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December 01, 2009 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-12-01

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iC i IZ a i l

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, December 1, 2009



Provost s s "interested in learning abuut the
budget," she said. "I know that it
increasing student makes some people's eyes roll to
the back of their head. But in the
body size not the current situation, it's much moire
important for the information tobe
solution to problems out there."
Since 2002, the University has
By STEPHANIE STEINBERG reduced recurring general funding
Daily StaffReporter expenditures by about $135 million.
The University plans to continue to
University Provost Teresa Sul- use cost-reduction strategies that
livan highlighted the budget chal- are currently in place to cut another
lenges facing the $22 million in fiscal year 2010.
University dur- NOTEBOOK Sullivan said the University has
ing the recession an advantage in dealing with cur-
at the Senate Assembly meeting rent budget challenges because the
yesterday. state of Michigan entered a period
The talk was one of 25 presenta- of economic difficulty before the
tions about the University's budget, rest of the country.
that Sullivan and Phil Hanlon, vice "We've been at it for a while, and
provost for academic and budget- we've had the chance to phase in
ary affairs, gave to various groups changes over a few years, rather
of faculty members this semester in than having to make significant
an effort to educate the University cuts in a single year," Sullivan said.
community about budget issues, Despite the University's cost
according to the address. containment efforts, Sullivan said
"We want to make the budget decisions made at the state capital
more transparent and we want to will always impact the University.
invite the stakeholders to become "We have been, and will contin-
more engaged in thinking about ue to be, affected by what happens
it," Sullivan told the leading faculty in Lansing," she said.
governing body. Sullivan noted that much atten-
Sullivan acknowledged that the tion has been given to the fact that
budget is not always an exciting state appropriations have been
topic, but that it's important to talk shrinking. Over the last 10 years,
about so the public knows where state funding to the University has
the University stands in these tough decreased 10 percent.
economic times. "Looking at our overall budget
"I know that not everybody is See SULLIVAN, Page 7

The Indian American Student Association commemorated those who died in the Mumbai terrorist attacks one year ago by hosting a vigil on the Diag last night. At least
166 people died in the shooting and bombing attacks. LSA freshman Tulsi Patal (right) was among those who paid their respects to the victims last night.
' reprt details progress
Of its e-n vironme ntal efforts

Officials say data
will help set realistic
goals for future
Daily News Editor
Despite a 9-percentspike in pop-
ulation and an 11-percent increase
in building area, energy use has
remained nearly constant over the
past six years for the University,

according to a report released by
the Office of Campus Sustainabil-
ity yesterday.
The 2009 Environmental
Report - one of the tasks del-
egated to the new office created
by President Mary Sue Coleman in
October - tracks the University's
environmental efforts on campus.
The report describes campus
sustainability initiatives and cam-
pus energy, water and land use in
the last fiscal year, which ended
June 30. It emphasizes strides the

University has taken in its effort to
increase energy efficiency.
The University used a total of
6.5 trillion British thermal units
last year, which is equal to the
average energy used over the past
six years, according to a press
release published by the Univer-
sity Record.
"It's a significant accomplish-
ment, and we hope to continue
to hold the line - and perhaps
even decrease energy use - in
the future. That's the goal," Terry

Alexander, executive director of
the Office of Campus Sustainabil-
ity, wrote in the release.
Alexander wrote that updates
to "old, energy-wasting" cam-
pus buildings and the individual
efforts of students, faculty and
staff accounted for the energy effi-
In the coming year, the Office of
Campus Sustainability will outline
sustainability goals by analyzing
environmental monitoring data
See REPORT, Page 3

After millage fails, AAPS
asks for help to solve deficit

Series of community After a millage failed in a
county-wide vote in November,
forums planned officials from the school district
are planning a series of forums
to discuss cuts for the public to discuss how to
mend the budget gap they are
By DYLAN CINTI currently facing.
DailyStaffReporter The district projects cuts in
state funding could range from
Ann Arbor Public Schools are $4.8 million to $8.7 million for
turning to the community to help this year, and up to $20 million for
plan for what officials are portray- the next school year, AAPS Super-
ing as a major budget deficit that intendent Todd Roberts said.
could result in employee cuts. In the county-wide vote on the

millage early last month, voters
rejected a property tax increase
that would have provided AAPS
with approximately $11 million in
additional revenue per year.
The Regional Enhancement
Millage was proposed by the
Washtenaw Intermediate School
District - comprised of 10 school
districts including AAPS - to
help deal with mounting budget
shortfalls. The millage received a
majority of votes in Ann Arbor, but
See MILLAGE, Page 7

Salvation Army kettle stolen from
outside Nickels Arcade, officials say
AAPD cites economy
in theft that occurred'
Saturday afternoon
A theft this weekend put a bit of a
damper on the usual post-Thanks-
givingholiday cheer.
An unattended Salvation Army
Red Kettle charity bucket was sto-
len from its post in front of Nick-
els Arcade Saturday afternoon,
the Ann Arbor Police Department
reported. According to Major
Dianna Williams of the Salvation
Army Ann Arbor Corps, a male bell
ringer reportedly left the kettle
unattended at around 2:20 p.m. to
take a 15-minute bathroom break
during his eight-hour shift.
The amount of money inside the
bucket at the time it was stolen is
Williams said this isn't the first
time this particular bell ringer
has been pestered by people in the
"We've called the police for him JED MOcH/Daily
before," Williams said. "This whole A Salvation Army bucket was stolen Saturday afternoon from outside Nickels Arcade,
last week there have been some the location seen above, according to Ann Arbor Police Department officials.
people - we don't know if they they decided to do something while tor stole the locked bucket, leav-
are homeless or college pranks, he wasn't there," Williams said. ing behind the padlock that had
but they have been harassing a bell Though the lid of the donation secured it to the post.
ringer." bucket was locked and the bucket "None of our bell ringers have
"It escalated to the point where was locked to a post, the perpetra- See KETTLE, Page 3

Chegg.com offers reiltal textbooks

New business model
for textbook sales
could challenge Ann
Arbor booksellers
Daily StaffReporter
The list of reasons for Ann
Arbor booksellers to be worried

justgot a little longer.
Chegg.com, a new online text-
book company, claims it will soon
put campus bookstores out of
business by not selling books to
students, but instead renting them
to students.
The company is the one of the
larger companies using a relative-
ly new business model in which
students rent textbooks for the
semester. A number of sites, like
bookrenter.com and campusbook-

rentals.com, offer similar servic-
Aayush Phumbra, co-founder
and senior vice president of opera-
tions at Chegg.com, said the idea
for the company came from his
experience as an undergraduate
when he felt he paid too much
money for books and got too little
when he sold them back.
Phumbra said Chegg.com's busi-
ness model mitigates this problem


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INDEX NEWS ................................ 2 ARTS...................5
Vol. CXX, No.57 SUDOKU............................... 3 CLASSIFIEDS ......,............ 6
2N ..The.Michigao.Daily OPINION.. . . . 4 SPORT...................S. . . ..........8

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