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June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…E WEATHER BABLY SHOWERS; TODAY i t F "IMP 04W Iatg ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NwHT WIRE SERVICE VIII. No. 179. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1918: PRICE THREE CENTS £510ENT'TOBE 9,1 E "E 23 UNCE SENIOR ASSEMBLING [AVES4; TO -MEET JNSH)E IF RAINY >RESS TO BE GIVEN N4 HILL AUDITORIUM nt Harry U. HIutchliis f upoi lantilMessage for G~raduates~ ii 's President Harry B. Hutchins has en appointed to deliver the bac- laureate add...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…a 3L .1 I. N ' THURSDAY, JUN EMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ssociated Press is exclusively entitled use for republication of all news&s credited to it ornot otherwise credit- his paper and also the local news d herein. i1 newspaper at the University of i. Published every morning except during the university year. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as lass matter. s:Ann Arbor Press Building. s: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. unications not to exceed 3...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AME EASY WOLVERINES managed to stop the slaughter al- though the Wolverine runners were becoming tired. The score. THIRTEEN "M'S" IEN CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS Dr. Geo. A. flay Offers Services yFive li 4 an" Walks A . [Rs MAKINO PSI AND -NO MICHIGAN Player AB. R. Knode, ss ........ 4 0 Cooper, If ........3 1 Ohimacher, rf ....3 1 lraz. 3b.........5 2 Gie1each, cf .....3 1 Morrison, c ......3 3 Garrett, 2b .......3 4 A a...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…ThE ICHICAN.DAILY ..r .--r * - , TRAINING REPRESENTATIVE WRITE~S OF WORK THIERE ATI James R.. cAlpine lal to The Michigan Daily) Sheridan, Ill., June 5. -- It is rident that the 2,500 cadets, iting a number of universi- the Middle West who arrived onday, will not be allowed to ate in any frivolous joy rides. the first day of the camp, [es were organized, provision- ers and non-commisioned of- were appointed, complete nt was issued, and ...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 5

…TIC (E MTC I IGA\N DAILY . t i M i Smart dies FoR the behind the behind the rn e I menu (Y1 ns /'I I -IL 11 - - APFEL. & _ I Knt tex Overcoats TaneOxford Heat . er at $25. 0 UNIERSITY PREPARES TO RECEIVE 700 MECHANICS MI EN IN SUMMER SCHOOL TO USE ('LUB HOUSE ON FERRY FIELlD Preparations are now being made to accommodate the 700 members of the second training detachment, who are scheduled to arrive in Ann Ar- bor about June 15. T...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 6

…-! +l i' IC.HItl_9A. DAILY THURSDAY, TRE ICHIAN D!L\'THURDAY Walk-Over is COLLEGE. t as MODISH it is Comfort- [e. A woman is as young as her feet. Here are the very that keep your feet feeling young, vigorous and stylishly Winged Tip and Military Heel s in Black and Brown calf, white Buck and white cloth. Either Boots or Oxfords. Valk-Over Boot Shop. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET 200,000 MORE ORDERED MOBILIZEDBY JUNE 28 NEW REGISTRANTS AFFECTED B...…

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