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May 27, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-27

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Own Advanees of Funds
as inlRed Cross
ssociated Press)
May 26.-Col. William
inati manufacturer, who
cribed as the "angel of
campaigx " testified to-
ate investigation of pre-
ancing that he had con-
)00 to Wood's organiza-
nated that contributions
sources would not make
rlin Testifies
tee also went into three
;es during the day. For-
tative B. Carlin of Vir-
sr of Attorney-General
.sational organization,
kis cash and expendi-
n $59,000. James W.
r ambassadorto Ger-
nt $14,000, all his own
esidential candidate, ac-
manager, while Repre-
npton of Michigan said
had been spent in his

testified that be-
00,000 to General
d male a contribu-
e objected to nam-
itions, saying the
handling the. cam-
ild give names and
ged by members of
said that William
like me," and Mr.
Cork banker, had

t his own ad-
general's cam-
alistic as giv-
wring the war"
tended to ad-
he felt would

Contrary to the announcement in
The Daily, the senior lit meeting will
be held at 4 o'clck on Friday after-
noon in room 101 of the Ecoomics
building instead of today, since Mr.
Wilfred B. Shaw, secretary of % the
Alumni association, who will address
the meeting, could not be present to-
Mr. Shaw will discuss several im-
portant duties of the class as, coming
alumni at the meeting Friday. Among
.other business at this meeting, which
will be the last until after examina-
tions, is the election of an alumni
secretary-treasurer. It is urged by
the president of the class that every
member attend.
Industrial Life Problems to be Solved
by Manufacturers, Regents,
President Harry B. Hutchinswill
deliver an address of welcome at the
first meeting of the advisory board of
the newly created department of eng-
ineering research, which will hold a
conference at the Union commencing
at 10 o'clock this morning.
More than 100 manufacturers and
other leaders of the industrial life of
ichigan have been invited by Pres-
ident Hutchins to 'rganize and form
an advisory board with the Regents
and members of the engineering fac-
ulty for the purpose of solving all
problems regarding the manufacturing
done by all th# industries throughout
the state.
Board to Act as Advisor
All problems will be brought up
before the board which is to act as
adisor to the University for the pur-
pose of solving them. A director is
to be appointed by the Regents and he
is 'to have actual charge of all re-
search work with the asistance of
the engineering faculty.
Heretofore the manufacturers of
Michigan have come in contact with
the University only in a small and
individual manner, but if the present
plans work out, the object of this de-
partment will be to work in closer
harmony with the industries through-
out the state to the advantage and
betterment df both. Dean M. E. Cooley
of the engineering college, regards
this proposed plan as "one of great
importance to the manufacturers of
Michigan and one in which the Uni-
versity may be of real assistance to
the. industries throughout 'the state."
Program for Day Given
The program for the day will be as
follows: 10 A. M., address of wel-
come, President Harry B. Hutchins;
10:30 A. M., inspection of University
grounds and buildings, including
shops and laboratories; 12:30 P. M.,
luncheon at the Union; 1:30 P. M.,
meeting called to order by President
Hutchins. Five minute addresses will
then be given by the heads of the
various departments followed by a
summary by Dean M. E. Cooley. W. S.
Russell will then act as temporary
chairman for the organization and dis-
cussion of the advisory board.
Members of the R 0. T. C. club will
give a banquet Saturday night at 6

o'clock at the Union for their members
who will attend the summer camp .this
President Harry B. Hutchins and
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en-
gineering school have been secured for
speakers. Captain Shipman, newly
arrived from Northwestern university
to assist in the work here, and Cap-
tain Arthur of the R. O. T. C. staff will
also speak. M. W. Turner, '23E, pres-
ident of the organization, is to be the
Work on Lawns Nearly Completedr
Approximately 75 per cent of the
spring work on the lawns, which in-
cludes harrowing, fertilizing and seed-
ing, has been done, according to a
statement from the building and
grounds department.

Clancy, '07, Strongly in Favor of Pro-
posed Additon to Cabinet of
Establishment of a new department
of Education with a secretary of Edu-
cation sitting in the president's cab-
inet is being urged by a number of
college graduates as a solution for the
present critical conditions in educa-
tional circles throughout the coun-
Among Michigan men, Robert H.
Clancy, '07, field secretary of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Detroit,
has favored the move for some years.
Clancy urged support of the new gov-
ernment department before the Con-
ference of Alumni Secretaries and Ed-
itors, held in Ann Arbor May 13, 14,
and 15, and -these representatives of
college sentiment took the suggestion
The steering committee of the Re-
publican party announced a few days
ago a plank faoring the ne) cabinet
member would be incorporated in the
national Republican platform, at Chi-
cago and Clancy placed a plank advo-
cating the new department in the
platform of the Michigan Democratic
convention at Grand Rapids May 18.
Movement Is Non-Partisan
"The movement for the epochal ad-
vance in education by the establish-
ment of the new department and cab-
inet member is non-partisan and un-
selfish so far as I know," said Mr.
Clancy, "and I can apprehend no val-
id arguments in opposition to such a
bill. I believe the plank should be
inserted in the platform of all the
great political parties and then the
.department would be provided no mat-
ter which party won at the polls next
"It is my conviction that the new
department and cabinet member
would be tremendously helpful to all
educators, all education, and would
promote the general welfare. Nobody
can deny that p.resent conditions are
intolerable. The country faces a
shortage of 1,000 teachers next year.
The noblest and most necessary of
professions isn't getting the backing
from the people that it deserves. Com-
plaints and demands would catch and
hold the public ear until a remedy
were provided if voiced by the com-
pelliatg and understandable roar of a
cabinet member who' would get un-
limited space in the press and could
marshal the illimitable resources of
the federal government in a cause like
"I was in Washington in an official
capacity when tehe department of La-
bor was established a few years ago
and now laboring men appreciate as
they did'not before what a tremendous
boon to labor that department has
been. They had a general fighting
their cause finhe' very highest place
of the government and they received
advantages and aid which they could
not get otherwise. Possibly not many
farmers were keen for the department
of Agriculture before it was formed,
but nAv it is a pretty foolish farmer
who cannot see how the vitally im-
portant cause of agriculture has re-
ceived almost incalculable benefits
from that department. -
Little Expense to Be Incurred

"The new department can be formed
with very little expense and very lit-
tle trouble and could go into efficient
operation almost immediately after
congress authorized it. Some great
educator, a man of vision, tact and
executive abiity, should be chosen by
the new president as the first cabinet
member of Education, .and chosen ir-
respective of political considerations
because such a departient should be
free of politics.
"President Marion L. Burton or a

/The Union movie at 7:30 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium will be a per-
formance embracing besides the movie
a complete orchestra, a soloist, a quar-
tette, and a comedy act.
The first number on the program
will be an overture by the Unio1 or-
chestra after which Kemp Keena, '21,
will sing a solo. The quartette which
achieved recogition and fame in
"George Did It," will render several
numbers. The personnel of the group
Detroit News Qffcial Says Change in
Paper Size Should Not Alter ,
Reporter's Viewpoint
That tremendous changes in size
and organization of newspapers dur-
ing the last decade must not be per-
mitted to dull the reporter's and edi-
tor's sense of true social responsi-
bility was the message brought by Lee
A. White of the Detroit News to Sig-
ma Delta Chi, national professional
journalistic fraternity, at its spring
initiation banquet Wednesday night
at the Union.
Points Out Newspaper Advance
Pointing out how the newspaper
had advanced from the simple four-
page sheet to the many-sided metro-
politan journal using hundreds of tons
of paper a day, Mr. White explained
that this, great stressing of the ma-
terial aspect had created in many e'di-
torial rooms a parallel and resultant
spirit of commercialism and standard-
ization which had too often been per-
mitted to kill the best journalistic
ideals. He deplored the trite rigidity of
newspaper style restrictions, and the
lack of spirit of public responsibility.
"Service," he concluded, "must always
come first, and self second."
Prof. F. M. Scott, speaking on "Com-
mercialized Journalism," declared that
while the business side of a newspa-
per was very important in the same
sense that money-making is necessary
for men in every vocation, commercial
interests should never be offered as
an excuse for yellow editorial meth-
ods. There is no more ercuse for
crooked journalism, Professor Scott
stated, than for dishonest practice in
business on the excuse of making
Papers Play to Grandstand
Taking "Stints and Stunts" as his
topic, Prof. John R. Brumm pointed
out that .there was too little honest
effort at better writing and better ed-
itorial policy, and too great a ten-
dency to dramatize the newspaper and1
"stunt" to the grandstand.
The following men became members
of Sigma Delta Chi at the initiation
Wednesday afternoon: Chesser, ,M .
Campbell, '21, Brewster P. Campbell,
'22, Hugh Hitchcock, '22, Thornton
Sargent, '22, Robert Sage, '22, Joseph
Bernstein, '22, and Renaud Sher-
wood, '22.
Students Invited to Dine at Gathering
of Hayo-Went-Ha Men

A banquet will be given at 6 o'clock
tonight in the city Y. M. C. A. in the
interests of the Hayo-Went-Ha boys'
summer camp. An invitation to 'at-
tend is extended to all University stu-
dents and especially to those men who
have attended the camp in previous'

is:, Kemp Keena, '21, Thomas I. Un-
derwood, '22, Paul B. Wilson, '21, apd
Lawrence Van Ness, '20.
The comedy will follow, 'Fatty"
Arbuckle in "The Butcher Boy." It
was due to the co-operation of the
managers of the Majestic theater that
the Union was able to secure both
this film and the main feature.. which
is Mae Murray in "On With the Dance."
Be'tween the comedy and the main
picture "Sandy" Wilson, '20, will de-
part from the ordinary in his char-
acteristic way.
The first release presentation of Mae
Murray and David Powell in "On With
the Dance" has been secured as the
special ,attraction of the evening.
Tickets will be on sale today on
the campus at the engineering arch.,
the Library, the Union desk, and at
the corner ' of State and North Uni-
versity avenue. .The price will be 25
cents. The doors of the audtorium will
be open at 7 o'clock and the perform-
ance will begin at 7:30 o'clock.



Union Offers Performance Of Six
Acts In Hill Auditorium Tonight








Created Post Christened "Rich-{
G. Hail" by Unanimous Vote

Election of officers took place at the
Union last night, when the newly r-
ganized Richard G. Hall post of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars met with "a
delegation of their comrades from the
Detroit organization. Plans were al-
so discussed in regard to, next year's
program for the post. .
The Detroit delegation came to Ann
Arbor for the purpose of officially es-,
tablishing the city post of the V. F.
W. They will come out again nest
Wednesday night to present the cam-
pus- post with their charter. Approx-
imately 60 ex-serviec 'men will be-
come charter members of the R. G.
Hall post next week.
The following overseas veterans
were elected to office: Post command-
er,,Warren Gilbert, '22E; senior vice-
commander, W. W. Gower, '23; junior
vice-commander, B. F. Fields, '21;
quartermaster, H. Cochran, '22; adju-
tant, W. Burbridge, '23. Three trus-
tees were also chosen.
Richard G. Hall was unanimously
chosen as the name for the campus
post of the Y. F. W. Hall was the
first Michigan man to be killed in the
war, while serving with the Ameri-
can ambulance corps attached to the
French army. He was awarded an
exceptional citation and the Croix de
Guerre' after his death.
Civil Engineers Elect Officers,
Plans for organizing a Civil Engi-
neering society were formu'lated at the
Camp Davis smoker, held last night
at the Union.
Officers were elected, with V. B.
Steinbaugh, '20E, president; S. D. Por-
ter, '21E, vice-presid'ent; D. W. Hun-
ter, '21E, secretary; and F. H. Kruger,

Col. Robert Arthur, of the depart-
ment of military science and tactics,
will lead the Memorial day parade as
marshal of the day. University units
will combine with those from the
town, some 500 of the Ann Arbor
branch of the American Legion plan-
ning to be in line.
The committee in charge has de-
signated the following arrangements:
Behind Colonel Arthur will be the
Varsity band, and after it the G. A.
R. and speakers, in automobiles. Next
in order are marines, navy men, army
men, American Legion, Ann Arbor
Post, and faculty service men.
The Spanish war" veterans and Am-
erican Legion will assemble down'
town and march to the campus; the
band, G. A. R. and" Spanish war vet-
erans will meet on Thayer street at
North University avenue, facing south;
the American Legion unit on North
Ingalls street at ' North University
avenue, facing south; marines on East
University avenue, in front of Water-
man gymnasium facing north; navy
men on East University avenue in
front of Medical building facing
north; faculty service -men at Engi-
neering arch, army men in front of
Engineering building on South Uni-
versity facing east. Assembly will be
held at the designated places at 8:30'
o'clock .Monday. The parade is to,
start shortly after 9, moving west on
North University to State 'street, and
thence to Ferry field.
Dr. W. van Bemmelen, direator of
the Royal Magnetic and Meteorolog-
ical Observatory at Batavia, Java,
gave a talk Tuesday afternoon under.
the' auspices of the Geological de-
partment, on Javan volcanoes, scen-
ery and "science." It was mainly a
record of the personal observations
made during his long residence in the
East Indian tropics.
The narrative of his ascents of vol-
canoes, active and inactive, - some
visited after an eruption had. just tak-
en place -- was interesting to vlaymen
and geologists alike. So was' the se-
ries of some 50 pictures, showing
many andtvaried volcanic phenomena.
Illustrations' were 'given), of the lo-
calities that once were and still are
the scenes of great convulsions of the
earth's crust. :Others showed the for-
mation some two years ago of a new.
volcano on the site where a lake for-
merly had been.
Titno#'M'nf#r .P'1T~vn~ir rln mniaaat

Michigan won \the ninth
game of the season by -defe
tr Dame university, 5 to 1, :
ly played diamond contest.
verine team won the game 4i
inning when four runs we
over the plate. Knode, w
two runs and drove out a
in four times.atbat Was "M
igan's outstanding player.
Ruzieka Gets Break
With the exception of the 54
seevnth innings Big Ed. Iuz
out of grave danger, but hi
control put him in frequeni
from which good fielding
pitching pulled him out. 1,
enth frame the only Notre i
was scored, wh Cdnn
Moore' walked, and Conno
when Ruzicka attempted 1
Prokop out at first. Mites fs
Donovan walked, filling tU
Fitzgerald flew to Kirch, wh
score on the throw 0 and, M
run down between Kar'
Froemke, completing a pret
The second was the only c
ing in which the Catholics ti
but with the bases full and
Newell ended the suspense I
out Miles at first on a low
' The first Michigan run w
sult of a bit of the best' bas
has ever 'been played on I
$eld diamond. Ruzicka. an
walked, and Kirch was safe
er's choice when Ruzicka
down at third. Knode, Kircl
rin then 'pulled a beautifu
run, when the latter, who
ting, hit a sharp grounder
stop. Knode scored, Kirch
third, and Perrin was safe
Kirch was out at the plat
Boven's infield drive, nd Ka
ped to'Morhardt.
Knode Hits Home Xi
Knode opened the fifth
home run, one of the long
that has been made lately on
field. With one out, Perrin
Boven walked, Karpus fanne
runs counted on Froemke
Froemke stole second and '
when Newell got a life on A
throw to Fitzgerald at first.
pleted the Michigan scorin
singles byKirch and Perr
sixth made that inning star
one before. 'Fast fielding o
of the Notre Dame players
rally short. Morgan pulled
tional catch in short center
scooped Knode's fly 'foot
ground after a long run.
Neither pitcher was in t
form, Ruzicka walking s
striking out a like number,
hardt issuing four passes at
seven. The Notre Dame tea
lifeless, and let many cha
'both in thefield and at bat
playing on the part of thi
pitcher. gavetMichigan cred
scratch "singles in the sixth
,I Mihigan Plays Befter
Michijan played better ba
hibited more baseball sense,
pitching put theteam in da
(Continued .on Page T

man of such qualitis would be an years. A program has
ideal secretary of Education. Team with H. C. McFarland,
work could b'e developed among the of Y. M. C. A. "Hi-Y"
colleges and primary schools and eral members of the fa
many of the stinging criticisms of ers.
present education would no longer be The camp this year'
heard. a period of three mon
"There are several bureaus of gov- held on Torch lake in7
ernment which might form the new gan.
department as a beginning. Take, \ All University men
for example, the Bureau of Education tend must notify the
(See Number 1, Page Eight) fore 6 o'clock tonight.

s been arranged
state secretary
clubs, and sev-

aculty as speak- ri i meting or .Newarx uiURI JAUgnt
The final meeting of the year for the
will extend over Newark, N. J., club will be held .at
iths, and will be 7:30 o'clock tonight at the home of
Northern Michi- President 'Carl C. Baccaro, '21D, 433
Hamilton place. It is urged that all,
planning to at- members be present, as plans for the
Y. M. C. A. 'be-I annual banquet for election of offs-
cers, will be discussed.


Tryouts are wanted f
ant inanager. of the
Mandolin club, eithe:
mores or freshmen X
Report at room 328, Na
ence building, 1 to 3 tc

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