February 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 105) • Page Image 1
…. . I Ak . tt* [An loom VOL. III. -Nu. l t 5. VOL.111-o. 105. UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAiN, MOND- AY, FEI3RUARY 27, 1893. tesTHE(ES. PIIICE, Tmm.F. CENTS. WE ARE PROUD OP THEM!. treated in a practical, as well as THE SENIOR LITS ORATE.. The U. of M. Minstrels Give a Per- entertaining way, and many valnable Much Good Material Brought Out u~ tormiance Relecting Great Credit suggestions given. MNodels of the; by the Contest-A Result ofS' evceswe...…