October 09, 1928

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October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…II ESTABLISHED I I g IWPt #aitr MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 1890 Vol. XXXIX. No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1928 EIGHT PAGES OMMITTEE TO INVITE FAMOUS SPEAKERS TO F ALLCONVOCATIONS PHELPS AND VAN DUSEN HAVE ALREADY BEEN SECURED TO SPEAK DAWES MAY BE SPEAKER Rabbi Wise, Dean Brown, Owen . Young and Senator Borah Also Sought by Committee Charles G. Dawes, Senator Wil- liam E. Borah, and Rabbi Stephen Wise were considered...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…LYI 'TUESDAY, OCTOR _. t - - t _ I ATHLETIC MANAGERS WILL MEET University of Michgan athleticI meetings. Thomas Clancey, '10L, ,managers. past and present will football manager in 1909, is presi- meet together at the annual ban- dent of the club which boasts a quet o% the Michigan Athletic membership of about 165 with be- Manage,,rs ,club at the Michigan' tween 15 and 30 attending the an- Unilon , Saturday noon, Nov. 3. nual dinner at th...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1928 T H E M I. H I4 G .A DAJLY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DEARBORN APPOINTED0 New Faculty Member, Dartmouth Graduate, Has Had Varied Experience in Field SPECIALTY IS ANIMALS Simultaneously with the an- nouncement that Prof. Howard M. Wight, who has been conducting research for the - local Forestry school since last February, has been added to the staff of the school, there also comes the announcement t...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y TUESDTAY. OC TORRR 9_ 1409A .____.__ - ..i. . - . aa .. ".a ~ a v r. w o c 0, 1-0.60 ills fitir4toatt loattg l i blished every morning except Monday ig the University year by the Board in rol of Student Publications. ember of Western Conference Editorial iciation. ie Associated Press is exclusivelyen I to the use for republication of all news tches credited to it or not otherwise ted in this paper and the local new...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 5

…OCTOBER 9, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FM OCTOBER 9, 1928 iTHE MICHIGAN IYATLY PAGI~ F'IVE Irl j %1 \\, ALM IVAVAMTA- J-W-ATA i u l 1 . ti l k4 --- - SOPHOMORES CHOOSE CHAIRMEN OF CIRCUS Helen Cheever Will Be General Chairman; Helen Jones To Be Assistant GENERAL MEETING LATER Helen Cheever was elected chair- man of the Sophomore Circus com- mittee by the women of the Soph- omore class Monday afternoon in the parlors of Barbo...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX - -MICHICAN .. X I L TUESDAY. OCTOBM 9. 1 PA~~~!X- .T-IF MTCIITC N flIT TI1.~TAV OlTC:..i.~ L/{11 V\l A V.V.L-J1V J A. GRID SQUAD TAIZZ' W EE OF INTENSJ"Tv7E DRILL COACHES WILL SEEK TO IR0ON OUT1FAWS Five Men Are Transferred From "B" Squad; Practice To Be In Secret STRONG OFFENSE SOUGHT With anything but bright pros- pects before them after the sound trouncing administered by the Ohio Wesleyan outfit last Saturday, the...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 7

…9, 1928 T HE M IC H IGA N DA IL Y FEW GRID TEAMS EUFFEIR REVERSES (Con~tinued from Page 6.) a reaI menace to the Army, losing 14-13 in~ a loosely-played but excit- ing battle. Little Gettysburg gave Penn State a struggle before losing, 12-0. Georgetown ran up the lar- gest score f6Ir the day, amassing 38 points against Susquehanna. Cor- nrell and Pittsburgh were returned victors over Niagara and Bethany by large scores. Vanderbilt defeated ...…

October 09, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 14) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTO TUESDAY, OCTC _ _. t )AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Vol. 39 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1928 No. 14 . ..-a To the Deans, Directors, Superintendents, and others concerned with the preparation of the budget: The following time schedule for ...…

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