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April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…I. TED r iAfr iOa til COLD TODAY raaw+.w u .c A Ja . PRESS DAY AND)NIGHT NS SERVICE X No. 138. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1920. PRICE THREE t, -E ARRESTE PLOT AGAINST EXI CAN STAT The Play 's the Thing" Quite w Applicable to "George Did It GRAND JURY INVESTIGATES WIDE REVOLUTIONARY PLOT 6 CHARGES VIOLATION OF NEUTRALITY LAWS United States Army Authorities Play Large Part in Discovering Villistas' Plans (By Associate...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…rlI? GAN DAILY t Y £tr1J1au Daitli IFFICIAL NEWSPAPER O GTHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN blished every morning except Monday during the Univer- ar by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusivelyentitled to the use for cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise I in this paper and the local news published therein.' tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michig...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI. PAGE T: ,r } Ys^# 1 4!* " A Y " " " ' G I' r South;) on e so inter- ren's plans unless there no .one ex- et a chance ach and his ir invasion the battery short drill. warmed up rms in con- ntion of the Var- five moundsmen result there has m among the ing staff. It is nber of pitchers rn on the mound i commences but Coach Lundgren and every mem- chan'ce to show g. the opposing action sity who are be- idleness by the unde...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…11" IJ V. 'HIGAN DAILY "pot" be forced to wear it when he UNIVERSITY RIFLE CLUB RECEIVES has more than the required number of' hours to make him a sophomore? ' OFFICIAL FAC ULTY AUTHORIZATION ., SOLDIER STUDENTS ON BONUS RANK HIGHEST AT WISCONSIN Condition Believed Due to Greater Age of Men and More Serious Attitude Pump InfN( I PHASE ERSEAS tily agree with Roy John- he stated that the overseas have no. desire to throw y upon the 'sym...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

…VERI? kr Ins & Hall ts Telegraph Delivery 1002 S. UnAv i EAGERLY AWAITED, Trades in Major League Squads Will Change Fighting Front of Few Clubs :W EL TION LAWS Instituting of Part-Time Schools Causes System Extension Many teachers with special training 1it ....- . . .. IVU.1...... industrial history, shop wo'rk, and home economies are especially need- edl. 1 of Education "-President Burton. tive mind from one naturally somewhat slow ...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

…es in the weather are to be expected. The Health service also offers a word of warning that students learn to recognize the poison ivy plant so as to avoid it in walks or hikes on the boulevard. 'Snowfall Reveals e T opSecrets e Exclamations of joy burst forth from n the lips of many J-Hop girls at the re- I . v 1 Rea te Dil aderiseens. he Grunewald Origiinal Creole Pral'ines1 Campus news, ea will lead you to the best of Ann Ar- of New Orle...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 7

… Tuttle's - : - - . \ J .f \T ' r o THE SAME COMPANY THAT PLAYED _.- II la II Lunches Nunnally's Candy and f Maynard St. £ I Courrtous and atisfactor, VREATM ENT to every custom- *vr whether the am.ount be large or small The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tucorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, ,$t0,000.00 wsa rrPP ........ l.lt4a i. rea I Ii I I I "The i,} I Vortbwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North Uuiversity Avo r ttrri C ktttttt...…

April 08, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 138) • Page Image 8

…rHE MICHIGAN DAIl. R1 IWHAT'S GOING ON I I (Continued from Page Seven) n hadn't goipe to war, they would w be regular sophomores or juniors. ice they did go and fight for their{ antry, thereby earning military dit, it is only right th'at Lney should exempt from wearing a freshman ue or pot after one semester. This one way we can show our appre- tion of what those who went 'over re' did for us." S. A. T. C. Gets Combined Credit But l...…

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