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December 07, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…of *ll VOL. V. O. 55. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1.894. PR ICE-TIui;ICFC CETS. THE COLUMBIAN ORGAN. Cornell's Greek Newspaper. ORTHOEPICAL CONTEST. Elaborate Program for the Dedica'- '1 11ac si11 lIo(lerll (arit-kii("0o- Laws and Lits Will Contend for Hon. tory Exercises.-A Large Crowd lili01 -1--Osly isiso,1imlo (1 -M. erain Pronunciation.-Roles Assured for the Event. EfrCvrigteCnet __________ lil'i-s11llllOr l-1'1llill...…

December 07, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OiF M. DAILY. i known 'ind lasseil i (.Is(0t ((5 i'll Applebee as an Orator. JA, of f IR~4 iu. (svst aoe lPrieon, Pl'itiisyl- ';i' 'itossi tilt) ________I ta i' Id Ale, '11141o 1 iit lt'111 fo -''5. . At1lPbet,'s su(ccss in uraseio P'ubilsh.ed lsilly .sundalya 'excepte d d isa n o il: will) Ilaitaril. Iti i tri (l i e i' ls 1(1 0((1 1(1 njl ''' t he C'so'gsnyear', Sy crowds and holdiii 1111t henll 11)15 11)flli i [U( . N91 I IEN SSwl...…

December 07, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…IIIITU. OFAM. DILY. MICHIGAN GLNiT 1G4 licoc Table IRevised)ll '0 ,154 EAS0. 1v . 47 V. Y. Secia1-__515 N.YN" pecsiad --7:10) Eastern Ex-----1025 N.S. LimcitedI. --70 A.At. Pac'ific E07o 7 - 1:21 Atlan~tic Ex .--- 7 47 1.b ). N. Exp:ess ---5 0 0 WesternEx--- 212 (i. 1R. Express -- 1t00 (Chi. N .':----102 (). NV Ruca" I'E 00. 11 l.1 S T., A. A. & N. M. RY. 1'<t )l's:'~c t Std::y, AOco. 1, I"54. 701 :1 .. Tn. 7 : 1 a. 3 4:1 2. . 9:27...…

December 07, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…TH1E U. OF 1I. I)AtEY. Sellu F. C. STEBBINS, TH3E NEW ThIgrs Bokto 72 BEIB[ LiUltIY ElD N A . Washinzton st. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MIIT. everything; a Student needs in the O11ti l tiin St.. Ann Arlor. Is ,aclin11g toilpoti l)ookS g ood1 line of Text-Books, Stationery and _____ - for " ; for $" 2. 57. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 OCLOK, Miscellan eous Stock in general. $2,50 and[lf1 IlES AIFCTO URATE ~ o~.iN1M1 THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, host codia...…

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