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May 04, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-04

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fie MC'hl a n I I

Vol. AIX.

.1XN\ kRB(I, Ill. '11(11'L

'II 'L I)\ 't'. 'i P .~ 909,ti

Farmers Are Anxious to ['reserve
Reputation .- ulI's Proteges
Train for Eastern Meet.
T i Iwi, P i.\ < i ]Ia c
Il a :( lit' llio '" tr ' ;l\ tlt
I( r cr c < ,I ltti r rl 0f t '. li

Still,.:1 .

1 1 2 fi))
I ('I*"_'~


- llarlti n t r the astcrn cI- s
rill: I t. "t fall the cr >ss )"lilt I-%
c M1.11Ihe-r I c;IlIdid"It(Is is haI-(I1\
tM, As Cilptalii 1)1111 said. -1t
>r11ere11 at that C r", arialll it,>> xa(( crl ,s ('011litr;
111-' vm] cmisidcr that each
,to 11 . a 1o tnrci l _ul clrc=rl tI-v cut,
l: c l;ert<d 111,11 ;,t 1()11 I)mc rI'll
.t ltr< CI- SCSI"ad <1Itl III!)re 11'
11'. lc';t{I (11 (-I t I1ICI?. a'e ai:t

W i c ll c t :t r
=-iti i?. f <u-rtr 'nico


Perfect Weather Is Promised for
Annual Swvingout-Over 800(
t';eniors to Participate.
i i t I , I't"hC :t Iti i-ti 1 atitti part
t1 c~r ;1-c 11 Ic 1 Il i p' t , iI. olt tr.
1 , I . I t 17 r g i l. 1 '
13. C:'t1 I ihtt 1 1, I t p c cr Il
c'ci c Pt' il I t'1i c s i ll willih'
i d . T e ,lc lrlt St i1Ilc't il
'Iw , ''t c'c r . ;1 c it1, l pa t l n
12 o;r l I' I i ,i m '''i ;t 1, f
IIo. IJi+cIlt mltIl ver
!!' 3 <i ' ' l? c]- I i t y~ ' it o t1 c 11
i ;tc1 I c lt~r~r% I~tt I l ot 'it

ll;ldc 11


s:1 (1, ill i t ! -. -\ P
,i~ l11 ~mT" k11t\ill lt tiltac
ti . (Iil t .~t~s r( \ t ,c r I s o to it.

1 it ill e
i r<ittl ° .t
ri .
Izal. - ,
itl ; l i >.'

Ni ii o



11 11 0, ril(
scIt it .I i
ou fth .A.C a11 . 111
It l I-lt n- t h ta h i it a' a1
i c } ilt a t i l I t o'c~
Poit l t Ii a l la :(4 s
stleotitt IIc W s r
slit'. . ln - o k :l i~
111 mio r 'oo i 1cl c I 1
ITll it W t N tr It
wa( Neeoo ty.... ~ ne
tly d ) de_. 'l:Cil ~ c
the ina g~lc f te s1-N
11 , \\ . .
I 1tii' ili o a d I~i .l
thelo l sl y pltii. I) i lau t
]mIsii f (t I
l~pitilh t ) Pp P0V

tl(, I lv

l t il tilt cl


w l'

I ;d lit liii ot he lit a ,I II on o
ill ~ ,ccft i 'o t I. tt otdtoi
bm t iltcc ecIrd o rfeti ited
tiret Aletew)Ialk fs othoympic
(iames Wilc a(1l t he Coach
<tiw ]out. Tllsput \\het, poo (('0(0
P. tt1nt1) tt ,Ind ito ui i ooo.h (-t)Il
>i?;rii~ (III selitrsond c its
iltw w lit cm 'it t 't- ipn cr u
cheat thlet Tlksof ( l'pio
Oame-Wil Hlpopch l
I{>11i1I. t' : '(((ott (oi-a ((' 11reat w'
' ' t oo lit \ \,Ia otiit m t il llo tol--
ttfit imho I l ((e(itck iinc(Itohe
;wen ut t lollt'. pt i (aolt ittomro f iit
(lc toll ( l pI. o tea'It o r th (lastoo
ll<:I-t o Lo ui(t ei totlg ti(to d Iwetilor
slr il c ol t t l iOiitiyaos
Ini speakiling(to(of tt oiOfthe(t' oo ier

Regents Will
of Dr. Angc
of Chancell
1c . "o icr I''
th lni -it
-s ll I t S~ ii
l>.t' lti'th n )
'ifs I t) c i eI p
(itcS oil -v il
cii Den it ttc
'~it" t t tt
tistitl ~ litni1i
Por tot Oetiic
the t it ofch
tirit , (((( t i
I it k el tl

1L 0111111 liU _
3PRESIDENT Clifford ti. Roe Speaks to Students,
onUndergrountd World.
INot Hasten Choice t "'i t \o 00 ititit Ith n1 thItoi t'01
ell's Successor; Tlitle oii'pt ttt'i ii
for Inappropriate. pltti'oittto P Ito litfor tiltationtt i d
Clffr (T'o l i dl~ s( ''~
bee (on( rcatic ot V11tO'S~tV rIt iCl t II 11 aPlane
it' id tl t.' cl' str t tnc l oe~ la toot , utotto it
crt t is po a l t' t itI Itt Pof CIt' I ,rcie nltco
doehfr h n fcofi 0 :n ~t~ct r~lltteits
ditt lct e p r liti l ii it f )t het i r d te c ict (li
vcr sh lld the rcg lit C')llcs itn" ( hi t I c rc-,in hct
it. 10 1 Wih t a !) l cft e grs ;r 1 t e1 t n ( it''
ro t la d hi ilt itis ul fn lypa e]11r o twh r
of tut(, mt it iii- t r -I ilt t~ il l;i red to r m in l
tolil t ln c tittte cout(7 n ct.dl~ ,w ic r o
tis"l its istt t u o tthe cd I fte o o le
it o ra sos ov . o 'ot' (litar poltec ((ry-hr
'ittoo l-si a lttff fi itoh (souto l it $o t 'I i~-cac
nlniti (sshc t itfrthi it uit us putoSo
aI 01;1 t h iso t ip l p ctu 11seuil ]c il IinIlh

'iii l th iii'I; i
ti s il l l\- th
From illret li ne it ci
aliii c1 it . aI i t o I,
ink t he toil u

Rhetoric Instructor Accepts Position
at University of Minnesota.
Prof. oph l. I lTomastof the(
rhtr O c>ItI1t has acIto tepd thet
tipleis otntl htall.ottThis(noei
110 on\v~lbtt' o I rof'.'l It o at' it e
in atavof Potti te irstloearttot'ibei
tooedP ialltaditin'0litiieofoi$2o00
diii hits Iecondtlii'aooin t'e newit It
'tioon. p thelo po r t o t. hi t'accepting'
thsu o st~t i oit ihs be I de ied by ' ro'iitit
w ih nIt e o t h st o ry i t1 litto tiilti o
Cloo 1is1yitt'sliworki f otiokrao-
01 o itilit i t lit ito b iu t t ll t
o tt (puctit Itt idy t 6:ti0iplt hM. Tick-
Ii t'elir'dutetitisch(iioo h a irtt fo to
'lit wi ch t'eg iv'o sity isttltloo to's t or
lp'lac ooi tis deat tmt'tpilof orkdihgo

Ii li~achsoth io
I lsty a cilt i 1t (
tto crns il ding.o
r illLcht(town lth
io Q t L 'W (itt'
Ias .cttpg Id ti

P .2I.f 3
'O .(7
.. lct.
1 ,c3(12
it .141
5 J)39

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