May 26, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 176) • Page Image 1
…VOL. IX, NO. 176. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1899. THREE CENTS. IN4TERSCHOLASTIC MEET. Society 1anqet. SOCIETY NEWS. G. IL Co The Alpha Nu and Adephi liter. --___ 6. *.W LD U .Yougsters Hare Commenced to ary scieties wiii hold a joint baniuet joint Meeting Arrive. Monday evening, May 29, at ILaig- tE~5ll- t-luoiN Willannonce hat e ha e nw The second annual Mihiga n ter- sefrshi.Tat ilb ie recivedanourceStringe av tiier cisinoewxiih iei ...…