March 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 123) • Page Image 1
…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MJCIIIG4 N, ,"I 'It) NN V, ANCI Nttt.t Vol. XXI. CORNELL SEEKS REVENGE HANCHETT MADE REGENT CNIORI Grand Rapiids Man N'amed as Judge- Knappens Successor l'unitn; i '(>It' 'tin it it It t i'T heta In t' uset h I N TONGHTS BG IIEE t ii~n i ii tt}I 1 ihm'nn I'ntldtx, .Nnil1 ()h 'i o Ii ni N) i (I t at o)II tnfnilefti foeInn h' nd \\ a Every Atom of Wolverine Strength Will Have To Itnittit ,fit I tl.Nr icw i itotcii ol~ \\-il t...…