April 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 133) • Page Image 1
…of l. alA \- o.. I-N _. .I> UN IVElIISITY OF1i\IICIIIOIA\, SATI DAY, APIRII. ,4 IS9i. I RxcE, lxiv-iZCENxxS. THE JUNIOR HOP. The Most Successful Hop Ever Held. 'lle byofx lintepe pariations forCihe Juior Hop xillii charge, earii resoved i lxmakeithe 110) til yiai thein ost Osuccessfl Ii harationiixnur lbrtbteey tzixNa s inn rexxxxc afi xix 1)111 iheretofore. IlxxIlpis x b-x ternities. Tlix fraterxit1 ies- xre xas follioxsCh Pi, AiixixxD1ltaxxi...…