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March 22, 1915 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-22

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Official newspaper at the University of
Michigan. Published every morning except
Monday during the university year.
Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as
second-class matter.
Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building Sub.
by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad.
sttions: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C.' H.
Davis, cor. Packard and State.
Business Office Phone 96o
Editorial Office Phone 2414
H. Beach Carpenter....,.....Managing Editor
W. Sherwood Field.......Business Manager
Opera Special
James M. Barrett, Jr.........Editor
Joseph J. Brotherton......Reporter
Verne Burnett............Reporter
E. Rodgers Sylvester........ Reporter
Iarold A. Fitzgerald......Reporter
Business Staff
William J. Edwards Harry H. Sparks
John W. Langs
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915
Ask a man what he considers the
iggest non-athletic event of the year
t Michigan, and he won't have to
crew up his eyes for half a minute
'efore he answers "the Union opeta."
And it is. It is more generally at-
ended, it is more interesting and it
s more comprehensive as a pithy rep-.
esentation of the way that students'
ninds work and students' limbs kick
han any other living institution on
he campus.
* All of this considers the opera simp-
y as the opera. It does not take note
of any excellence, aside from that of
he idea itself. But this gladsome
spring, according to those in and out
of touch with the press agent, the
opera is to be a whiz. If it were
ield out to as as "the best ever," we
night be suspicious. We are spared.
Et is rated simply as a bang-up, good
show. That tempts us. Michigan is
holding her composite breath wait-
ng for the lights to mellow the bot-
om of the Whitney curtain for the
nitial performance.
Oldest undergraduates extant recall]
hat the present opera is the eighth
n the series given yearly by the Mich-
gan Union.
Once snuggled down in that orches-
ra seat, you'll never remember those
who stepped on your feet in the ticket



"The college man makes the best
chorus girl on the face of the earth?"
"How's that?" was the startled reply
of the Daily reporter, who had been
ushered into the apartments of Eugene
B. Sanger, director of the 1915 Mich-
igan Union opera.
The composed, dignified gentleman
pacing back and forth turned to the
scribe, a. winning, open-hearted smile
lighting up his features. He laughed
and tapped his forehead. "It's here,"
he said significantly.
"Of course I enjoy working with the
boys. It's my life work, my art. When
once one shows these men that he is
here with a serious purpose, putting
his soul in the task, and trying to get
the best out of them, their spirits come
into harmony with that of the direc-
tor's, and then we get real results.
These boys are refined, cultured and,
most of all, they use their brains.
Why do you ask me to compare them
with the professional chorus?"
The topic veered to how Michigan
stacks up with the eastern university
in regard to its dramatic possibilities.
"All you men here at Ann Arbor need
is the self-confidence and impetus to
attempt more ambitious presentations.
With this achieved, you should be able
to stand in a favorable light with the
older and more established dramatics
of the eastern college.
"The time will come," he continued,,
"when we will see chairs of dramatics
established in all the large universi-
ties. Acting is an art that requires
life-long preparation, along with that
something from within, that is called
genius. When educators come to rec-
ognize th'e value and place of the stage
in education, they will cooperate with,
rather than oppose, as is sometimes

now the case, their college produc-
Mr. Sanger expressed the opinion
that the university's annual opera is as
important a means of advertising the
institution as its athletics. "I remember
one case," he remarked. "It was on the
night of one of the out-of-town per-
formances of Triangles, the Princeton
club. I was standing at the back of
the theater, when an elderly gentle-
man, not knowing my identity, accost-
ed me and asked me who those fellows
were? I told him, and he replied 4n
astonishment, 'What, these a group of
college boys away from their univer-
sity town! I have been watching them,
and have never seen such gentlemanly,
refined conduct any place. I was in-
tending to send my boy to another col-
lege, but I can now plainly see that
Princeton is the place for him.' I run
across numerous such incidents," con-
tinued Mr. Sanger. "When the boys
go on the road they are really repre-
senting the university, and the 5,000
students whom they leave behind will
be judged by their actions."
Amateur dramatics are to have a
great influence over the professional,
according to Mr. Sanger. He showed
how practically every town, village
and city has its amateur organizations,
and, as a consequence, how the public
is more familiar at the lresent, with
stage production than ever before.
About 80 percent of the theater goers
are familiar with the technique of the
stage, he said, and so they divide their
time at the performance between en-
joying the show and criticizing its de-
tails. "Thus the professional producer
will be forced to raise the standard of
his plays to satisfy the tastes and the
knowledge of his audiences," said Mr.

U.nivoexsit ,
ffuesic 1i4ouse
Corner Maynard and William Streets


All That Glitters

The latest and best in Classic,
Operatic and Popular Music
is always to be found in
our stock



to Spend About $1,670 More This
Year Than on Production
of 1914

If figures can be trusted as a safe
guide to the excellence of Union op-
eras, t"All That Glitters" should excel
all previous productions by the Union,
as the estimated cost of producing it
will be about $5,200, which is no less
than $1677.98 more than the amount
spent on "A Model Daughter" last
year. It is planned to make about the
same profit as last year, and if all the
tickets are sold, this sum will be
$3,173.19, the extra performance en-
abling the management to spend more

in producing the' show. The profits
from the opera are used each year to
help maintain the clubhouse, since the
revenues from the memberships and
other activities do not net enough to
pay all the expenses. How much the
success of the opera means is shown
'by the fact that without this revenue,
he Union would not be self-supporting.
In order to get the benefit of fresn
ideas and energy in preparing for the
opera this year, Eugene B. Sanger, of
New York City, was engaged as direc-
tor, at a salary of $1,400 and expenses,
in comparison to that of $650 received
by Bert St. John, who has d!rected the
last five Union operas. About $300
more than last year will b 3 spent on
costumes, $200 more on scenery, and
$100 on properties, and it is certain
that a more lavish and finished pro-
duction will be seen here, and make
the trip to Chicago, Detroit, Toledo
and Saginaw.
Below is given the cost and profits
realizedr on all the Unon operas thus


Every Student should take home with him a MICHIGAN

i the other hand, a large number
see the show from the distant
pective of painted board benches.
?eras may come, etc., but the
ler who smokes cigarettes between
will go on puffing away.
At all of those flowers which will
handed over the footlights come
i women students.
e care in mailing those artistic
pictures, unless you label them
pularity is not always proved by
g seen at the opera three nights
ose-fitting garments are recom-
led for those reading the next


Michigenda........... ..


Culture. ........................
Koanzaland .. ..................
Crimson Chest, .......................
The Awakened Rameses.............
Contrarie Marie,.... . . ........... .
A Model Daughter,.................
All That Glitters, (estimated,).......




"He's a regular guy. Just like us, and
not swelled a bit."
"Well, go to it. Got enough for an
And thus I sat down, with the result
that following is the Daily's printed
story of my interview with the famous
"Yes, I usually write in the morning.
That is a particularly inspiring time
of the day, with the soft sun light
playing over my beloved piano. The
atmosphere is much more conducive
to music then anyway, more soulful I
believe. Oh no, thank you. I never
smoke. It affects my nerves and my
asthetic nature. Yes, yes, I greatly
prefer classical music to the other
kind. Oh Browning? I just love and
adore Browning. He's SO inspiring.
Won't you please have some tea? You
won't? I'm so sorry. Call again,
won't you, please. I'm SO glad to
have met you. Goodbye."
(Continued from page 1)
The name I wanted I found had been
used by a Broadway musical comedy,
and only at the last minute, while the
committee was tearing its hair for a
name, did I choose the present title:
"While I was writing the book and
lyrics, I had in mind certain men, such
as Durward Grinstead, for whom I
built up parts for which I knew they
would be suited. My experience in
writing operas and shows is limited.
Once I wrote a musical comedy called
the 'Pretenders," but it never got by.
I also wrote a Chinese play for ,the
Comedy club competition two years
ago, entitled 'The Call of the Fathers.'
"Playwriting to me is fun, and I do
it only for the pleasure there is in it.,

I 'take the daily life about me, and
weave this into rapid action, and there
you have a play."
The book in its present form has
been improved and made more finished
by further work on it by the author
during the last two ionths. One of its
best features are the lyrics. while the
story of the play has been compli-
mented by Director Sanger, as being
better than those of many pro".ssional
plays he has been connected with.
.The first scene shows Madame
Brousseau's beaty parlor, where A
nette the pretty and much sought-
after head manicurist, is longing for
a hero. She thinks she has one in the
person of Dick Jordan, son of Frank-
lin Jordan, the millionaire, but he,
however, is engaged to Adelaide Devon,
an aesthetic dancer, whom his father
will not allow him to marry. Stod-
dard, a young and impecunious law-
yer, is in love with the millionaire's
daughter, Dorothy, but can not marry,
her until he can show her father his
first big fee. Adelaide sue3 for breach
of promise, and Stoddard ge; 4 large

e ( ;

The Newest in
Street and Dress Hats
Gloves and Hosiery
The Granger Hat Shop
606 E. Liberty Street
settlement for her from Franklin
Jordan. He thus has his first big fee,
and marries Dorothy. Adelaide, who
is now in funds, and Dick get marrid,
finally the millionaire plays hero, mar-
ries Annette, and all ends "as you like



not prizes for those
t of the show?


bly you can tell
vomen at all.

they really'

you haven't a little detector

night cha goin'?


Being assigned to the delicate task
of interviewing one of the composers
of the music, I dropped in upon the
distinguished gentleman between
"Hello," I began politely.
"Hello yourself," he answered.
"Writing music?" I ventured.
"Naw, it's this darned calculus. Say,
gimme a match."
I staggered back aghast! The idea
of a composer of divine, angelic and
heavenly music using common, every
day Lucifers, hadn't occurred to me. I
imagined they must have lit their cig-
arettes with an inspiration from the
heights above, or something like that.
I produced a match.
"I'm interviewing you," I, offered
meekly, as huge clouds of smoke envel-
oped the mathematical operations.
"So," he commented non-commttally.
"Yes," I rejoined weakly, "do you
"I guess not,"'he answered thought-
fully, "but I've gotta have this junk in
by tomorrow or get busted out of this
place," and he added something inaud-
ible that I assume I didn't hear cor-
"How do you write your best music?"
I ventured.
"Same's I write it all. Can't tell
which is good and which isn't myself,
until the public hears it."
No?" I questioned, shucked.
"Don't you usually read Browning,

or think, beautiful thoughts before
you begin?" I questioned meekly.
He looked at me curiously: "Where
do you get that stuff anyway. I can't
see much in Browning myself, can
I confessed that I felt no particular
attachment for the great poet.
"Well, I must be going," I ventured
after a long,. uncomfortable and im-
pressive silence.
"Don't hurry," he replied, "but leave
a couple of matches on the table on
the way out,, will you?"
I returned to the gentleman in
charge of this issue. "That music
composer's a swell fellow," I said.

By reason of a resolution passed by
the Board of Directors of the Michigan
Union, it will soon be possible for all
Union members to patronize-the stand,
billiard room, cafe and other depart-
ments of the Union at a pecuniary sav-
ing to themselves.'
This action has been taken in the
belief that the members of the above
organization should have the opportun-
ity or privilege of purchasing the var-
ious things which any club house -must
make a charge for, at prices lower
than the same commodity could be
.purchased from the ordinary retailer.
A system of coupon books has been



devised whereby a member of the
Michigan Union can obtain $2.70 worth
of merchandise for $2.50 or $5.50 worth
for $5. The coupons in these books
can be used at the cigar stand, for
anything sold there; in payment of
pool and billiard games; for single
meals in the cafe and for the Union
dances. The Coupons are good only in
the Michigan Union building, but no
limit is placed upon the length of time
of their validity.
The coupon books may be purchased
at the cigar stand in the Union lobby,
at a date to be later announced in the
Michigan Daily.



Continued from page 1).,
to the treasurer. Edgar Crum-
'16E, Ben Motter, '16, and Leroy
1, '16L, are members of the mu-
blishing committee. James 'M.
'16, John Langs, '17, and Harry
'17E, are on the publicity com-
H. Humiston, '16E, W. Stew-
iE, M. Reed, '16E, and Harold
'16 are assistants to the stage
er. On the stage committee are
d, '16E, Paul Wagner, '16E, C. B.
'17E, H. E. Montelius, '17E,
Schupp, '17E, Howard Snyder,
rordon Smith, '17E, and Harry

iurster Bros.
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
Extra Heavy Cream for WhIpping

The City Ice Co.
Dealers in
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Detroit & Catherine. Sts.
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326 E. ANN ST.

Ann Arbor, Mich.

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