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October 09, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-09

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I g







Rabbi Wise, Dean Brown, Owen
. Young and Senator Borah Also
Sought by Committee
Charles G. Dawes, Senator Wil-
liam E. Borah, and Rabbi Stephen
Wise were considered Sunday at a
meeting of the convocations com-
mittee of the Student council to
fill the vacancies in the fall pro-
gram of student convocations. In-
vitations will be senta to these men1
to speak here.
William Lyon Phelps, who has'
appeared here before as a convo-
cations speaker, and Henry Pitt
Van Dusen have already been se-"
cured to speak on November 18,
the opening convocation, and De-
cember 16, respectively."
In reply to an unofficial letter
from Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk,
mentor of the Tolstoy league, Pro-
fessor Phelps expressed a willing-
ness to speak on Tolstoy, if it
suited the purposes of the convo-
cations committee. He will be ad-
vised to choose some other. topic,
according to members of the com-
Van Dusen to Speak
Henry Pitt Van Dusen of Union
theological seminary has been
sought in years previous as a con-
vocations speaker, but it has never
been possible to arrange a date.
Last year, however, he addresssed1
an enthusiastic congregation of'
students at St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church. In line with the council's.
policy of not interfering with fea-
tured speakers at local churches,
an attempt is under way to changej
Van Dusen's date from December
16 to December 9, as Henry Sloane
Coffin, president of Union Theo-R
logical seminary is scheduled to
speak at St. Andrews on the later7
Charles G. Dawes, who has been
invited to speak here on November1
25 or December 2, is vice-presidenta
of the United States, in which con-
nection he is chiefly known for hiss
inaugural address in which he at-
tacked the dilatory tactics of the
Senate. He is the author of the a
Dawes' plan of reparations which1
put Germany on her feet finan-
cially, and brought order out of1
Europe's chaotic finances.
Pepper Declines Invitation
Efforts to secure ex-Senator
George Wharton Pepper of Penn-
sylvania have been unsuccessful,
according to the committee, due to
the latter's accepting a permanent
position with the Episcopal Church,
his duties beginning October 10. In
a letter : to Mark Andrews, '29,
chairman of the convocations com-
mittee, Senator Pepper, who was
defeated by Vare when he cam-
paigned for re-election, said, "it is
time that I should be thinking
more and speaking less."
Senator Wiliam E. Board, fiery
solon from Idaho now stumping the
northwest for Hoover, has been in
the publice eye for many years. He
is known in the senator as a bril-
liant and convincing speaker. His
best-known recent utterances were
virulent attacks on the Republican
oil scandal.
Rabbi Wise is well-known for his
philanthropic endeavors in behalf
of child welfare, international

peace, and labor legislation. He is
one of the recognizedi heads of the
Jewish faith in America.

Frank W. Lee, special representa-
tive in the United States of the
Nationalist movement in China, has
sent a special message which he
will read tonight at a banquet of
the Chinese Students' club at the,
Michigan Union at six o'clock. The
banquet will commemorate the
seventeenth anniversary of the es-
tablishment of China and the suc-
cess of the Nationalist movement
Among the speakers will be Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little of the
University. In addition, Prof. Chas.
W. Remer of the Economics de-
partment will address the gather-
ing on the subject of "The Chinese
Government From An American
Standpoint." The growth and trend
of the Nationalist movement in
China will be briefly reviewed by
Y. E. Chang, grad. president of the
Chinese students' club.
Entertainment will be furnished
by Miss Mower's orchestra and by
Benjamin Z. N. Ing. Among the
guests who will be present at the
banquet tonight will be Mayor
Staebler of Ann Arbor, presidents
of a number of national organiza-
tions, the deans of various schools,
as well as the heads of various
organizations on the campus.
Guests Will Be Taken to Airdrome
In Automobiles To Hear
Future Plans
Entering into a new epoch in
the history of the city, Ann Arbor
will dedicate its new municipal air-
port this noon with a program be-
fitting the occasion.
Guests will be taken to the air-
drome in planes and automobiles
for a luncheon in the new hangar
and will listen to speeches on plans
for the future and reports on past
achievements that have placed the
community on the airlanes of the
nation. Sponsors of the celebra-
tion expect Gov. Fred W. Green and'
officials of the Ford Motor. Car Co.
to appear at the ceremonies as well
as the city and county officials,
members of the Ann Arbor Flying
club, Chamber of Commerce, Ki-
wanis, Rotary and Exchange clubs.
Mayor Edward W. Staebler will
make the first address, "Ann Ar-
bor's Plans," while L. D. Wines, for
many years a member of the park
board, will speak on "Keeping
Abreast of the Times." The assist-
ant traffic manager of Thompson's
Aeronautical corporation will ad-
dress the assembly on "Ann Arbor's
Airmail" and he will be followed up
by Shirley W. Smith, secretary and
business manager of the Univer-
sity, in a few remarks on the his-
tory of airport activities.
The dedication today marks the
culmination of a movement for a
landing field begun in 1926. Prof.
Felix Pawlowski, of the auronauti-
I cal engineering department of the
University was consulted as to the
suitability of the Steere farm prop-
erty for a landing field. With a
unanimous resolution transferring
the property to the park commis-
sion, sanction was obtained for the
project and the Chamber of Com-
merce was presented with the
plans of the sponsors.
Lieutenant Leonard S. Flo has
been appointed as manager of the
,port by the parkt department and
the city council.






Exceptional Program -Causes First
Sellout in History of
Oratorical Series
For the first time in history the
Oratorical asssociation has sold out
every seat in Hill auditorium for its
series of lectures, it was announced
last night. This includes all seats
priced at $3.50, $3.00, and $2.50.
However there will be available
single admissions for all lectures,
priced at $1 per lecture, accord-
ing to Oratorical officials. These
may be purchased on the evening
of each lecture at the box office
in Hill auditorium. The unusual
sale of tickets is attributed to the
outstanding speakers on this year's
The first speaker to appear on
the program will be Count Felix
von Luckner, the famous "Sea
Devil." He will speak of his ad-
ventures on the sea during the last
war when he appears November 1.
The next speaker on the pro-
gram is also a well-known figure,
Graham McNamee, pioneer and
eminent radio announcer, who has
spread the news of many important
events from coast to coast. Her

Seniors who wish their pictures
in the Michiganensian are urged
to buy their order slips at the Mich-
iganensian office at once. No order
slips will be sold after November
15, and only a limited number of
seniors will be accepted, according
to 'Ensian officials.
As soon as order slips have been
procuied, seniors should make ap-
pointments with the Dey, Spedding,
Rentschler or Randall-Maedell stu-
dios. Only prints from these stu-
dios will be acceptable.
The price of the order slip is
$3.00, $1.00 of which goes to the
yearbook for the expense of en-
graving and printing, and $2.00 to
the photographer when he delivers
a satisfactory picture to the Mich-
iganensian office. If further prints
are desired by students, the $2.00
will be applied on the regular cost
of the prints, by arrangements with
the photographers.
When the order slips are pur-
chased an activity card must be
filled out at the same time. The
Michiganensian office in the Press
building on Maynard street will be
open from 1 to 5 o'clock every af-

Seniors in Engineering, Architec-
ture, Law and Dental Schools
Will Go to Polls Today
Elections of senior class officers
for the colleges of Engineering and
Architecture, and the Dental and
Law schools will be held today on
various parts of the campus. At
these elections, the new rules for
eligibility of candidates and voters,
and for the conducting of the vot-
ing, recently made by the Student
council, will go into effect and will
be strictly enforced.
This morning at 11 o'clock, the
seniors of the Engineering college
will assemble in room 348 of the
Engineering building to elect their
officers for the coming year. The
seniors of the College of Architec-
ture will meet at 4 o'clock this af-
ternoon in the' Architectural build-
ing for elections.' At 5 o'clock, sen-
iors of the Dental college will meet
in room 221 of the Dental building,
and the Law seniors will meet at
the same time in room B of the
Law building. for their elections.
Literary Elections Tomorrow
Tomorrow at 4 o'clock, the sen-
iors in the Literary college will hold
the only election of the day when
they will meet in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
Members of the Students Coun-
cil will check the voters on class
lists as they enter the room. At
the same time, a ballot will be
handed to each voter and none
will be distributed from -the floor
of the room. In case any names
are omitted from the dean's list,
those omitted will be allowed to
cast signed ballots that will later
be checked and thrown out if found
,Candidates Must Be Eligible
Candidates intending to run for
Literary class offices must present

Holding their first regular meet-
ing of the year, the members of the
Interfraternity Council will con-
vene at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
room 304 of the Union. Beside the
regular members of the council,
all professional fraternities on the
campus are urged to send repre-
sentatives to this meeting.
The question regarding Saturday
night dances after football games
will come up for discussion at this
meeting and a final decision will
probably be made. This action will
affect all fraternity houses on the
Members of the judiciary com-
mittee of the council were in at-
tendance at a meeting of the Fra-
ternity Alumni association in De-
troit last night at which time the
advisability of bringing federal
agents to Ann Arbor to investigate
the alleged liquor scandal was dis-
cussed. The discussion by this
group will also be considered by
the council at its meeting.
Beside the elected officers of the
Interfraternity Council who were
elected at a special meeting last
week, the judiciary committee of
the group will include Prof. Henry
C. Anderson of the mechanical en-
gineering department as faculty
representative, and Paul Buckley.
general manager of the Union, as
alumni representative.
Dramatic Soprano to Make Third
Appearance in Song Recital
Tomorrow Night

So-Called Friends of University
Intimate Local Authorities
Should Investigate
President Clarence Cook Little
yesterday issued a statement .in-
tended to answer certain argu-
ments made by opponents of his
plan to call in Federal officers to
investigate the liquor situation on
the campus. The criticisms
answered were brought to a head
by an editorial in the Washtenaw
Tribune, a local semi-weekly, dated
for October 5. The editorial criti-
cised the president on two counts:
first, because he made such a
"comic opera stunt" of the affair
and because the editor thought
that the students if forewarned
would be forearmed; and second,
because he sought Federal aid in-
stead of the aid of the city, county
and- state officers.
Little Makes Statement.

Hayden, Anderson, Nissen
Schaefer Appointed To



I Announcement of the member-
covered the presidential inaugura- 'ship of the committee authorized
tion in 1925 and has already been by othea ofmirectorfe
scheduled to report it again next byihe boaprfpare ancto eodm
year. The Dempsey-Tunney fights, tot onrconuondment
the Lindbergh celebration, and the1to the Union constitution proposing
World Series are other events he the adoption of the merit system in
has covered. He will speak in Ann the selection of the President and
Arbor on "Telling the World." !recording secretary was made yes-
Arbonraonstingt the Woarld." terday by Prof. Evans Holbroook
Contrasting with the speakers on of the law school.
the series, Zellner, well known as' Professor Holbrook was named
an artist of character portrayal will byPressordHo rk rsnamed
appear here on Dec. 10 to present by the board of directors at its
several characterizations. This pro- me the committee and instructedm
gram will have the added feature'to select two student members and
of lighting and scenic effects. two non-student members of the
The first number after the committee. Prof. Joseph R. Hay-
Christmas holidays will be given by den of the political science depart-
Phidelah Rice, head of the Rice ment and Prof. H. C. Anderson of'
Dramatic school in Boston, on Jan. the mechanical engineering de-
10. This will be his third appear- partment are the non-student
ance, and he will present several members selected to the committee.
dramatic interpretations. William E. Nissen, '29, presidenti
Mr. Stephen Leacock, famous Ca- h this year, and
nadian humorist, writer and p ofthe Union for ti er n
pro- Kenneth Schaefer, 29, recording
fessor of political science at Mc- secretary, are the students named
Gill university, will speak on,Feb- as members of the committee. Prof.
ruary 12 on "Frenzied Fiction." Holbrook, in addition to his duties
Mr. Leacock has a reputation of in the law school is financial secre-
being able to please his audiences. tary of the Union.
He will be followed by Homer! The amendment committee, it is
Saint-Gaudens, Director of Fine 1 announced, will begin work at once'
Arts at Carnegie Institute and a preparing the draft of the amend-
recognized authority on American ment as it will be submitted to the'
and International art themes, will board of directors and then to the
deliver an address on February 27 membership of the Union at a
on "Augustus Saint-Gaudens." . special assembly.
On March 19 Madame Sun Yat- The committee, it is understood,
Sen, China's 'first lady' who was will also consider the drafting of
educated in America, will speak on an amendment to the Union con-,
"My Country." The talk is expect- stitution which will change the
ed to hold especial interest at this present method of amending the
time. Union constitution. The unsatis-
Richard Halliburton, the roman- factory character of the present
tic literary vagabond who "circled system was demonstrated markedly
the globe on a shoestring," will be last spring when the merit system
the last speaker and he will talk was submitted to the Union mem-
on the subject "The Glorious Ad- bership and seemingly passed only
venture." Peggy Wood, an Ameri- to have the voting declared illegal
can actress talented musically and ( by the board of directors and the
dramatically, and also famed for' ballots thrown out.
her literary skill, will close the Or- Under the present system of
atorical series on April\30 when she ( amending the constitution, an
will stalk on the subject, "From assembly of the Union membership
Musical Comedy to Shakespeare." must be held at which 600 mem-
bers must be present in order to
AVING DETROIT constitute a quorum. Of this num-
JMNI TO COLUMBUS ber 400, or two-thirds of the mem-
bers present must vote in favor of
the proposed amendment.

Engineeers, Room 348 Eng.
bldg., 11 a. m.
Architects, Arch. Bldg., 4 p. m.
Dentists, 222 Dent. Bldg., 5
p. m.
Law, Room B, 5 p. m.
Literary, N. S. Aud., 4 p. m.
Education, 207 Tappan Hall, 3
p. m.
Bus. Ad., 207 Tappan Hall, 4
p. m.
Pharmacy, 203 Chem. Bldg., 5
p. m.


Rosa Ponselle, noted singer, willN
open the semi-centennial anniver-N
sary of the choral union series to-t
mnorrow night, when she appears
in a vocal recital in Hill auditorium.
Miss Ponselle has been acclaimed
by many of the outstanding critics
of the day as being the ablest ope-
ratic dramtic soprano of the pres-
ent time. She has been heard inc
Ann Arbor on two previous occa- I
sions. About ten years ago, she
was heard at the- May Festival oft
that year and two years ago shet
was also one of the stars at thex
May Festival.
The program for tomorrow even-t
ing's concert includes an aria fromX
the opera, "La Gieconda," by Pon-
cielli, an aria from the opera, "l
Trovatore" by Verdi, as well as ac
number of Miss Ponselle's favorite
solos such as Sadero's "Lullaby"
and Chopin's "Lithuanian Song." f
Within two weeks, another well1
known singer, Galli-Curci will be'
heard as the second artist on the1
series. She has often been hailed,
as the predominant exponent of
coloratura singing. More than1
twelve years ago, after her spec-
tacular success with the ChicagoI
opera, she came to Ann Arbor for
her first appearance here. Threel
years ago, it was her privilege to
inaugurate the concert series of
that year.I
Most of the tickets for all the,
concerts have already been sold, 1
according to Charles A. Sink of the'
University Musical society, but Mr.
Sink stated that there are a few!
remaining seats for the individual3
concerts. They can be purchased
at the office of the University"
School of Music on Maynard street.

President Little's statement given
to reporters was as follows:
Certain "friends" of the Univer-
sity in and about Ann Arbor have
consciously or otherwise attempted
o hamper a cooperative effort be-
tween students and the adminis-
tration on i matter involving a
question of internal policy of the
The have attempted to arouse
antagonism towards the plan by
intimating that localiauthorities
should have been asked by the Uni-
versity to conduct the proposed in-
vestigation. For the benefit of
these individuals or organizations
who are interested in making this
suggestion it may be stated
(1) That local officers (city or
county) would naturally be un-
necessarily handicapped 'or em-
barrassed in makting such .ant i-
a) by the personal friendships
or enmities already established and
common to all of us.
b) by having to live with the stu-
dents day in aud day out and
therefore unfairly open to con-
tinued criticism and persecution
by any one 'to whom the investi-
gation might prove irksome,
c) by the danger of confusion in
the minds of all concerned of their
procedure in a special investigation
and their regular line of duties
which are sufficiently onerous to
occupy their time,
d) by the danger of leakage of
information through their many
friends and "well wishers" of steps
in the investigation which should
for its success be kept unkown to
both the students and the admini-
(2) That the information which
they obtained would:
a) not be as available for use by
the federal officers for their guid-
ance in other somewhat similar
b) not be considered by those
outside of the State as being col-
lected by as standard or as imper-
sonal methods as those employed
by Federal agents.
Attitude Is Disappointing
The attitude of certain factions
in An Arbor' has been quite as dis-
appointing to me as has the re-
sponse of the students been en-
couraging. The deep mistrust of
the student body expressed in the
criticisms (the editorial of the
Washtenaw Tribune of October 5
is an excellent exabple) and in the
suggestions that the students now
forewarned will turn from their
foul and evil ways to make a good
temporary impression are exactly
the sort of unkind and loose state-
ments that hurt the name of the
University, show the real nature of
the person making them, and con-
vince me more than ever that the
type of cooperative investigation
suggested is necessary and timely.
Charge Temporary Relief
The editorial charged that "the
liquor will be consumed or
dumped," and that "standing or-
ders with bootleggers, if there be
any will be cancelled or held up
for the time being." It continued
to say that nothing would be found
and that the University would be
r given a clean bill of health. Again,
the editorial remarked "A second
suggestion would be that he wait
until -the next batch of complaints
comes in. and it will, that he then

themselves at the office of the dean
of students at least 24 hours be-
fore the elections and obtain a
w r i t t e n statement of eligibility
from Dean Joseph A. Bursley to be
presented at the time of nomina-
tion. This rule will be enforced.
In order to vote at the senior
elections; a student must have 881
hourd of credit or have had six se-
mesters of previous work in the
University, exclusive of summer


Rooms which r
during week-ends
season should be lI
ion, phone 4151, an
week between 3 a
has been announce
Nissen, '29, preside:
The Union recep
according to Nisser
directory of rooms
use of visitors who
ends in Ann Arbor
ball season. Thisc
pared now, will be
games this year, it

Two, special trains on tne Michi- an additional ciarge 01* a5 rI
gan Central Railroad have been a round trip reservation for a Pull-
RECTORY arranged by the transportation man setains from Chicagot.one
committee of the University of leaving at 12:15 Friday midnight,
may be rented Michigan club of Detroit, to travel and one at 7:00 o'clock Saturday
of the football to Columbus, Ohio, and back for morning, have been announced to
isted at the Un- the Michigan-Ohio State football run to Ann Arbor for the Michigan-
y afternoon this game, Saturday, Oct. 20. Illinois game, Saturday, Nov; 3. All
.nd 5 o'clock, it Train No. 1, the Night Special, persons traveling on these specials;
ad by William E. leaves Detroit at 11:45 o'clock Fri- and returning immediately after;
nt of the Union. day evening, Oct. 19 and arrives in the game Saturday evening, will be
tion committee, Columbus at 7:30 o'clock Saturday charged $8.92 for the round trip
n, is compiling a morning. This train will leave Co- while those staying in Ann Arbor
for rent for the .lumbus on the return trip at 11:45 until Sunday , will have to pay,
will spend week- Saturday night and arrive in De- $11.90 for the round trip.
during the foot- toit at 7:00 o'clock Sunday morn- Efforts are now being made by
directory, as pre- ing. Prices range from $17 to $24 the Alumni Association to finance
available for all including round-trip railroad tick- the sending of the head cheer lead-
is announced. et, Pullman space, an elaborate er to the Ohio State and Navy
midnight luncheon on the train, games as they did last year when
Friday night, breakfast on the they sent the Varsity cheer leader
SECTION 1 morning of arrival in Columbus and to the Wisconsin, Illinois and Chi-
4.1...-..+.,7.-- - ,nn1r,7 1^' n~~znQ ncr ama Tlr% nfhlin . n e ..ns_

Michigan's campus humor mag-
azine, the Gargoyle, will make its
initial appearance of the year
Thursday morning, and not today,
as was originally planned, it was
announced yesterday.
Nine issues of the Gargoyle are
to be published this year, accord-
ing to C. U. Fauster, business man-
I ager. The campus price inaugura-
ted by the Gargoyle management
last June and continued this year,
is 15 cents.
One feature of the Gargoyle dis-
tribution plan adopted this fall for
the first time, Fauster explained
yesterday, is a yellow card which
in many cases was given subscri-
h,rc tsa i ma.1 o ir3not deire

Marked by unusual progress in
its program, the Thomas Henry
Simpson Memorial for Medical Re-
search has completed its first year
of existence. An annual report of
this progress have been prepared
by Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis which is
to be presented to Mrs. Christine
McDonald Simpson, the donor of
the Memorial, and to President
Clarence Cook Little.
On the death of Thomas Henry
Simpson, who died of pernicious
anemia in 1923, plans were made by
his wife, Mrs. Christine McDonald
Simpson, for _ a memorial to him.
In 1926, a building was erected
south of the University hospital
and in 1927 presented to the Uni-
versity of Michigan for the study
and treatment of pernicious
A staff was chosen for the In-
.4+fv.i Ain pnnesigt of nDr . Stur-

eliminates the transportation of 1
patients to the University hospital.,
Study of pernicious anemia in
recent years has resulted in the I
discovery of liver as a cure for the;
disease. The Institute was among;
the first to receive the concentra-1
ted liver extract for trial, and did
much in the testing and trial of1
the cure. The group of patients
under the care of the Institute
have been given the liver treat-
ment and the results have .proven
its worth.
Physiotherapy plays a large part
in the treatment of pernicious
anemia. For this the Institute is
thoroughly equipped with ma-
chines for baking and the ultra-
violet ray. Long illness may be
avoided by proper diagnostic tests
in the embryo stages of, the disease.
- Sufficient apparatus make the
tests n nsihl for the Institute.

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