 5 Upi)b") a . p L m EEC. to 0 4. 0r [y} 4) 4) =ia =wI~ 0939 oi N *U 0 oU4 0 , r W cr :o + 0 .: H n - - - - _ _ CE, U .,..LU r w G.~ { 4- H 0 r 0;} +. I _ 9 W' +' i j..':. e _ ... . . nt... } ([p ((F(EF r t F " S.. 4- IU - zt z> ,r U U- 44 Ai r _ '. w r v ,. _ ., I - E " 6) ,, :: . s .. _ - _ i 1 f = J-...…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES New Whitney Theatre " _ ~Curtin 8.15 P. M. Las. ionera not std p.*. ply 1 as do fo se n lesVisI'todaIy. Of s at Tic hur 9tor2-tSat t. wnday,"Apr. Monday, April 3 U al. heksm % , atd a ifX X, Matinee and Night bXXt XXXXX 1 THE WHITNEY OPERA CO. 7) .)1 DRCTION F CIWHITNEY at ,ragXXIX'day it>mI 1 traWll e'senlt/Vthe it X VII XXIX 1 cns1ac1t11thme ad il. 'TiX daning C A T C Hc1 V Pcr Idtforcinm11eThe C oc late...…

April 02, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…2 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY I '4 ci fiSH E $4.00 and $5.00 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our, specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe I INDTIAN BL1ANKETS AND CURIOS Arts an~d Craftp Shop SilverNoeloties from Eastern Shos n Cr. William and Maynard Snior Caps ad Gowns 3tt-5-mor wxill, please call as soon as possible and have their measurem...…

April 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

… CATCH VP withyou wadroe Id t illtha oldsuiClok o a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b brgtnnhiySna11 i(petoyaaei eustine to ay nd a-r~a) tuu ii 1 -appyapakltg olgane o Now ork tyl, 'Te Inyli thi- i a a it aateralo andwit ove tO N~ ad xcicie attrn tri 0 e to) liIt)re o, cnt a an lca talrad-oynri t,~ e-I0)0 iO) br"bl lo Ae' ; imw t o u r e a rdin e antie t l ll s o onI 1 , i i, , . . w w l h t o d s i o k o J.KARLunhnySndy MALCOLM'w. ' c oua teprcs o aea custmedt...…

April 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THR 1KICHiGAN DAILt'Y__________ UNVESIYNOICS New Whitn~ey Theatre IDEAL UNVRIYNTCSCutai . 8.15P. M. a'a cn e-a m ltate5d pompty. OI \ ,1011 trIall ll ertu tdaleft 1 U1,11011M bistr hat 511w hill Iian- Satu~rday, April 8 Matine e anid Night - __________________________________ - glta roms, 7 :0 . M. toniiht A 11 - mstbe reet. Bring eligibl ityads.i v osM . aites' Made to our specifications genSi'ssailig to ryallifor MistrelJ( over this popular ...…

April 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…ro~MICH~IGAN flAIL {l F~rwrrb ac i 01I ii-o i htodsi oko withyour inrdodbe'. teSIilI)oo hfor ralsuhwit lta l si oko Ja KARL MALCOLMa orig* 'e()1,: o a h piesyuar c J. 711RN.LUnverstAve. OL -- taies ALLac GvAway:SETMtneoa aIf nd Com o Sx i Te a of Jo ANN! jUNIVERSITY NOTICESj New i yTheatre Cssatalm 8,15'. r P . L a ateas mro ot sa ted rorimptly. i I c~rxxs: Seniors shave imeasnremients ialscnifor Caps and gowns ai Mack's hefore vaca- 110...…

April 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…TEMICHIOAN DAILcY IDEAL . " OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. $4.00 and $5.00 WAGNER & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe ININBLANKETS AND CURIOS INDIANHEA . Arts an~d Crafts Shop Sliver Novelties fram Eastern Strsps Cur. William and Maynard Senior Caps and Gowens Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for Cap an...…

April 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…--loom iIDEAL aa. OXFORD Made to our specifications Of over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 se~c~ e and $7.0(0 shoes. $400adH500 W GNR&So $4.00 nd $5.StatGERStreet Sign of the big white shoe INDIAN BLANKETS AND CURIOS Arts an~d Crafts Shop Silver Novelties frommIEastern Shsps Car. 'William ad Maynard I r i Senior Caps and Gowns Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for C...…

April 20, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…Y Y rJ AX . ., .. . __ . , _. _ , z _ _ _..- ______ __ Bursting uds r 1 C, _ ~fi } E t y ., _..- Suggests the freshness and harmsony of our NEW SPRING; FASHIIONS'. Our models are devoid of fiads s-vt Snperh in style rightness. We si f iit ynn with tnuecring precision at a price that fits ynnirpte ". JKARL MALCOLM 118 East Liberty CALL ANt) SEE'[lHE Henry a2nd f mpany 711 N. Vtiversit':y Ave. UNIVERSITY NOTICES vresh l it baseball practice...…

April 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…_ Erna mielIIGAN DAILY DEBATERS MEET TONIGHTNeTh a r IN FIRST CLP CONTEST. Ne W hitneyTh a r IDEAL 'Welphi and(1Jeffersoniaii iebates meet int+te first of the ii series of TedyA rlZ OX O D "cup" debates, at eight o'clock tonright T edyA rl2 in room 1 of the dLaw building. The subject fr debate is: Resslved, That --- the Uniedt States should fortify the g_ 1 Mde to our specifications Panama canal. The Adephi" teamf 9 ovrthis pp lcast andequ fl ...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY i F - r .. __ .. - . Tkrta ': '.._' msmwo 11 CALKI N'S PHAMC i The one aim of this store is to give you what you want--when you want it-and Yyyof the very best quality. To satisfy you is to keep you coming here when you need things from a drug store, and to give you the very best quality and service makes us satisfied with ourselves. Whatever you get here, whether drugs or soda water, kodaks or toilet soap, will ...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…T~lE MICTTIGAN DAILY HEALTH OF PEOPLE MUST BE BETTERED Main Root of Deterioration of Nations is Found in Disease PROBLEM PRESENTS BIG FIELD termet ofit c t ,_ - ,in aaiirtQuatc d (l 1't.. t ci I it qiteic f,1 an itsridi c a akdillw,- ,of ionsicv i ctie ccieda littic took i the de clill f ? ali impott fc wfal evil, intchlhr( 1 ~eh thAt 1aol i i , i i lu-toion' ciii tt r ii.c beftore u ea1 nt1l so afteri cliiiewa i11,i ' l tr-I ll likef an i (...…

April 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…T41I, F; TIGAN vDAILY .. f-G B UNIVERSIT[Y NOTICES New Whitney Theatre Tuesday April 25 _ - tip., < ,yt ', ':j 1 Ilad harinono of ol v il Superb illgStyreo I dill I. .k~ lib rty _. I 11fF 1's) s~ Prices: 5O-75-$1,00-$1,50-$2,00 Seat Sale Sat, April 22 Hotel, Cumberland S.W. Cor, Broadway, at 54th SI., NEW YORK e 0 th St.Subway andd 441. Elevated. s .' r?_t ; _ : ... H2f4I Folr Parlitulr i 1 Ladies' Hii i r Waterl 44444444 to...…

April 27, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…~E ICHICA OIY Bursting Budis . w, Wits >t Siig,,-ests the freshness and harmony of our N k-XV SPRING FASHIONS. Our models are devoBid ofids yret Superb in style rightness. We wiii fit yon with uneering precision at a prce thalit fits yonr purse 1. KR MALCOLM 118S East Liberty CALL AND) SEE THE Hery noman 711 K. Uriversity Ave. 1,O t h.iclxi tie coi At the alol-il i ii t liii iothei 11i=, it, Ve i' xii't~e ieL J J.Ci l lsxttill 11 "li l-...…

April 28, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…___ ! l to ur eci: ( r s.- th , o 3str a ' , os ii " o I, } '1 ..'- o , New Whitnvey Theatre Cmci-tabn, 8.15 P. M. Laten corners n~ot seated promeptly. FIDAY, MAY 5 Absolutely the Best and Largest Musical Comedy Company That Has Ever Appeared in Ann Arbor. Everywhere Everybody's Tust Raving About Vfh SW ETEST Trixie Friganza, Alex. Carr, Fred V. Bowers, Dorothy Brenner, Catherine Rowe Palmer, Zoe Barnett. 17 Songs, 48 Girls Le ti('a c o...…

April 29, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY uds o 'N lios and harmony of on t\ '1 r;INC lAIIONS. ur usodels ar yet 'superb iu style rightuess N t itl l oueri ug preciion at IA I ft s 1r ' rl t re S out r< a UNIVERSITY NOTICIFS 0.r W. S. ,Ru Iti rd i ll e ,1 0(1) aclii iii icti ? i iirnz Stll d w' ci u r lb t f2c~ ~ l~r b)~bI1, . (l- ii SI I I Iny Ave 1 o f Dancing tus lyou (No r :"i horsday Evis, r7:00 ;,lsel'sarsl10to 12 a. m,2 to 4 p. m t,,1)rDresig, Shame ...…

April 30, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…H ~MICHIGAN DAI", i . " Y V 4 .v V r' SHOES IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the hig white shoe UNIVERSITY NOTICES li i $4.00 and $5.00 Pam~ w S' j INDIAN BLANKETS AND CURIOS Arsa axd Crafta Shop Silver Noveltie from EstrnShops Cor. William and Maynsard I Mack's Tea Roorrv All Ionte CookingT. Excellent Cuisin...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

…EI MICHIGAN DAILY BE AM0ONG THE FIRST $20..00 aniA tip AAA(j114 ADING & BROS. The Spa 10 Id fkf zi teng ~ l N 0Sa.t ~ IENTfo I r ttletic ePADIN potsad asims -MARKo'0 'oNoo o l of' teto ot li l fl i ng O f( The Ainro vy al Capitaol o ~ '10 O 000 A UeteaI iol's F .;'l , edo .Utt riEOO. l . I ' TiltlFARMERSt.00 .I V1.00.oP MAIN AND)011 . Catitai $50000 0010.0 ol ,rlls Ot 900 Proi. 10 .. (0 (011 11011 m m xeld tIII 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING c ...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield 8! &Co. ! Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guas-ants-ed The Ann Arbor Savings flank Capitol Stotk "300,O00 Suplus $50,000 Recsour'ces $',0,O000 A Cleneral EBankingugine~lass Trasacted Urricis:sChas. E. tiiscock. tPses.; W. iD. Htarriman, Vice Preo.: M. .J...…

April 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

…THEI MICHIGAN DAILY ____._ ._ Bursting Buds I A rx 4 Suggests, the freshness and harrmony1 of ou NEW SP'RINC' FASHIONS. Our models ar devoid ofi fads vet Superb iii style rigtness We will fit you with uineeriug precision at price that fits your purse! ir a J. KARv,,L MALCOLM 118 East Liberty i I CALL ANt) SEE THlE Henry dCompaDLny 711 Ucivertty Ave. I i i i i UNIVERSITY NOTICES _i iI iwhoiiwalit to ordevr Kralgs from he iovv rose...…

April 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…SF: IHIG CAN DAILY. = gp$G"rte, -...._ ... _., . _ ....._... -e_,_.; ..w __ ,s. ' - - 5k _..b-~ ;L. :.,,_ $4.00 and 9 DEA OXFORD a Icf to our specifiatloni= I sj thispopular last i and equal irn slyle and detail to our 36.00 andc 37.00 1shoes. 3 L t ,y . IJNVE~IIYNO!I'CFS : A nhitney Theatre Tuesday April 25 INDI iN BLAN SnoseirCp 3rd ilor 'State Street )11 , and have their C0 3rd Floor I Pis:50-15-$1OO0-$1.50-$2DO0 Seat Sale Sat. Ap...…

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