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May 25, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-25

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No. 1 i 7

....Our Special Line of.... MORE FUN COMING*
Foreign and Domestic Faculty Base Ball Stars Getting Inos
AQ Shape-Team W'ill Have Sums
t Bof the Old eisobles-
FOR SPRING Practice Game
\o«tti' itl st th baseball at'aaatt is at
has arrived and is ar- its tae-iit theieItve'r tas struckt tie
'agdfriseto. rnsofteftl .I a enWe have the largest as- iiost ia years- ice it'tith alnots Ihome
roitl dive's of Pi ofI t at ttellill, m. atte
sor' nient 1in the city, ait esyasIstrtsste'tl~ t
thtese' luttttts. Thtiweas a tiCtth'it
H W ILD B head tte Asiiitttratve Btardtto
" j f ine' 'slid he its stooatsatoilthe iuiisitle
too E. Wshigton A. (iltl il bseal«"~l..~
fat at a,tetsuititits111)t'stin si' s standttate
ofsll ther facittt-.
A ppelton 'S D. 'ro fthlt' tistory depatsoetts'
led iLal Iooks fl t is itst it-sis ahad ltsspitt sit
to-g-h t'sl'p<." se sits l ttthta t s-tats
GOM15LETE Lils L sat K it .sests that Ilsesaist ifit
COM PLEEtiNe ir: ses.titp is sleevsldwl
sit tt t in-ts 'ls'lta tttt te p bic
ATI Lii) iiiclotS itistys- for.
, Jc S It s isthetitisotheasssia' tti'itittu
I tli tI pbu itt t'te litt-e 5huts tbeell
P H R M C Y s tt~lu b tIttTl.i . ii1'itt i is.'o
____________I tst A1il 's nn nd i
ex eced to cispi 'ol. s- e i st'srtyitiiy i
t OelscnesT isit Satitl'begn'.]
I&TYUT II t ias st"liot itt iesti ei atie
QUAHT RRY'S _1ohe lit.l iha te w il he ao
CAMUS RUGSTOE Prf Lolbr'' ictp 855-5 8-
fitillttelef - .5n
Prf a testsll. ts5 o lit a rat-, t s

+++++*+++++++++++++* COO0L EY DAY CELEBRATED
Every Man Qualifies For Today
-- Regent Butterfield Dlelivers the Ad-
lli hi ll furreweeltaix sat dress to teLw-aqet Fol-
ts- stati-'is sstaIdidt stiteel Iigs stittit lows itl the Evening at the
yteayttst. T'I' ssllssis isp ll'getttt Two Gymnasiumts
ss'ss resoesis'-sbly l t-eU. at' t. DWily ys
t's'slsp'"G''tssit-ses. tDvora'ktt ttd
IIlill'ip l ttt1itlty illtse ltle-'ll]t. ('oolsy t1t y sasaptpropia'telys'sit-
1Itsi s Aissi li ats-isp lts2:0052 -3s's'., set-s's-st t h lst ii- stil--a thlii'Isa'sdt-
lookiIts-otodsforifirstttoorrw: 11-t lsslsssssyested n at'tt' isllt al itilt.
I's-i s-t'sisl it sls11,1tsss' lls' tit'. ' tl t 1-- is
f-,V 1The esxercsesasitfte ssssscsist Nvere heist

io' sitrlst ii i is tsthurdles' it-st. tit1, 4-
S's'. Itsls statlo lfed itsll ttstid tijtmp.
-fili1ssis-tissiilnit W'alteri'Bennett-lti's'
list'' sith it..-
Painting of Judge Johnson Presnted
Yii'e siss'etrd itslolithelistlttiaaitt'.
'T'esslisp itiiss itnsexcellenitliklt-ti:a sit
it- 's'ssi ss'as'st-Ifrmrpofsorads's-ire t-i''
tIt N-attS. IC'rometr'madets the l pr st-a-s
itnspes-'c-h sions'lbeh'alit'lits's' 1stmt
litclissts aR-itIsslt utsP istl'iiic~eti
sitp'. 't'lt'poutrit «t-ill lit'e sisp'ii it'e
sits' lijls't'.
Harvard Game Comes Today
h is ;111-o'ttsstthlI tit'ttptttn ai sits!
tel t" ltss'ssss'latis u lt'-dital
ts' Sltt)y liardthictl ttpst sst-1tl s lt ' s'-
ipsitisa.tri , -llstill l is ithe t rt -si t
()f the lt's ltster i i tsl sall tis. Po -
slit' lii --itu it tt-i-s-'sdi l s asssts- itie
,nnc t.Nilst illP' otts'tl lit a s itos a
everiate ivetrsitytigats sat turnatitStasit
we aont'te isttteetaeorsiattlits dsea
hslest. ltlaigisitbiti i
bnieasattyoichiatntthat incteaeisfroit
11en.Tetarstsgtssiainhsieeny inthess
stteensove itf ity erticenti andte s aten
inrael eta n ~t- sl'thir5)t p- pnt atin
thesumme i eisinspp n thelieayana
I-pan inath difeta dptartetadthe
1204 1_6 1333p 1254 13-3 1s6
67i5 585 765 763 8,-s 87
41, 477 437 445 5ct} 5t>
189 198 't' 2at -7 7t

at 151:255ittliUniveraity Palat, dstheit
lis'sttneil is ittabopy. Prsidenst
Angtllc DeltitIltiit-sita. JittgeIpt' itasla
aldt-e _lass'-facultlyi-cuptiedsesats
tulonsthlisalitat. Al. i-itititfPit-
t'sitfts'ltsday. tkimtiftir' Iis sutb-
-et."rT-e Lawyi'er sit l'tisltp 7 Ieeart
dliscussdI ts' lawran''dtisttte itie'tF
oft a 5553' trial:tsrears agoilT)-'lite lass-
3's-i'ofi tisst htse iais mortillii tollch
wihtspflt iandttvieittIi i's'ittitit-
ity. Atinst tits'. too.;ts'eieople sit
lss'listietttoo ''ovetiters''t ililst'etias
thlsst Iiitt's'lt, sististlst-eilltt ili'-
stlIsa efrlsp tist'-tttita.ndslwoussldl teta
crod list-i-it iti omis t thelst ltiste5of
so5 wideily ianoilt't )- tt sthe -s'ssi155th'1
lice. anituliii'latiter aeti' ls a;-isii' ti
stts'sssfleii'-triasa I cs i'ls' - tlis
IsIs tyct st liet'riatlstill als i-l g
lilist' s ;ini' cittiiitt's so's'. Tliec~trIst
st 'ss'si liills'he is-prasct'icfte lawis.
oits' lsitlou is' this'le 551tilly tot knowaa
assalso isisholitheitb'tadvsises- ciiets-i
as-niss ilt' ,atlco'uisteat tsisias'.a-a'e-ti
before aisssts-' itsi its, -huladessti'ysi
Thei sssitii'sfoundsint sssii lt"o 'st'u,'uall
tip- list' lit -'t issistha ot'd sldit sht
Illy th 1as--it r ' tsodus ys.lepadafn
'isutes'o Cmii I acsaiuisi - t lisiprofsi-
shts lstt iolit, wasa 5sutsc'sss illiasiei's
astir. '~cpiithe lsditlis-atysstin tnle'-
tul-, tiihae u'. ii11, it bip tt :2)t0ss'islck stl
s ea t lusntlt,' ailtiantut
1pietsss iiis 1'-100551 lttiiti'. 5,sit downit
t li itu' hcs
isi 'ula its p hists'als.5 sIupclisaistof
l l~tis's' . 's mi. itiots. '1. A. IP. Wea'~-
It iiti1( . 1-lntitss I i'ar otii. I lists.
A.h.t. aity tilts-i' thpstm.et t til-a
iet'ls 11111 oi tl sth t 1es. ''-I tip le";
alt-i-f ti-i iii ,'lit's u. I l itt' 5 'itet' it
lt'e1,1 vl list avitds a Iissit5iuilil kilst
sititisi iasis-t si's-i's- liii' ue onsa-
mate' ,111uit spakrs
D ii's- a ilts-itvipeoft11 ti'si'' lts.
t zoo 5'.S tiis-1o. lp~,toatattstrt. 'itt
ltiaw.'tiost ailit iisluuuletu'l ttir- B
Iituti-illtoit itsai-is' par'tmen'itii a s
toatsiastt' sift'hliii'et'siip'.Its' 55a
usl-ip' itlt't 11(tilt lt t'e pinlti. Itesasi
illurusii 1liii- theutlam-stud'tshea' atx-
was-silt itsiisriisp siC'00sitisseessuttosi
ihlls' 15555 iettiltishldsisappiliod-to the t
fatsty tstoas-retesaelshe-sees-let-s oi
liii' l'ito ips' c)Tttisst -AslS. Coolr-t1y1iii
tst'sslss't'sosithP taeultt'ily Ptok iat
plitatira its ;itthigaea artyto ra-.
hseairsi'the p-iodiqualitias of Nudge
Dlasill lestlis iten eslled f or the
toats its -uivin inlse prograill in -yes.

ITI fDaptv I

iii ii ~ eY1 ' IC-st
5. ti ,5cuica
SItitlt. Sat

Prir .to theitls aptni nt Of h eginerin deartmnti3 89as 5 -54 ,5'le ti
nt iteillte sii st ttttedin thei teiiiatdeartismenalt. seuuuiii 5g St usi'i i


A ltteruicesSectianal hiook- 'iue172atush 'li'tulP' tst ils t5ii15a
Case especially suited, 0 ssiosa sittheUntitlist Stls iiilisotstil 5 titiesa liti t sit 0
iHansd-ome is appearanuce, 0astudens lstitimer2 1-1 t ilitos sond t iti.nts -l48,Isitsiii 138a 0
grows with the library, eas- 0 -atw YorksI T .7.I'ttisylisttti 139, 1Iwa 82. ( ii ised s ,Sit . utitt0
ily moved, easily purchsedt. 0 Aftieti 1. 'Cinat 3 . I~gpit11. Jttitticst1. Mexicot 1,-Newts'hsuisss'ik0
One section holdintg 1-0 0 1. Sawitze'rltandt 1. A sieia' gothue Uisisraplsity bad ian ierosll- 0
books, comapetIe issithst 2top.
and base.
$.5 0 0 Thes'seitrollmtentlinthes Utia'es'(,rsiiy Sethool itt Muiat, Pitt'fties- usi- 0
Frtight paid to any point 0 rent schlt year is 190. Of thti is, sitbs'i'112 ira frasti ISlicitist. 0
east of ItockyMts. 0 i2 frot hOtio, 7seels fromssIllintois suit Washtinton, S ProssiNan'w
0 York, 4 fromisCiuala.3 eacti fronm Caiiforntia, Iowasad testi isoisri, 0
0 2 eich fros nnssesota, 'Utah t auciMexico, andsione soahleni not- 0
tee/ H ~ 0 stactiant, Idalio, Kentucky, Matine. Oregosn, Pennssylvania, Tenneee. 0

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