May 29, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 180) • Page Image 1
…beNOf 9 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICIL. WEDNESD)AY. MAY 29 1901 No. 180 .Our Special Line Of.... WHAT THEY USED TO DO In 1, rig-i-lo alttitindtlii it retol MEET WILL BE CLOSE ________ervie, the l)o ksys: 'Eter t- orinadDnetcStudents Used to Have Guardians SIi)o herhtr t Csch' ofth Michigan Appears to Have Best Chance F B IS Ifsr Their Money and b; Com- (telilbs ot the villiie of AmIIArbor'ifor Winning ouit at Cicags June F I C eled to Attend Religio...…