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November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…T 'I14 C~4r trirniA~ *rnt News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 One hundred eight years of editoria/feedom Wednesday November 4, 1998 As I&d si ces Fl I g0 WHAT'S INSIDE Brater re-elected to state House for third term, Page 11. Smietanka concedes to Granholm for attorney general post, Page 11. Four Democrats, one Republican win city council seats, Page 12 John Hansen elected to state House. Page 11. Dem "...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…2 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 LOOK IN NATION/WORLD Comet may soc harm satellites AROUND THE NATION 4fr pow'r Q Q FOR ALL THE MICHIGAN BASKETBALL NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT. THURSDAY, NOv. 12. [ . Y I~WYIY Y~rY The Associated Press Tiny chunks of material that con- stantly boil off comet Tempel-Tuttle may pose a hazard for hundreds of space satellites when Earth passes through the debris path in mid- November, sc...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 - 3 HIGHER EDUCATION PBI investigates Stanford e-mail break-in " The FBI is looking into an incident at Stanford University that occurred Monday in which 5,000 e-mail pass- words were stolen, The Stanford Daily reported. University officials said the incident Was the first major e-mail break-in to Stanford's system. j The incident occurred Oct. 11. Officials discovered a "sniffer"...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…4 "- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 ~Ie id~iuu &ff 420 Maynard Street LAURIE MAYK Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 E rC Edited and managed by E students at the JACK SCHILLACI University of Michigan Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM T...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…11 Bulgarian band Bulgari plays tonight at the Ark. The band from Bulgaria will play authentic folk music featuring bag pipes, folk fiddle and flute in a fine venue ideal for folk sensations. The show begins at 8 p.m., and tickets are $12.50 in advance. Tickets may be purchased at Ticketmaster outlets, including the Michigan Union Ticket Office and SKR Classical. ef LGidta&tig Tomorrow in Daily Arts: Weekend, etc. celebrates the 15th anniv...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 for sale *************PARKINGw********* On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. ***PRIME PARKING SPOT available for winter semester! Call 996-5683. CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT. $14.95. View all premium & pay-per-view channels. 1-800-752-1389. COMPLETE BEDROOM set including 6 piece sectional. $750. Call 994-9254. MACEXCHANGE, Your Macintosh specialist for sales & service. We carry the iMac and...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 7

… NATION/WORLD The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 - 7 Grie f, mud flood entral America i-n Mitch's wake TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) Honduras, Guatemala and Nicarag - Grieving crowds jammed morgues prevented the arabica beans preferred1 and hospitals in search of missing loved American coffee-drinkers from reachi ones in the Honduran capital yesterday, port. while others throughout the country It was the second straight day t wait...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 4, 1998 Coming next week: Daily, Sports. presents "Tip Off '98" on Thursday. Play pilgrimages to Basement Author finally tells truthful war history By Lauren Rice Daily Arts Writer Basement Arts never fails to keep theater-goers on their toes with a healthy blend of mainstage productions as well as original works from fresh writers. Recently, the group has encouraged the sub- mission of original wo...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 9

… reboard. NATIONAL Philadelphia 4, HOCKEY LEAGUE PITTSBURGH 4 gary 5, TROIT 2 BUFFALO 4, Boston 2 NEW JERSEY 3, NY Rangers 1 U+Ifte £ipmu &d JUSR College hockey online poll Team Record Last Team Record Last 1 Boston College 4-0-0 1 6 Northern Mich. 7-10 7 2 North Dakota 2-0-0 2 7 New Hampshire 4-0-0 8 3 Colorado College 4-0-0 4 8 Notre Dame 64-0 9 4 Maine 3-0-0 3 9 Michigan 5-2-0 6 5 Michigan State 302 5 10 St. Lawrence 4-1-0 10 Wednesday No...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 Big Ten volleyball standings Team BigTen Overall W L Pct. W L Pct. Penn State 120 1.000 220 1.00 Wisconsin 102 .83 203 .870 Migan State 3 .750 174 .810 Ilinois 9 3 .750 166 .727 Minnesota 5 7 .417 158 .652 Indiana 5 7 .417 12 9 .571 Purdue 5 7 .417 11 10 .524 Michigan 4 8 .333 12 10.545 Ohio State 4 8 .333 1110.524 Northwestem 3 9 .250 1311.542 Iowa 0 12.000 6 15.286 Through games of Oct. ...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 11

…q 11- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 4, 1998 ELECTION '98 grater re-elected to state House By Yael Kohen and Nika Schulte Daily Staff Reporters Re-elected to her third and final term in the 53rd district of the state House, Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor), defeated Republican challenger Garret *arlson last night, allowing her to be a senior state legislator. As of 1:30 a.m., with 32 of 52 precincts reporting, Brater had 71.67 per...…

November 04, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 27) • Page Image 12

…Thn ~ inhrfnmr~niu IAnrlne~ni Kl~inm nr A 1-QQ ® 1 E L E C T IO N '9 8 !I eIii i gadI L d ty - Y et nesUd1, I OV emoer4 . .LDortfv Democrats e our o five seats on A Council - ° 1.G By Sarah Lewis Daily Staff Reporter Four of the five Ann Arbor City Council seats up for grabs went to Democrats in the election race last night. Joe Upton, the only Republican to win a council seat this term, is the only one of the five who is not a returning co...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…r U I w-IlwcP t tit, News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 764.0557 One hundred eight years of editonalfreedom Tuesday November 3, 1998 Regent election could be crucial to lawsuits By Katie Plona Daily Staff Reporter With the University in the thick of a legal bat- tie that has the potential to determine once and for all how affirmative action is used in college admissions, today's vote deciding the partisan makeup of th...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, November 3, 1998 NATION/WORLD Swedish fire's death toll hits 62 GOTEBORG, Sweden (AP) - The "It's important that people have a hdeath toll in Sweden's worst fire disas- clear understanding that the authorities' -ter of modem times rose to 62 after two approval of the premises was not a -youths died yesterday, the latest victims joke," chief prosecutor Ulf Noren, who of a dance-hall inferno. is leading th...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998 - 3 subjects escape from correctional institution Three female suspects escaped Sun day from the Arbor Heights Center, Depertment of Public Safety reports state. " The suspects escaped from a bath- roim window in the correctional facili- ty located on Washtenaw Heights. DPS -fficers were advised the suspects had changed into street clothes. There is no available description of the s...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998 a7hr ati4,]CbgFat ]Dat*l 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Dailys editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Mich...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…a t e 'seal' finale 1odikj att Urr w in Daily Arts: Check out the final show of "Real World: Seattle." Don't miss the U Come back to Daily Arts on Wednesday for reviews of the tearful goodbyes of the cast, which includes one of the Wednesday night pity party of "Beverly Hills 90210" and University's own, LSA senior Lindsay Brien. The show starts at "Party of Five." 10 p.m. on MTV. A RTS Tuesday November 3, 1998 Tampires' does nothing but suck ...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…6f- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998 Ii AVAIL. FALL- Large furn. 2 brs. at 912 S. Forest. Great location near B-school, heat, water, parking incl., laundry in bldg. All have d/w, a/c, balcony, 1.5 baths-some bilevel. Call 761-8220 today to see and waitlist-they go fast. $1100-$1300. *************PARKING!************* On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT. $14.95. View all premium & pay-per-view ch...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

…ELECTION '98 rhe Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998-- 7 Ime citizens fei .srepresented ie3Washington Post OAK PARK, Ill. - Everyone knows the next ord usiness in Washington, once the results of today's mit elections have been digested. It's back to impeachment. Jausmann begs to differ. mann is a Republican who holds no brief Wstdent Clinton, whom he regards as a liar and ti fiuld be censured. But he has little confidence it tsppbIica...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998 STILL LOOKING TO ROCK Carter's not 'Alright' The Cincinnati-based Afghan Whigs fifth full- length record, "1965," is yet another sophisticated offering of neo-noir, groove-heavy theatrics from a group that for the past five years has been seeming- ly primed for that big time crossover into commer- cial superstardom. Led by funk soul brother No. 1, Greg Dulli, the Afghan Whigs have successfu...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 9

… illas 34, ILADELPHIA 0 NHLS Colorado 3, CAROUNA 2 Florda at N.Y. ISLANDERS, inc. EDMONTON at Vancouver, inc. tsn 1~g Tracking -M' teams, How can you keep up with Michigan men's basketball team if you don't have your season tickets? Tickets are ready to be picked up at the Athletic Ticket Office at 1000 State Street from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Tuesday November 3, 1998 Penn State defense looms for 'M' Last game before crucial home stretch ...…

November 03, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

…10- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998 Belkin optimistic as tournament nears I SARA SCHENCK/Daily Behind Michael Harris' outstanding season, Michigan coach Jim Carras was pleas. antly surprised with his team overall. Carras p yung team's seasont By Geoff Gagnon Daily Sports Writer The Michigan soccer team has been building momentum for the Big Ten tournament all season long. And coach Debbie Belkin's squad is hoping that its f...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…11 £ xc I1a *ail News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 One hundred eight years of editonril freedom Monday November 2, 1998 . '; . ! l: .::- ~ " . ...''"I.. ,¢. "'.,Y!.h 1, rr 4' S "v i: . ^ . I OoP predicts modest .pickups WASHINGTON (AP) - Republicans and Democrats alike have abandoned their extravagant expecta tions for tomorrow's midterm House races. Early Democratic hopes of regain- ing the chamber and more...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 2, 1998 DRAGON Continued from Page 1A performances. Games at the festival ranged from picking up beans with chop- sticks to high-paced rounds of mahjong - a traditional Chinese game that uses tiles. Ann Arbor residents taught calligra- phy and Chinese knot making. The event included demonstrations of Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu, a style of mar- tial arts that originated in Northern China, and traditional...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 2, 1998 - 3A MPUS elva Study: Race in admissions benefits blacks William Bowen, former president of *rinceton University and co-author of a new book titled, "The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions," is scheduled to speak about the benefits of using race as a factor in college admissions. Bowen's study included 45,000 stu- dents...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 2, 1998 ctije £kiigFUn tilg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…. r ving' Spielberg for Oscar &ving Private Ryan" plays at the Michigan tonight. If you missed the summer's big hit, now's your chance to see what all the fuss is about. The Steven Spielberg war drama stars the ever- talented Tom Hanks and Matt Damon, and tells a World War II tale about perseverence and casualties of war. The screening begins at 7 p.m. i refl9ictr TS w in Daily Arts: It's Breaking Records time again in Daily Arts. Tomorrow,...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…-- The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 2, 1998 for sale v4 ** **********PARKING!************* bn campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT. $14.95. :'Vi3Ev all premium & pay-per-view channels. --800-752-1389. SCOMPLETE BEDROOM set including &rvce sectional. $750. Call 994-9254. tk 3 YR. OLD HEALTHY IGUANA. gqwpment mci. Exp. w/ reptiles pref. Best ' r. Call Danita at 485-7062. K MACEXCHANGE, our Macintosh specialist fo...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 7

…a, alcohol and marij students are mo Chanued from Page 1A Hartford said. U focus on alcohol Holeman said the council doesn't alcohol abuse can sponsor speakers to lecture specifically Hartford said. On drug abuse. "I don't think "We bring in people for the broad using hard dr range,' Holeman said. Hartford said. The University's division of Rose Giacheri ent Affairs formed a binge- submitted a let eking task force this year in administrators c...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 2, 1998 'Pupil' fails in addressing issues Rachel's renders. unique melodies By Laura Flyer Daily Arts Writer Ian McKellen and Brad Renfro, two actors with praiseworthy talent, have unfortunately wasted their energy as stars in Bryan Singer's latest film, "Apt Pupil." Based on Stephen King's novella, this emotionally disturbing film serves little purpose other than to present a depressing view of t...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 9

…Ulje ariditgan adig PORTS ONDAY i me l~idhian f.a,, 2, ;9 I unning the Michigan men seize Big en title on home turf show McGregor captures second Big Ten crown By Josh Borkin Daily Sports Writer For most cross country runners, a first-place finish is a career achieve- ment. But for Michigan's Katie McGregor, it is a weekly event. Yesterday afternoon, McGregor cap- tured her second consecutive Big Ten championship, with a time of 17:16....…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 10

…28 - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 2, 1998 NHL Standings College Football Scoreboard New Associated, adem C"W t Atlasd~co oMm Philadelphia New Jersey WY slanders Pittsburgh WY Rangers Mores Ottawa Toronto Buffalo Boston Montreal Stuh1 D mPs Carolina Tampa Bay Florida Washvigton Detroit St, Louis Chicago Nashville Nf a*totd1~ Edmonton Vancouver Calgary Colorado Pts. 12 10 10 10 9 Pts. 12 11 10 10 8 21 Pts. 12 10 9 Pts- 10 9 ...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 11

…November 2, 1998 - SportsMonday - The Michigan Daily - 3B Women 'disappointed' with second JIM ROSE SyRyan C. Moloney Daily Sports Writer Asthe Wolverines stood in the finish chuEin the waning moments after yes- terd4-s Big Ten Championships, one did ;ot have to listen for the final ulis to realize the story would not W a happy ending. Instead of smiles and high-fives, the runners consoled each other with tear- 511 hugs and words of encour...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 12

…4B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 2, 1998 Michigan Minnesota 15 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Michigan player of the game: Tai Streets Streets has become a valuable offensive threat, especially in recent weeks. His two touchdowns against Indiana were a big boost, and he proved himself again with 192 yards Saturday against Minnesota. 10 Stat line: Catches 6 Yards 192 Touchdowns 1 GAME STATISTICS MICHIGAN Vinson's hot stre...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 13

…November 2, 1998 - SportsMonday - The Michigan Daily - 58 Quotable: "I wasn't insulted that they chal- lenged us (to throw.) We beat them, so it's flattering, I guess." - Michigan quarterback Tom Brady on Minnesota's penchant for stack- M ing the line of scrimmage. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 By the way ... Minnesota disappears from Michigan's schedule until the 2001 season, so Michigan will keep the Little Brown Jug until then, or longer. 1...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 14

…6B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 2, 1998 Team Notre Dame Michigan Ferris State Northern Michigan Michigan State Bowling Green Miami (Ohio) Western Michigan Ohio State Aaska-Fairbanks rLake Superior Standings Icers fall to Northern, split weekend, Won 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Lost 1 1. 1 0 2 3 3 2 4 '4 Tied 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 1. 0 0 P ts. 10 8 6 6 5 4 4 3 0 0 Wildcats chase Blackburn in Halloween debacle, but Blue handles Bowl...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 2, 1998 - 78 Berendowsky punches Blue past Kentucky By Vaughn R. Kiug Daily Sports Writer Two days after suffering a humbling loss to No. 19 Brigham Young, Amber Berendowsky scored a game-winning goal with just five seconds remaining to push the No. 20 Michigan soccer team past Kentucky in the season finale. Yesterday's victory was especially gratifying for the seniors playing their last game on M...…

November 02, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 25) • Page Image 16

…8B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 2, 1998 Spikers two-sided in Big Ten matches I I 1} By Jon Zemke Daily Sports Writer It was wear-a-costume-and-get-in- free night as the Michigan volleyball team beat up Northwestern in front of a costumed crowd at Cliff Keen Arena. The Wolverines were busy wearing their own costume of Dr. Jekyl as they put the Wildcats away in three straight games after losing the first game, 15-13. The ...…

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