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May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…I 46 ,,1 Ur OAIL I H ltY I1 N ANN 4RBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920. ,* TOl __ _. a .+ SENIOR LITS WILL , HEAR SHAW FRIDAY II Own Advanees of Funds as inlRed Cross Giving ssociated Press) May 26.-Col. William inati manufacturer, who cribed as the "angel of campaigx " testified to- ate investigation of pre- ancing that he had con- )00 to Wood's organiza- nated that contributions sources would not make rlin Testifies tee ...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…Monday during the Univer- Student Publications. bCIATED PRESS ively entitled to the use for credited to it or not otherwise news published therein. n Arbor, Michigan, as second ynard street. "ds, if signed, the sig-' but as an evidence of d in The Daily at the d to The Daily office. nsideration. No man- icloses postage- e, the sentiments ex- eceived after 8 o'clock ized, larger, and less heterogeneous Literary col- lege is a difficult questi...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… 777- : f """'"'' j ' i .; " .. rte. .. ,, . ., . _. .. . *,. ,,, . .. :i .: - z _- - "', LL .. . . . .. 111 kSpeedy, V J-LIT TRACK TrEAMT Candidates for" the junior fit track team, to be entered Sat- urday in the interclass track meet at Ferry field are Ireqifested to sign' up at the club house at Ferry field or to communicate j with Philip Foley, '21, 2220, the Iclass manager, as soon as pos- sible. ______________________________...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…15.1 I News From The Other Colleges I :EXP miiiga Dai-ly- sd that certain Michigan ye recently printed some I statements of mine re- ication. As a graduate ity of Michigan, I should low these statements to contradicted, although I believe that any friends be likely to take them the best of my knowl- f, I have neither publicly liscussed this subject for st, and I cannot imagine wave been the basis of gratuitous outburst of ,., A Students...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 5

…II I IlL(I U idL I I d on the Mis- today, tomor- the Majestic. " has twice tount-Artcraft o be based on enacted by a group of * The film version takes fter "Huck" and Tom taken possession of reasure. ARCADE e scenes of "A Modern . will be repeated for today at the Arcades e Hampton, is repro- e in the ancient court in which the notorious ns her famous Daftee of and, upon being asked rize, asks for the head is based on s dramatic HILL ...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 6

…i S The second Maypole dance*practice will be held at 5 o'clock Thursday, May 28, in Barbour gymnasium. A few senior collars are available for women who were not able to se- cure them before. They may be pro- cured at tie office of the Dean of LANTERN NIGIT Order of Events 4:00 P. M.- Finals in archery and tennis, championship base- ball game. 6:00 P. M.-Supper on the field. 7:00 P. M.- Maypole dance by freshmen and sophomore classes. 7 :30...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 7

…'IT EDISON PREP TALK TO SOPH Today and tomorrow - Rex I Beach's "Girl from Outside." Sun., Mon.-Pauline Frederick in "Woman in Room 13." Detroiti The Bonstelle Co. "The Country Cousin" ' t11111 II 1II IItiIs IIII a 61.991111119 VUIVILI Uiu UU U i U IIUIL "Alice In Wond-erland" and "Through the Looking Glass" to be Shown Pictures reproducing the marvels of "Alice in Wonderland," and "Through the Looking Glass" will be shown in Hill auditorium...…

May 27, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 172) • Page Image 8

…on sale in the R. O. T. C.c the Enginering building. ickets for Aeronautical dance on June 4 are on pale ham's book store and at desk. in1 society at Gra- Union et in prac. NUMBER I Press room of. men rehears. neets in room b meets in room B, il hall. Prof. Roy m "One Act Playa." meets in room 231, building. L, club meets at433' es in Hill auditor (Continued from Page One) and the Geological Survey from the Interior Department; the Bu...…

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