March 22, 1915

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March 22, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…e .1 ich igan Daily EX ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915. MUSIC WRITER DOESN'T KNOW EM HOW TO READ OR PLAY SONGS MT EBSeymour B. Simons, Composer of "Is That So," Worked Under Handicap um Box Office Opens at With the streak of genius, luck, )'clock for Those fancy, inspiration or whatnot, that is Iolding Slips attached to all operas, Seymour B. 1-100 - Simons, whose contribution to the opera is the music for a feature song, M ...…

March 22, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DALLY. rHE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building Sub. by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. sttions: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C.' H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone 2414 H. Beach Carpente...…

March 22, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 0) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER PORTRAYS *SEASHORE DANGER John B. Jewell, '15A, Designs Picture of Girl Scattering Dollars on Sand TO BE PUT ON SALE THIS WEEK Gold dollars scattered on a golden seashore, by a golden-haired dancer- girl blaze on the 1915 opera's coat- of-arms, drawn up in a poster by John B. Jewell- '15A. The three colors, orange-gold and blue on a grayish background, reflect the character of the "All That Glitters" production. ...…

March 22, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 0) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ..... ,. ILL JuniorI i of for OF 2:00 1-51 ;position Coach Farrell, ;rack squad, is going to Ufer, is puzzling many ae track followers. Al- ,ther difficult to tell at e game, it would almost coach would be com- the fleet footed Chicago 0-yard event for dual him to the mile at the llegiates. 3 miler on last year's urphy caring for the son, with "Murph" out and with Carroll, the dle distance man from tan squad on h...…

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