May 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 171) • Page Image 1
…The Michiga al \\ NiI. N1I I l(\I IDA\N NI\NMAY )0 VOL. XVII. No. 1 1 "PREP" ATHLETES APPEAR TODAY Twenty-One Schools will be Rep- resented in Michigan's Annual Interscholastic Track Meet. Neariivly xxwo 1111undrdahlts rpe of NI ichixivxx. Ohio andIxinoiiiixis, w i tA P' p l l, day anti tomorrow''xi. i heinx r Ixir tel x.Prlimxixx xxinares xii ccxx. th wight c xxix iill I'xi ldx todiiay.ii commenclv'iing xt 2 :. Th'l'lxc \%il lxc'ii Sa'xxx...…