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October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…Illi4OW pan4,. ai1 m Arnn Arbor, Michigan Thursday, October 24, 2013 ADMINISTRATION Gratz may run in 2014 regent race Firefighters look on as employees of DTE Energy clean up a car crash on State Street near Al Glick Field House Wednesday. Car crash knocks out power Driver lost control in the area. ity box full of wires near the also scene repairing the electrical Captain Jim Budd of the Ann appeared to be damaged. lines...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…2A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - 2A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 ANDREW WEINER KIRBY VOIGTMAN Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 eat. 1241 S WOOS H? Education for those without Gei Tayle Unive reside have1 this l ...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 3A The ichganDail - ichgandilyom hursayOctber 4, 013- I REGENT From Page 1A ban on affirmative action, Gratz said she wouldn't see as much of a reason to run for the Board of Regents. "I think the Constitution should really determine what the University can do," she said. In an Oct. 10 Detroit News opinion article, Gratz said, as regent, she would have the abil- ity to impa...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…i 4A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - 4A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom .43ly he Ntcbi1t l an at VIRGINIA EASTHOPE E-MAILVIRGINIAAT VCEHOPE@UMICH.EDU Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MELANIE KRUVELIS and ADRIENNE ROBERTS MATT SLOVIN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING ...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

…I^y 1' , 3 '; 2t ! ' l S r F { a... .. .. .. «.. rr The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 5A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycomThursday, October 24, 2013 - SA Wolverines make hostility their own 'M' stuns Spartans on road By JAKE LOURIM Daily Sports Writer EAST LANSING - Six thou- sand, one hundred and eighty- three people stood, watched and yelled. Every moment, whenever the ball hit a Michigan State pla...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…6A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - 6A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom aU, W, a a Competitively Priced Apartments and Houses EFFICIENCIES . 1 BEDROOM " 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE FALL 2014 3-5 bedrooms Efficiencies, 1 & 2 bedrooms, 8i-levels 1 & 2 bedrooms r 1 Io '' I The Best Campus Apartments! The Best Campus Locations @ The Best Prices! I Varsity Management 625 ...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 24, 2013 -- 7A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 7A CLOSE TO CAMPUS!!! Most properties are less than 2 blocks from the campus perimeter, Contact us and we may be ableto help youfind the perfectplace to live within walking distance of the Univei ty of Michigan campus, WALK TO CLASS + RESORT-STYLE AMENITIES + THEATER ROOM + HARDWOOD-STYLE FLOORS + FITNE...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 8

…8A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - 8A - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Michigan's lopsided and destructive offensive beast By EVERETT COOK Daily Sports Editor Michigan's offense was always relying on the little guy, but it took a big, big man to make sure that little guy could shoot up to his highest potential. When Michigan finally found another receivingthreat alongsid...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 9

…the b -side U The Michigan Daily I Thui The sun isn't up yet, but already the large multipurpose room has lots of tired-looking people eating breakfast, talk- ing and beginning their days. The room is filled with about 100 patrons, mostly sitting around circular tables on fold- up white chairs. A piano sits on one wall, and the edge of a curtained stage has been co-opted into a lean-and-eat area. Hot oatmeal, grits and past...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

…t 5 2B - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - 2B - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom COMMUNITY CULTURE COLUMN Straying from the NETFLIX TV PIX Daily Arts Writers dig through recent Netflix releases to find the shows worth revisiting or discovering. down town Red, yellow, brown and what green remains drift by like people: Dog walkers, coffee drinkers, pho- tographers and familie...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 11

…h T ' Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 38 The Michigan Daily - The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom the b-side Thursday, October 24,2013- BREAKFAST , From Page 1B A wayto start the day Every morning, one or two volunteers arrive about an hour early to begin the hot meal prep- aration, with the others arriv- ing at 7 a.m. to set up. Coffee, juice, milk and water provide rehydration, while oatmeal or grits make up most meals. J...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 12

…the 1)-,. sd 4B - Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Michigan Daily - 0 TA Though it began as a place for just coffee and crepes, Cafe Zola has expanded to include a dinner menu. Owners Hediye Batu's and Alan Zakalik's Turkish and Polish heritage influences the cuisine at Zola. Zola is located on Washington Street, next to the Grizzly Peak Brewing Company. The restaurant is best known for its diverse selection of crepes....…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…A R T a A WALK IN THE 'PARK': Now entering its fifth season, NBC's veteran comedy makes good television look easy. >} PAGE 6A ~iie c4 an &i3ajj ONvE-HOUNOR lil)I WENTCY-Tril-l]REYE'ARIS OF EDITOR'(IAl FREEDO M Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 24,2012 UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT Minority enrollment remains stagnant vice President Joe Biden gives a speech at the University of Toledo on Tuesday. The presidential tickets ar...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…2A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - 2A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom B liAn theTIs tBIOGY TEAM Builingth bes Bibrck A GREEN TTJMR 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 JOSEPH LICHTERMAN RACHEL GREINETZ Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 In cas...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS MILFORD, Mich. At least 2 cougar sightings reported in SE Mich. At least two people have reported possible cougar sight- ings near Kensington Metropark in suburban Detroit. The Oakland Press of Pon- tiac reports that experts say it's unlikely one of the big cats would be in Michigan's sou...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…4A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - 4A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom I he WlchiQan:43at*lv l Four years is not enough A Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 TIMOTHY RABB JOSEPH LICHTERMAN and ADRIENNE ROBERTS ANDREW WEINER EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MAN...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 5A The Michigan Daily - EVENT PREVIEW Author of 'Winter's Bone is co ming Woodrell and Estill rural Missouri as a backdrop on of "Winter's Bone" received the which to weave his tales. Grand Jury Prize for a dramatic to share respective Shaped by his experiences, film and the Waldo Salt Screen- Woodrell's books wrestle with writing Award at the 2010 Sun- works at Zell series tough themes of vio...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…6A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - 6A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom "I still can't believe Amy and Will are over." 'Parks' still one of the best on television "You've never played Kings? Really?" Wise 'Wallflower' By PROMA KHOSLA Daily Arts Writer Now more than ever, NBC's "Parks and Recreation" begs the question: Why isn't everyone watching this show? ****- A show...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 7A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom NCW S Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 7A NYPD i nformant forced to 'bait' Muslim terrorists 19 year old asked to partake in 'create and capture' program NEW YORK (AP) - A paid informant for the New York Police Department's intelli- gence unit was under orders to "bait" Muslims into saying inflammatory things as he lived a double life...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…8A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - 8A Wdnsda, ctber24 212 heMihign aiy -mihiandico The curious case of Denard 'M' defense refuses Robinson and the second half to be complacent By ZACH HELFAND Daily Sports Editor Meet the Denard Robinson few know and fewer can explain, the Robinson who only appears in the second half. This Robinson isn't a reckless playmaker, he's a game manager. This Robinson is more ...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 -- 9A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 9A fur Claim ,EmeriW Union of fConcerned Scientfists E LPCACTION UN ELPCAction PROPOSAL 3 ftd .wh fop5.t.d funat y M s a rgy, M' "'O . 3 For mo re nfor mation: For more information: ELPCAction Fund .orgJ25x25 Names, ties and affillations are given for p...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 10

…10A -Wednesday, October 24, 2012 iDA WenesayOctoer 4, 012The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 1i lI A I'M I U' U U.0 U XpERENCE Hi - k «.a.ERE.. . . 7 . . EFFICIENCIES * I BEDROOM-* 2 BEDROOM AV AI L A B LEAL21 m PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LC (734)741-9300 ANNARBORAPARTMENI*INt.NE I i I …

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 -11A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - hA Check us out and get AFREE INSOMNIA COOKIE with all new tours ! U. Eu OAN CAMPUS, ]FURNISHED STUDIO, 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS BRAM~ PEWLLKLY APARTAM5 SCrN 7?E 1' FL~tR Contact us for a tour today! Th et mt ottThe Best Campus Locations @The Best Vlue! 536 South Forest 734-761-2680 UNIVRSITYTOwERS-MI.C...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 12

…'N 12A- Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - I AM U . 6 40 wonderful houses and apartments CLOSE TO CAMPUS!!! Most properties are less than 2 blocks from the campus perimeter Contact us and we may be able tohelp you find the perfect place to live within walking distance of theUniersity of Michigan campus. (734)665-5620 wbartonbrookQom May and September leases Yted #1 by Michigan Daily readers! #I 4Eleven...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 -13A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 13A 2t'e doae ILIVE COLLEGE apply today for fall 2073 Great location on S. University Ave-walk to class. Designer interior finishes. Green entertainment deck with hot tub & fire pit. Individual leases. On-site retail. Resort-style amenities. State-of-tie-art fitness center. Fully-loaded game room. W...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 14

…14A -- Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - 14A - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom LANDLORD IN THE WORLD. Well, almost... Michigan Daily readers voted us "The best campus landlord 2012." for voting Arch #1! A RL 734.995.9200 R EA LT Y …

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 16

… _... J. TWednesday, October 24K20K The Statement THE JUNK DRAWER 0 0 0 Wedn sdaOtoe 4 S21 /7hBtteet E letter from the editors by dylan cinti and jennifer xu If your parents have enough disposable income to put you up in a pal- ace like Zaragon or Landmark, then this issue of The Statement prob- ably isn't for you. But for the rest ofus - the oneswithout the high-rises and penthouse apartments - we must learn to discerningly navigate the ...…

October 24, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 34) • Page Image 17

…B2 6B Wedesay WensaOtbe 4 02 Teattmn 3 lm .-4 the leaders and the worst by zach bergson and kaitlin williams LEADERS a week of daily stories * The online research database JSTOR now has an official apparel store. Now you can wear a constant reminder of that research paper you've been put- ting off for weeks. * Scientists at Stanford University found that injecting the blood of young mice reversed signs of aging in old mice, stealing a tr...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…be 1*t lian ,IatIgj ()NE I UN EI DI \(_}I' I TWEN Y YE 1S I 'F E iAL FREE()M Monday, October 24, 2011 Ann Arbor, Michigan UNIVERSITY POLICIES 'U' to draft new policy on sexual misconduct Law School student Tiffany Huyenh-Cho gets into the fall spirit while carving pumpkins in the Law Quad at an event on Saturday sponsored hy the Law School Student Senate and OUTLAWS, an LGBTQ club within the school. POLITICAL FIGURES Gran...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…2A -- Friday, October 24, 2011 - Frday Ocobe 24,201 1N \VSThe Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 4 MONDAY TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: nOhr"This Week in History Professor Profiles Campus Clubs Photos of the Week NESPPR EANDACCESa O LOU4LSTYOPLAIT DAY U. of Illinois fights Chicago Tribune 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 wwwmichigandailycom STEPHANIE STEINBERG ZACH YANCER Editor in Chief easiness Manager 734-410-4110 ext. 1...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 24, 2011 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, October 24, 2011 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS PONTIAC, Mich. Kevorkians estate sues museum over rights to his art The estate of Dr. Jack Kevork- ian has filed a lawsuit in suburban Detroit against a Massachusetts museum that is refusing to return 17 paintings and other art. The Armenian Library and Museum of America in Water- town, Mass.,...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…The Michigan Daily - 4A - Monday, October 24, 2011 4A -Monay, ctoer 2, 211 Te Mchien Dily mihieadaiv'. C 4C i~hl3n~aij Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MICHELLE DEWITT STEPHANIE STEINBERG and EMILY ORLEY NICK SPAR EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position o...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 24, 2011 - 5A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, October 24, 2011 - 5A POLICY From Page 1A "This (guidance) invites and requires significant input from various stakeholders - under- graduate students, graduate students, professional students, faculty, staff, community stake- holders - and we wanted to have a robust process to engage those stakeholders," Wilgus said. E. Royste...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

… 6A - Monday, October 24, 2011 The Michigan Daily - ilm faily's 'Way' Martin Sheen and" son Emilio Estevez discuss new film By ANDREW ECKHOUS For the Daily When talking with father-son duo Emilio Estevez ("The Mighty Ducks") and Martin Sheen ("The West Wing"), it's hard to believe they've been cogs in the Ameri- can culture machine for decades. Sitting down with them in an empty, mid-renovation yoga stu- dio, effervescent ...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 8

…i 8A - Monday, October 24, 2011 The Michigan Daily - FILM SREENINGILM RVIEW A petrifying prequel PAUL SHERMAN/Daily Brothers and co-directors Chris and Mike Farah explain their inspiration before yesterday's "Answer This" screening. By SEAN CZARNECKI DailyArts Writer Recently, horror film dross like "The Thing" and "The Human Centipede II" has suc- ceeded in only one thing: * .*7" scaring audi- ences away Paranormal fro...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 9

…is ' ;., ., ' f r.= sfh l'Y [ _ 4 (. ,z aa i i. ' a. The Michigan Daily I I October 24,2011 N. MICHIGAN 5, MICHIGAN 3 MICHIGAN 3, N. MICHIGAN 3 (SO) CORY GENOVESE/Northern Michigan Athletic Department Fifth-yearsenior goalie Shawn Hunwick was ejected in the second period of Friday's game after punching Wildcat forward Andrew Cherniwchnr. i 'M' salvages series in shootout victory By ZACH HELFAND attempts during the shoo...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 10

…4 2B - October 24, 2011 The Michigan Daily - v V ....1 __... Temper first-year expectations for Hoke If you didn't know Keith Nichol from the recruiting trail, you met him Saturday night. The Michigan State wide receiver's miraculous Hail Mary touchdown reception against No. 6 Wiscon- sin as time expired put the Spar- tans in the driver's seat of the Big F Ten Legends ,.Y division.r Some- STEPHEN J. times you're NESBITT...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - October 24, 2011 - 3B NORTHERN From Page 1B wick. "His emotions got to him (on Friday). He's not usually like that." Michigan dominated the first period on Saturday after play- ing a sloppy opening frame on Friday. The Wolverines outshot Northern Michigan, 12-4, in the first period of the finale and reg- istered goals from Treais and junior forward Lindsay Sparks. Sparks's goal came on Michi- gan's firs...…

October 24, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 33) • Page Image 12

…0 4B - October 24, 2011 Sport Mon9day The Michigan Daily - X 4k/ v - _. I .. .V .. ... . ... WOMEN'S SOCCER Penn State offense too much for 'M' defenders Redshirt unior forward Clare Stachel reacts after a 4-0 loss to Penn State on Senior Day. Michigan also fell to Ohio State on Friday night- Wolverine offense shut out twice du frin pairof Big Ten aIt'lChups By CARLY BODDY Daily Sports Writer On Sunday, seniors Kriste...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…T L - MICHIGAN'S TALENT 'PAYNE'-FUL The Michigan-Michigantate game is alwaysamarqueematchupbHollywood, please stop turning tomorrow's gamecud have recruiting m ca sf years to come. video games into movies. ___ Football Saturday, Page 1_See Arts, Page 5A Cemidiia n :atlv ONE HUNDRED-NINETEEN YEARS OF EDIIT lAL FREEDOM Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, October 24, 2008 COLORFUL REACTION UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT Despite poor econo...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…2A - Friday, October 24, 2008 4 The Michigan Daily - An imitation constellation Students were welcomed back from Fall Break by a new sculpture outside the University Museum of Art on State Street. At 53 feet high and 23,000 pounds, the addition is tough to miss. The piece, called Orion, is on long-term loan from artist Mark di Suvero, an abstract American sculp- tor known for his large, geometric works. The work was prev...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Friday; October 24, 2008 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, October 24, 2008 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS BAGHDAD Iraqi minister escapes assignation Iraq's labor minister escaped assassination yesterday when a suicide bomber rammed an explo- sives-laden SUV into his convoy, killing at least nine people in one of the safest areas of the capital. The blast came on a day when the U.S. relinquished con...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…4A - Friday, October 24, 2008 The Michigan Daily - l e Iicl30ig n wily Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 I really wanted to give you some good head this morning and I didn't know how to ask you to let me do it." - Christine Beatty, in a text message to former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. The text messages were released yeste...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 24, 2008 -5A Society and the dance revolution By SARA SCHNEIDER Daily Arts Writer "Whether werealize itornot,the 21st Century-world has been inevi- tably shaped by post-modernity - globalization, ArCS in Time international Friday,Oct. policy, cultur- 24 at 4.p.m. al pluralism, At Palmer etcetera," said Commons Angela Kane, professor of School of Music, Theatre & Dance. "Similarly, the d...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…6A- Friday, October 24, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 0 the michigan daily cen tral cam pus. 7 34 -7 4 1-93 0 0 1 $ DL C T . ! * - L rtOCA TIONS!f CHOOSE FROM EFFICIEN- CIES, ,2, AND 3 REV- BEAUTIFUL LARGE!! ROOMS 51-LEVLS AND Campus Area Homes. 6 and 7 Bdrms. TRI-LELS TOO' Avail. NOW for May 2009. Central air. Free laundry and parking.r Call 734 663-1370_ www.nancytat.cnm s e ursen a u . C . E-mail Call tod...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 7

…Ne- Nvs The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 24, 2008 -- 7A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, October 24,2008 - 7A " .U. honors jailed Chinese dissident STRASBOURG, France (AP) - A jailed Chinese activist won the European Union's top human rights prize on yesterday despite strongpressure fromBeijing,which scorned the honor and said it would cause serious harm to China's rela- tions with the 27-nation bloc. Ig...…

October 24, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 37) • Page Image 8

…8A - Friday, October 24, 2008a 4 The Michigan Daily - MICHIGAN 4, NIAGARA 2 NIAGARA FALLS Sophomore duo dominates SAID ALSALAH/' Sophomore Louie Caporusso pokes in his first of two goals in Michigan's 4-2 victory over Niagara last night at Yost Ice Arena. Power-play unit breaks out of 154-minute slump By GJON JUNCAJ Michigan, the Wolverines were Daily Sports Writer caught over-handling the puck at times, losing possessi...…

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