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March 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…L t , ry cy l t I _ Th i un _.' , Vol XXI. 'VARSITY TO MEET TEAM OF VETERANS Syracuse Entries Are Strong In Field, Distance, and Quarter HEAVY ATTENDANCE EXPECTED (Coroclo o nties o-,ir teii penlit i meet i Xato rmio;gvin, winch reacheod Ani --Arb1'or eterda)-, videonce tficfact thoatin theliocans crcto b10111 icc d byl a vect(ranii igitrngiti on. 'Moln-of th ]Hell1Who111il1111pear Ottilililni lht ran tore oa1101r (g wieno the I iiiicoioo wen...…

March 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…M A~ 8ZAIL~ Go H. WIL"D CO. 311 SO. STAT:E STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. HWIDCO* WIDThe Leadingi Merchant Tailors 311 S50. STATE STEET ALL PRICES The Students ' Iypeweiter Supply Co. Room. 4 B aitding On"-oite Majestic P., LEATHER All pua: ,t-:. Ouriiol' fot, vOi)P rtjjrt'i cow- p0 THlE MICJIIG4N DAILY. Mlanagng Editor-LEE A WHITE Business Maager-NORM...…

March 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…--- - ---- - -.. _. _ __ _ _ . _._a_ _____-_ BE AMONG THE FIRST to prolimile fashontin:'t!%%Suit $20.00 an~dLip F.oW.GROSS Liberty eStreet. III lYorth Ave. AM( SPA IDING & B1RO5. f eSpalding atrrsithwol vk of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENT,for'allatietic PrDING sports anrd pastimes. 9I Il/heIl C.Il ICa1 It' the woldasa Wht'sNews'ina Sport Qu..flty 1quest. A. G. SPAL;DINGSft BROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Iletroit. Mich The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C...…

March 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY 5,. On the Blank of Success-that's what well tailored clothes are. A man is taken now- a-days at his "face value" May we not showx you the newest Checks and Pencil Stripes as Nvell as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to which D)ame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval this .Spring. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.00 -Fa: hions latest whispers--do lend an ear to them - - - - - JI Karl Malcolm, 118 E. Li...…

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