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May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…FT)EESABLISHED 1890 Jromos AL- ,4 AN[ ,.. : . ai1t S MEMBER I ASSOCIATED PRESS VoL XXXIX, No. 174 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 EIGHT PAGES ENDURANE FLIERS APPROACHING END Single Motored Ship Passes 111 Hour Graf Mark PARACHUTE GIVEN FLIERS Contact With Fueling Ship Established Ten Times, (By Associated Press). FORT WORTH, Tex., May 23.-- The civilian endurance plane Fort Worth, with more than 100 hours of sustained fly...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…- PAOFE TWO THE M- I CICA N tDYAILY PRIDAY, MAY 24,.1929 GRM WILL ADRS PRNCIPALS MEETING PROF. SCHORLING TO SPEAK ON NEW COURSE IN TEACHER TRAINING EDUCATORS MEET TODAY CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES PLAN TO PRESS TARIFF BILL DECISION I I C A PLAiNSDD I International Exhibit S u A. LA ROGRAU M i Brings 300 Etchings _ , . . ..... .... . ,...,. ...n ..a. ; I : T! i i At their fourth regular meeting this year, the South-Eastern Mich- igat...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

… PRI-DAY, MAY7 24, 1029 ~TEMTCHTCAN 1~EY g ,..._: (I (rSTR J ILLA WL "'B ROME FLIGH-T j5J [UHJg'! Professor Dow Finds Romance Amon tng Dingy Libras ,IIID1UINCEHE IN ATTEMPT TO BEAT FREN fCHMEN J(UUHIL Traces Develovnent of Ei~rht Century 01( ry Stacks, IN PRACTICE TEACHING School Of Education To Give Se- Sniors Opportunity For Full Time Work Under 'Expert ,WILL BE EXPERIMENTAL Toward the end of combining ;~ both the theoretical and practi...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…P AOE rOtTR THE MICHIGAN DA ILY FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 1'AQE FOUR FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 Published every morning except Monday duiring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Westera Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusivel en- titled to the use for republication of al news dispatches credited, to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herei...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 5

…r.. FnRDIAY, MAY 24, 1929 THE MI 11I . I L Y PAGE FIVE THE MICHIGAN I) A I ii Y PAUD£'IV , _, .. ...,,. ........ ; Y g - -e" ° _ _ _ _ __ _____,__ , __ ... . __._. ._.,_...M __.__ . _ _ _.__._ ___.._ ,._.. .__ } .. . . ... ........ i . , i f}. , , , , i ; . ia k" A_ II {$' B Xi A4* 4 tY It\, ;, i :. A ORGANIYATONIES Women Have Gained in Purposefulness "Acting Is a Fascinating U LDuring Regime of President C. C. little B...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 6

…IMOR, ant: M 1 i 13A1EY T-,- -, 7-MFloA , - -9", i - - Michigan Baseball Team Meets Strong Hawkeye Nine Today n - --- IOWAS SEE VICTORY Southpaw Pitcher Selected To hurl Against Undefeated Wolves In Big Ten Contest MYRON HAS LEG INJURY Reports from Iowa City indicate that the Hawkeyecamp is filled with optimism and a firm belief that the Wolverines are due for a fall in their baseball game with Iowa this afternoon. In third plac...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 7

….^ FRMAY, MAY 24; 1929 tt Ag q pp A . WThTDAY. MAY 24. 192~ TH~ M1C1-tTC~A-WDATLY we -I a 4 a Cyr to +Odei _'" CSTAB iE-9 ENGLISH-UNIVERSITY *STYLES, 1ORtS= Vt'R.~UTHFUL CHARTS S*,IXLY FOR-bISTGUISHED _ iG I . Tt - oSTATES. SERVI _' /elC3tT .A- ii X11 ®i q i 4 W 4 qqA i G 9 Xj " i i ( 1 I What is the big idea? BLEND-SUITS with 'Super-~Shorts %mm MW AMW w wi w w c wrr mar ari Two ideas, in fact. The smartest style idea joins the...…

May 24, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 174) • Page Image 8

…t PAIE EIGHT 'tir. 'TCIIIGAN A I AL FRh PY, MAY 24, 1929 History 6 (106):T Famous Performers Final examination Wednesday, June 5, 9-12. Mr. Kemuper's sections .! FF CIBU I I I N in West Gallery of Alumni Memorial; Mr. Manyon's sections in New- S j{UIILIL T004 berry Auditorium;Mr. Scott's sections in Natural Science Auditorium.r 0 ILY rFiA JL Loutine maps of the world with your bluebooks. Slso TO VISI ]NV ISJ Publication in the Bulletin i...…

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