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December 01, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…iC i IZ a i l Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, December 1, 2009 REMEMBERING MUMBAI FA CULT Y SENAT E A SSEMBLY Sullivan discusses 'U'budget challenges Provost s s "interested in learning abuut the budget," she said. "I know that it increasing student makes some people's eyes roll to the back of their head. But in the body size not the current situation, it's much moire important for the information tobe solution to problems ...…

December 02, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…be l3id~iig1 an I 0 Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, December 2, 2009 MSA ELECTIONS . MVP continues election gains Thrnout matches last year's election at around 9 percent By MALLORY JONES and JENNA SKOLLER Daily Staff Reporters The Michigan Vision Party won a majority of open seats in the Michigan Student Assembly's elec- tion that ended at 11:59 p.m. last night. Voter participation in the elec- tion remained steady over ...…

December 03, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Ann Arbor recording studios let Why the Io p local artists give their music the this wee Mii - professionaltreatment Assembly electio SEE TH E B-SI DE, I NSI DE SE Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, December 3,2009 FREE FALL MICHIGAN PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP Students, ' 'teamto lobby for Promise Both parties stand upto $4,000 toward tuition over the course of four years, as deter- to lose if program is mined by the student's score...…

December 04, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…* MEDICINAL MODELS PLAYFUL COMEDY Though medical marijuana is legal in Basement Arts' production 'The Two Couple Michigan, it's still tough for patients to Play and Other Short Works' is a relatable find - a problem the state must fix. anthology of plays guaranteed to illicit laughs. SEE OPINION, PAGE 4 SEE ARTS, PAGE 8 Cje4 £idigan 0,aIVj Ann Arbor, Michigan * GOVERNING THE GREEKS Greeks mull changes to risk policies Now the function solely ...…

December 07, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…SIGH OF RELIEF 0M M Against a mediocre team from Arkansas-Pine Bluff, Norah Jones's ix Michigan halted its three-game losing streak, with star rock 'n' roll that forward Deshawn Sims re-emerging in a big way. as tame as her 0 SEE SPORTSMONDAY INSIDE S3 Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, December 7,2009 OLD MEETS NEW COPENH AGEN CLMAT E SUMMIT 'U' team heads to UN talks w TOREHAN SHARMAN/Daily High school students from across M...…

December 08, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…be 13id~igan 4&iImj * Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, December 8, 2009 SOUTH U. BLAZE Charred South U. building to be torn down ROLLING OUT A BUSINESS STUDENT RIGHTS Revisions to student code in the works Demiolition will begin on Dec.14 and could be finished by Jan. 6 By DARRYN FITZGERALD Daily StaffReporter Demolition of the former Pin- ball Pete's building - a well- known campus landmark that was damaged in a fire earl...…

December 09, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…iC i aIZ a4dirt l Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, December 9, 2009 WARMING UP WITH THE PRE TM NT SU DENT RI.GHTS MSA draws back support for student code revision University President Mary Sue Coleman speaks during a fireside chat in the Michigan Union yesterday. Coleman meets with a small group of students at different loca- tions across campus once a month to answer questions and discuss campus issues. U NIV E RSIT Y ST...…

December 10, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…46F 4$r 46F Illic i an l A , r - b .. o . r, .,. M '. i , c I h . i g - a - n Thursday, December 10,2009 CONSTRUCTING CAMPUS " Ally. General investigating company in N. Quad build THE LAST DANCE After worker death, Michigan's attorney general looking into subcontractor By DAVID TAYLOR For the Daily The masonry company cur- rently working on the North Quad residential and academic complex is under criminal investigation ...…

December 11, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…NOT JUST TALK The Copenhagen Climate Summit Ag is an opportunity for the U.S. to toughen environmental standards. SEE OPINION, PAGE 4 SEE Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, December 11, 2009 WHO HAS THE BEST MOVES? STUDENT RIGHTS Future is uncertain for student code change NVR Flo, a hip-hop dance group formed in 2006, performs yesterday at Michigan's Best Dance Crew in the Michigan Union Ballroom. At the event, dance groups c...…

December 14, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…P , iC i Hl1 4:3allp Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, December 14, 2009 A FIGHTER IN THE RING Granholm to sign ban on smoking JAKE FROMM/Daily Kinesiology freshman Gabe Sheena stands on a Michigan wrestling mat on Friday. Sheena was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer, when he was eight years old. He lost most of his left leg when he underwent surgery to remove the tumor. Sheena got his first introduction to th...…

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