November 04, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 28) • Page Image 1
…The Mic higan. D il ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBECR4 1910. No. 28. Vol. XXIT. RUMORED INELIGIBILITY MAY PREVENT CONTEST' Conditions Under Which Michigan-Notre Dame Scrap Will be Staged Made Uncertain by Reported Protestsr SEEK TO BAR THREE CATHOLIC STARSs iltli the WIoerne, 111eet Noreoy1str Thre 1is '1 suspicion abtroa i 111111 11111 1 1-. 111)1 lN111113111. it il)Il' ISO ileOU11101 atiletic l d. 1011As tetm o h o - I'eq eto ertinsl...…