March 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 123) • Page Image 1
…LIj U . of ltn. Wailti 7~. .N.11 12"atHrvr ndte- nve1t 'UIVERSiITY OGE MIUIIIIIA N, TUlESDAY. MXIIUII 21, 1, (I. PRICE, THREE CENTS. of Michigan. Tihe statistics of attendance at the larer tiversities, inlilisled re- cently ill the I) ii vbaave attracted so tMucl atteintion, that it has b)eein tiisiigltt Jest to fol lose them ho a ttlptii sims- of thle attenidanice tttt Work il sever al repiresenitatise tepartniieits. We present to-day atrei f...…