The Mic higan. D il
Vol. XXIT.
Conditions Under Which Michigan-Notre Dame
Scrap Will be Staged Made Uncertain
by Reported Protestsr
iltli the WIoerne, 111eet Noreoy1str Thre 1is '1 suspicion abtroa i
111111 11111 1 1-. 111)1 lN111113111. it il)Il' ISO ileOU11101
atiletic l d. 1011As tetm o h o - I'eq eto ertinsl as) itos wThat w1111111111 1 llI il ol
test 111111oa1c11s 11the 11pr 1111111lity ha1a ap1i111f tie 1Cat1111111s0appeiar.on110atu1r-
ht del'lo ped x licras,11 il iill111 Ifll line li.tillu.11111111 ic. i tlo bio1rd
aeIlt ew II oef 11tt1111 Mii anIt10iIs 1111ta t tle)D 1111will not se SI. ttic-
o11111pt1. nO imiolllI hil broo1110 11011 th111- til n aedNir are10001 ii iei gible tt'
Malthelwts 111 1o1f 1111N11otre Ia e nStil u llays Iandllthatiithey11111n fb til.ptilved so luifl
cnet NinfoIll tion1 has 111n1 for1h11 th11 otile 01110 amleiilg lev110notpes 11111 111-
comlingfo m th111D esali c au11111 r111110111ryfheold111a11u1011011h1111s1 NalI hap1p11
who111illnot111 11 adm11 111101 h10 a b 11(oll) a 11011.hif 1110)t 01if101ti 1s1the11osilties111
1111nd e hve enpo telsls l sl~ iil till d1.1111fillttr01 ae allwed o1go oIfa
11~ fw lo tstathaeoi othe eitherilO5 Michiga1n0 o r Note Dam1nias
''urfac1e Ilare 11so 1Iclouded1 stha tdei ePll ackltdown lor1thel1 gameV i ll nlotll
statemen111 111lts r eligi mpossible1'I ' 1 ll. 0 111a 111,
Athle 1100 on 0Thursdayl evtile ge followed11 ffai011101 l he sett 1101111d 11.1N101111 li
petien ~t htill rXX is a1111Unliversily 1110 . _Ithey______ to_ doo_ the_ con
te Slief hat "here1111 omtif ng 11d1i g111011 dl thg, eCis litlept0)' 0000 1 that0tilei11
BOARDel III 1111 011111 i 11 11111 111 ill logappear ithl anoeli llel even0110
11he111 111 101101 is1u111110 the 101 ardl Ther w Oll be a1ll att110 tonse f 110o0100
1111te its leingf Is t ev(lle11nig 111ll11111011 rVes ta11ged un the 1111 er1101000 0001
51151101111 t is111101 af tot hse 110011 '1110diro1n1toorro 0011 0fter 1010o1n11a ye
Dame ,llillnot layan enwo r wthig
not ligib1100drthrotrac 001110tll110hFACUL whthIs iNCureileD fI
1110tasthels of 11ligltIyad1111t110wil liht U-N ig QerstoR et ai tlRS
110AiOig111,I ill luding 1the 'iree1jearthe on ed f _hescre_ T at_ tma
rue, C0110' I tie Mire iared foltel i chigan's011 f lelven111
t hthye011 11conract 11(111 als 110 rIa is okine i tcarge. n wl b n h
parettly 0rr11011 1 he eligbility rules1t1100 wi th- 101101 a asli en~tell 1111110 ltte
te th0010110 pro111sVIed stlr eusyattong sinlj rlle. ih allal ikt
liems cp in teyiI 111110if thse t hreAohigl111 itsi lila~l h
enfo)'re 1011thI 10 0011 10'011H01111 0 0 1 ,1)111 XC~IlTIG RAC,.i i
tiFt' A 'ra o 0 lt ill>;O 011 1 t1 10 101010 11 0 ar plyce inye st er a01 's lltc g,11grindth
110 the staff of the Athletic assolciationl resutis," Chlairtman Merrill reo~irtedla sti
f00111thoegraduatceIdirectlo101o1110 1100111 nightl, "111t1we are gettinig anslwe-rs00001'
a100101a1t9is, ilndiidually 11and icolliectively lily. The systemtaseem~s 1t1 10e1a 11111
about as10ommuntlicaltiveO 10s11 cann~edi0110111111we exilectplently of 0010011s."
Prof. UCas. Upsoit Clark of Yale, willF
oliver a1 series of lectttres on11Sanisil
.r1 1111110 the auspices of the AtixArorII
At associationl,110nlogntiation forct1110
mcour1agment 1 of 1101a111g1111 dntsI iI
1111 towspeolie. Te foost of theser
lec1turesouil tegiven ill a1111111-wo weeks.a
AII exibiitionlloil till wirks(f James 's
Craig Nicol of Ne York, is alsoi
Liblrarianl Kochi, 1110 cairm~anl of the
te 11111110of the assoiai lon, VIehtve
invied ProfessolrIIk 11110is lectttr-
119' 11n1theChicagoii verusi00011Extei-t
ionl couirse o lgive 1 010111 of 111110 11
ix lectttres, 11110e11111wek XeaIso1
hoipe to hvesexhIibliltin 11110 fal1 f
he sorkots(fMr. Niol. le isoInatvee
of New York 1101diha0s1 rece~ivedinmer-
0110 11101110 a1 Neiw 0011e1110Pai.
buiffao 11011 ither p1111110
Oltserexiiibitioils 11110b11dei~dd
Dean Reed Refuses Petition
Presented by Seniors for
Lack of Signers
A 1etitihiiifilla newilectOion~, 1ar011
ig' sosmthng 1011011111'hludredl namels
of senolits, 1wa11 presentedll 1o0Desii
Reed Yes0t11eilday. 1Tle 11ea 01r1110111 t1
11111111the ipetill11 tonnte 00111111that it
attempt illt o bsd ootbt111aI 1111l inilll
m111100ig911001andi f it 5succeds, till'pe-
tition 11will blieen10edgoin.11
A co1111yIof till 01111110itI con1stittioni
wa 15flound by EI J Wlsh,011lst y01100
treasurer0 11111 11110of 1111-cndlidaltes il
last Saturday's eectioni, 1a1111w5110yestr-
dashto- the deani 11' 101. Thle coustil-
tionll provideiru nts e d0l eOiletcio
ini the follwinlg 10110110 "he 110ea1
0111111110 0110e1authority1 11111from is Il-
cisionllthere shallF11beinotppel."l D0ean
Reedh s ke110 dISIWaVlsh ou prepare0 1a1
authoirizedi list f otrs from the 10051-
trer 's ibookss forhituse110
Thle Stutulcit Chucsi lst )lyestedayl
and iconsideredi 1P1esIIiident 111011nSsre-
tioni. It waslOliel that 1111the Stdent
Coutncil condliuct the1investigtin 11as1a
wh11110 a11(1a cmittee,1101 consIitint~g of
Iligrami~, Evans11nd1 HofichhwIs Ol-
po1inted11lto decideO 11nswhat Iman111100i
11la111, t bl pesnedlih e xt001l i 1111110 ce-
Republican Leaders Hiesitate to Pay PbNNE NIGH
Voters' Fares ijji TOIGT
1111111at1the expbenseIlofte campa111'i
01a11g901s11n1Nouvenibier i8. Arstro19
agitt~~ion iha1s beeni startedu 11)'1111' 11111-
sitluin sovlasuimilunufalir 1methodsiI0a01' is-
in1g 115111uy tile Republicas sillconducil1t-
i119 1111i1 campalligni throuugihlith 011111'
scls. Rep101100ortslemanatinig- fromut ,11110-
111, whlere tileRepuliicast in th111'slts'e
active, 1111ic1atei:Ithatte I isi iii I G
0. F. campa01ignimethodIOIs there, is likely
lo upe al11 l1 the1111 lans111 It is stailldIthatu
noutices were 1111t1111 o1111 e11 1 .'XI .\ C.
campu tol 1)the sifect t1h.11the I'll i-
vansaeos omm fitt111e lswoul sendsius
caioned11 suc severe0010 crIiiiitht till
Just sohust (ff111 tis offa110 wi1llihav
n111 y-etkunownl. Tue R'epublicacslub0111of
the IuniveIroil)' hsompe1i1tedi 111e111or1
if gathinig the namioes of eligileoters100
and1h1 s llsentIII tilu1tute l'varIiIoulilunt
comm ~littecs thiroutghout the s1t11e. It
ca11 talke 1111uther laction in 11thel imatte'r
as1allfuarther arran1gements15 111101 1e
11a110 by 1111'coiluty'leadiers wh111 sill
l'illl1unicsate swithi the voters iniiui
Clomun~llication~s which havebeen e. u o-
ceisvedl 11111m1IndianaO induicalte thast till
1 loosieote111105are liklseto ioble givenI a
freetrip1. Tile Indl~ianlel laders wsill 11101
conca~lltelill d irectlyiwithltheind sui-
1111'l 1101w11hosilamsh11veIbewo ient1111.
IOF14iCERS 1119R''llIS YX'UA.\.
,11111)sif tih' schollofIII liiOai1I0was00held
'ThurIsdaIo ill4 p.Iill. liii11 1111ol 11wing iffi-
coos were cenlforllhliea r 11111)t1101 I
presiden~t, F F.11 Igra:lice-110'p101sitsent,
1.. F. Laue11;0secretairs, C.1,)1111" iou
00. : treasurle r, .F.Ilubbaruud: or
A 9111111contligescysofolfreIshme111 w1as
Revised Constitution Gives Women
More Privileges
Theus'swork 111 revisinig ths'011oiiiiiIl
ofI till'juiolr its is n111c' plei(tell. A
copy1)'of1101' drsaft 11115b10e11posted1'inil
Uuiiversiti'al ndapttint h
presOidentiIis biniig circulated i lilllil the
mebes ~ of 11tile class fobr a speciali 11101-
ing 111 cons1ider0its adopt11ion1.
'111e'fealtueol'(f tilcne s wh1910 0ich'
ber uof privl-eges extende o th1e1w111' n.
1)1e0 ofIthe sectionus pideIIls 11111 1onl1
womenII'Ilshall he electedto111the Iofficesof
v~ice-presOideti ci crta1111 ryOIIO. 2Xllgeni-
era~l ei)IlitlOOOm11thas111co11101t1ofl an1
Second Gathering Promises to
Bring Out Plenty of Spirit
for Saturday
'''''oaso ni ill be hld uhiniCUivesrsity'
Halllto igh ler 1t1hes direction111ofh
dredsicketls wibdi ' trb1-119 ul till-
wi'll' include11111heuuentirefseatill'gcapaity.
11111111111a 11111" ithis nheis Il owtll 111110
1111 IIl Illsh o(If the1110st jmportn
1111 i its 111111111illIbeiopened II
1111 1111pecal muic forth occasI~,'i.
The1 1111111111111ctios willlbekflhloywed-
11111s 111111' 5 th1 firs rs'il hu s.oville iteiw
fild isongillt be pra1111ice n he rwlle
1 Iey illi Idibr11t tII sini11an9111yn0
110s lnten ildesI will 110 f-nusua-llh
Nt ieioll1111s 101'eIwotis' tightt1o
ten onbtil rt ' oiihanoun111111ts~lil
i prev1111111earsteMisocIkhebi Owtgo
i'e eteritsl'will hue 1a1k1e11b1 11111
Ill- flas Iupon1 10b1011kfround 1of11blue,
l'Iibhiysnlcoflgwlths1111ist usl thue
i ess 5,11t1 11chlticket lsto t 1e te
Ill ihiasnsgi.wl ar h
An adv l~isloy commlittele huls 111011ini-
1our1s0nsorOfits soere ttugtgawt
t_._1__tiltl d to look sfter the golierllwso-h
ing admllittedlin1110thc tribue of Michii- 11a00 o11tie lesohtoo Ihis scommuaitteeis to
91111111.Aftr te "111119hloko halb10 comiploedloi tiof1s1181105 w111101 1 1 X\NS [FOl t XXI N i'R lZS XVI 1191B
110011inistrutcted inllthe cu~stomlls 111111r 10111l11111a511ional members.101ei sii i-ii billD YhI' I GCLB
iiillosIofthe trible, 1a ight luncch1 10was 11i1den iit tea0111 111cii-presi1d11enti1111a1111 111111(11themade1
0000011 illthe )iiliigallita 0ro1111. cmemb~lllersof. hescilan119nTentilo11" 11e I'attende1 011111plas
Those sculleintered the wigwam were' omtes n aetngo h ecn lbls
iDonlald GV reetn, Chartles H-. i-th Iif thie constitution11 iis pted1iill'thigii'ht.I Presieniigh1a1101 briefly 1111-
aysan011100its. clssit swill ho sitbmiittieditoIthi Stusi e11111tille plnof 01111 for thecoinl~g
Grifili 1 aes,11111Ci 10011 itto. 11011Cisuncil15s0aumodlifur 1a111111 111r1
an1n1c1ntitt~ionlilfor all thi sse111s. urnameits woillbehoeldbt, iiicludi-
Y.0M.00, 51.0 sovLicooto ISTUDENTc'S. iii" thisclubha11111piuohuii, the lsst oil
Anolthter 1o1)n1 111u100will b110e110111 SOP1OI'tbRE llIITS 1 111'aH 01loiS. liich.iTIeitse010ofIItilesabire, duteliitg
Mkchhillani hsill Satuorda)yevenig 1110 The sopiil~Osh ull illdeeabte-il sward, and01 'uuu dagg11e r cull lie ltught this
all men of tunl~iversity. Anitn~formal 0sen00iorsofthi sa0m101 idepOaret T1eirs01.10rin addit 11ionItofuhlfencinlg. Clas-
prograimowill lie fillowed by- light re- lay aftelirnuoho- ytascuare if 9 toi o. ble 000for beinnuuer s-will commence next1100
Ireshmnts. The lffair 15s1o101n toiall so~phiomuoeslihowedulp1bett1(1110han in WeXn111111,oani d theIrIglallr bhoulrsfor
1me0n wheitherOlmemberIOs of the associa- -thteir 111t1"gatie, the impovllIement of 111e11practiaiwill b 1011111f11110il iSx 00
Otn 00r1101. backfield hbeig espeia0'tlOli o'icalie. 'iiiiuii s105XXd111 oil us jul Fridas,