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November 04, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-04

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One hundred eight years of editoria/feedom

November 4, 1998








Brater re-elected to state House
for third term, Page 11.
Smietanka concedes to Granholm
for attorney general post,
Page 11.
Four Democrats, one Republican
win city council seats, Page 12
John Hansen elected to state
House. Page 11.
gain seats
dfespSO ite
history, Democrats battled Republicans
*a standstill - and perhaps better -
yesterday in mid-term elections likely
to bolster support for President Clinton
on the eve of congressional impeach-
ment proceedings.
Resurgent Democrats won the single
biggest prize of the night when Gray
Davis was elected governor of
The GOP held control of the Senate
but Democrats ousted two vigorous
nton critics - Alfonse D'Amato of
w York and Lauch Faircloth of North
Carolina. Democrat Carol Moseley-
Braun, the Senate's only black member,
lost her bid for re-election in Illinois.
In the House, where GOP leaders
scheduled impeachment proceedings to
begin later this month, Democratic
gains made it possible that the GOP
would lose part of their 11-seat majori-
ty. In that event, Speaker Newt
See NATIONAL, Page 12

Gov. wins
3rd term in1
By Mike Spahn Fieger time!" he exclaimed.
and Jason Stoffer Engler said the vote shows citizens
Daily Staff Reporters support for his record and agenda,
LANSING - Gov. John Engler tri- despite Fieger's unwillingness to
umphantly thanked the citizens of acknowledge the governor's accom-
Michigan last night after he over- plishments, much less his victory.
whelmingly defeated Democratic oppo- "We're going to go full-speed ahead
nent Geoffrey Fieger to earn a third on the agenda we talked about in the
term as governor of Michigan. campaign," Engler said. "I'm proud to
After his 10 p.m. acceptance have support of the Michigan voters."
speech, Engler danced with his wife Engler called the final win of his
and triplet daughters to "Walkin' on political career, which maintained his
Sunshine." As of 2 a.m., with 65 per- 28-year undefeated streak in Michigan,
cent of the precincts reporting, Engler "the best of all"
had 62 percent of the vote to Fieger's 38 The large margin, Posthumus said,
percent. should help Republicans take control of
"I want to thank the people of the state House, a victory that could
Michigan tonight," Engler told his help the passage of the administration's
cheering supporters in Lansing. "I'm platform.
very excited. I'm ready for another four "We've worked hard with our
years." friends in the House," Posthumus said.
The mood at Fieger's Detroit elec- "But it would be a lot easier working
tion party rang of frustration and help- with our friends the Republicans."
lessness. Many of Fieger's supporters David Williams, a social worker
were reluctant to predict victory for with the state of Michigan who attend-
their candidate and said the press and ed Fieger's party, said Fieger pulled out
political establishment did everything a moral victory even with all political
in their power to discredit a political cards stacked against him.
newcomer. "He really discussed the issues and
Fieger, in a I1 p.m. speech, told a tried to point out the things Engler has
room full of press and campaign work- done wrong," Williams said. "He did a
ers that regardless of the race's results, great job and I hope he runs again in
his message would endure. 2002."
"Tonight we concede nothing and Macomb Party Prosecutor Cari
express contempt for the lies and Marlinga, a Democrat, said Fieger's
hypocrisy of so-called leaders," Fieger flamboyant personality, combined with
said. "Continue the struggle. Stay negative spin from advertisements and
involved. Stay engaged. the press, never allowed the public to
"We started a movement and ... learn about the "real Geoffrey Fieger.'
soon we will restore freedom, justice "Geoffrey's history of shooting
and compassion to our government. It's See GOVERNOR, Page 12
White elected regents

Above: Michigan Gov. John Engler celebiated his third consecutive
gubernatorial victory last night.
Right: Democratic challenger Geoffrey Fleger, flanked by wife Keenle
and running mate James Agee, urged voters to 'stay Involved.'

"I am someone who will work f or all people. We
need a government that is responsive, but also
- Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon
victryu over Koib


By Erin Holmes
and Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporters
One Democrat and one Republican narrow-
ly edged their opponents, including one incum-
bent, in the University Board of Regents race
with 92 percent of the votes tallied at 3:47 a.m.
Democratic regent candidate Kathy White
and Republican David Brandon captured seats
on the board, each receiving 25 percent of the
Not re-capturing his seat as the senior mem-
ber of the board, Regent Philip Power (D-Ann
Arbor) received 22 percent. Power has served
since 1987. State Rep. Jessie Dalman (R-
Holland) received 23 percent.
Early results mirrored the early morning tal-

lies, but from the time the polls closed at 8 p.m.,
the standings shifted as precincts continued to
report their totals throughout the night.
The Democrat and Republican taking the
top two spots maintain the political makeup of
the University's elected board, which currently
has a 5-3 Democrat-Republican ratio.
Although this year's election was the first
political race for White - a Wayne State
University Law professor with a background in
the U.S. military, electrical engineering and
patent law - it reminded her of another famil-
iar contest.
Referring to some words of advice her Ann
Arbor Pioneer High School cross country coach
gave her, White said she is a winner for perse-
vering and seeing the election through to the

"I was reminded of that today," said
White, who was surrounded by family in
Detroit. "Win or lose, this has been a won-
derful experience."
Brandon, a successful business executive
from Plymouth who chairs Central Michigan
University's Board of Trustees, had been opti-
mistic since early in the evening. He and other
confident Republican supporters joined Gov.
Engler on stage following the governor's victo-
ry speech at about 10 p.m. at the Lansing
"We worked extremely hard to campaignx..
to introduce our candidacy to the state. We feel
confident that we did all we could do," Brandon
See REGENTS, Page 12

By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
and Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporters
In a repeat of the 1996 Ann Arbor mayoral
election, Republican Incumbent Ingrid
Sheldon held her seat by a small margin in yes-
terday's race, defeating Democratic challenger
Chris Kolb.
With 60 of 62 precincts reporting as of 2
a.m., Sheldon carried 49.72 percent of the vote,
with Kolb a close second at 48.38 percent.
Libertarian candidate Elizabeth Keslacy, an
Architecture and Urban Planning junior, drew
1.67 percent of the vote.
"This has been a very tough campaign,"
Sheldon said. "The demographics are against
me in this community and that makes it diffi-
cult to get out my message: I am someone who
will work for all people. We need a government

that is responsive, but also responsible."
Kolb appeared at Conor O'Neill's bar on Main
Street around 11:30 p.m. looking slightly deject-
ed. The crowd greeted him with loud applause,
louder than for the other Democrats present -
including incumbent U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers
(Ann Arbor) and State Rep. Liz Brater (Ann
Arbor), both of whom declared victory last night.
"We had a lot of energy in our campaign,"
Kolb told the sympathetic supporters. "I will
make you one promise: In the year 2000, we
will have a Democratic mayor of the city."
Ann Arbor City Council member Pat
Putman (R-2nd Ward) said Sheldon's reputa-
tion for finding "a middle ground" in city gov-
ernment is what helped secure her seat.
"Ingrid is very good at building a consensus
among members of the council and mediating.
See MAYOR, Page 12

Rivers will go back to
Washington for 3rd term

State denies Proposal B

By Nikita Easley
and Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporters
Amidst Irish folk music and a
host of Democratic candidates, 13th
District incumbent U.S. Rep. Lynn
Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) accepted her
third victory.
"This was a team effort," Rivers
said during her acceptance speech at
Conor O'Neill's Irish pub located on
Main Street. "At the beginning, things
looked very bleak .., the other side had
a lot more money."
As of 1:30 a.m. with 81 of 145
precincts in Washtenaw County
reporting, Rivers topped Republican
challenger Tom Hickey with 67.58
percent to Hickey's 30.84 percent of

DETROIT (AP) - Voters in Dr. Jack
&vorkian's home state yesterday rejected a mea-
sure that would have made Michigan the second
state with legalized physician-assisted suicide.
Wi th 71 percent of the state's 5,998 precincts
reporting, Proposal B was opposed by 70 percent
and supported by 30 - 1,480,033 votes to
Trnn--- R' A-fpa h+ e. an frrcheaod by

Roman Catholic Church and Right to Life of
"Surely the vote on Proposal B does not signal
the end of the debate on assisted suicide;" Dr.
Cathy Blight of the anti-Proposal B coalition
Citizens for Compassionate Care said in a state-
"Some might argue that if B weren't so badly
written nr if the nrnnonents would have waged a


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