April 25, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 151) • Page Image 1
…;be' A A X ... S ,. i E , 1 s VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. THIURSD)AY, APPiL,25, 1,901, Ni. 151 ....Ouer Special Line of.... SENIOR SWING OUT Last Class coal at the Gym. TWO MORE HOSPITALS Foreign and Donmestic a-Paine r_ Will iNot Take Part-Laws 1 ittiii tiit h Bills For Establishment of a Psy cho- FABRICSWill Celebrate in an Appropriate Itlo-bourtymn ian ethe siene o pathic Hospital For Tuberculosis Manner--Exercises in Uni- pliainv (el...…