May 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 151) • Page Image 1
…fie MC'hl a n I I Vol. AIX. .1XN\ kRB(I, Ill. '11(11'L 'II 'L I)\ 't'. 'i P .~ 909,ti VARSITY PREPARES. FOR AGGIE GAIME Farmers Are Anxious to ['reserve Reputation .- ulI's Proteges Train for Eastern Meet. T i Iwi, P i.\ < i ]Ia c Il a :( lit' llio '" tr ' ;l\ tlt I( r cr c < ,I ltti r rl 0f t '. li Still,.:1 . Ii 1 1 2 fi)) I ('I*"_'~ it ()111i11'1 - llarlti n t r the astcrn cI- s rill: I t. "t fall the cr >ss )"lilt I-% c M1.11Ihe-r ...…