February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 1
…Vol-.III.-No. l02. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAIN, THURSDAY FEB3RUARY 2f3, 1893 Pmmee, THREE CGENTS. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. people of the two colonies in New THEY SCORED A HIT. I.land anti the South differecd ThatEng t Fitly Celebrated- rte.Stir- widely in somet respetis.The niv peranesianLstelsinghei K rgSpeenhtroni Hon, SA. We h1Rrltoniw caeappslni Douglas.Tei ______ on, the coloinists demanted 'a liman___ t~ieriyBalws akd e-foi a leaier who possc...…