April 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 132) • Page Image 1
…Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHt IGANi s' k\171 'Y Pll p . XN'o. 132.' _" REPUBLIANS REB-EILEC'I INTER-SCHOLASTIC RTWO UNIVERSITY REGENT, S. IVIET JEOPARDIZED rBniii i lnht fGadRp - - - were elcl td to succeedcitlhemiselvs asci Schoolmasters Club Passed ,,uembeirs of th university board ofre w e tso ie enlia ticket last NlI- Motion That May Affect 'y Local Event SENIOR fuo~,,S ossTc~ei,,C' fOXK" _____ The senior ecgineers cwilliv thi WORRY CAUSF...…