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April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Till OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNDSDAY, APRIL 22, 1903 No. 145 WOODROW WILSON hasisgoneitmai. Not Kasls, bit til, settins Vvaryin teeittitenft title Piincton President Spoke to a De- is iihettui1- tt w o srm tktes slos- ii hted Adience in University :InitilforP115th is toughttillpirit Ha11 Last Evein-Subject ;y "Ted. It is te)oldi"pitot Was "Patriotism' A lt-i-v iftt-stiiistime tier tgainlhe ititt ttititi iitititi lii ifeeli...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring r1tt .r; il I m s EL I W 0i 0 ii f N1 .tG1 . W asA.&- S Sp ais Ong 's O ffcil 1 av"l( 1t~i 105E ash.St rPa119 Guide 1903 now ready ISHEEHAN & CO.l University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. THE U. OF1. D AILY N ii hewih hittii~tt tti EntenA__ox_________________m__tterat__Aln_ Arbor____ 4i iitsit titied ii It iltitc It.. 44i tt f EA 'lE I. Il iT uN. (P ti( P ;t - t li ti'nt i()li' i()lII e o 1*.t b t...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…for 2-ic THE UNIVERiSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spri gTHE RIGHT THINGSAND ENOUGH OF THEN T Suits, 0vercoats, Hats, Cap- anridaal tih7 Exciusive Patterns in new~est Men's Furnisig ~ [ Madras, Cheviot, It-siu. xclxx- -ini x s 4Il d -' 111) of justi 211 11'. Linen and Percale. I i -IvoI-- t hwci'r W agbon er & Coot A M RYi RLE <r ~ P [0LEOFF101AL [or 1903 Conxtainxs xa (compilete listiof Aie-- pieeList iofixChaxmpins.. Over13 itn-ofpmlwtAe- canxixdxf...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…'IIHE I' I1 i'i;,iTry 01r' ii'1lIIA N ii ILY' ^ ° . f ,;f one (i the hes and-,. t pe." ' ° nr r ftc.. v £i t t .JCstrxn . '¢ / TRA M,.Y , , r lade lo;^ ; .s i ts tWe ha"^ a' 4. "..+ e a :°.sor tment lo _ 9. . .J. f . ., , J ^1, i ,-,., "r, R e ty iI ~' tS .'+fO d 131., Ch yt /', Aves from 'my , L a . ,J r "".d '!''. $. L OOy ' r . ,, ,. ft $ . 5 0 . r, r1 * ,-~V'' .'T _ 'ZIO .8/A AD CU \G ~I2J~W~& i~ anr'- J' e . 0 rL.. + Y" ! ,s k,6 ...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN *-ARBOR, MICHIAN. WERDNESDAY, WINNING NINE RETURNS AS TRACK TEAM STARTS EAST Baseball Men Arrive Home Vic-. torious After Excursion Into Dixie- -Lose Only One Game. p ten taut looming up alealCoulti nt b, made a-teantplay bha-li alliithani ,vaspl Ald byMiciga'tinehula'ileo le souitherniitril. Waheweaniewa fearetd Coahel Me lltee fond trtt1iengt. adhe ha- reltanedtwitl six sala lftbind tl. lnei'ae id mian...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…'rTHY M ic1iiAN A ILY G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring i905 line of fie Imported and Domestic WOOLENS Is now ready. t includes all the latest 'NoveltiesSitatdes and Up-to-i)ate Patterns n Moose Brown, Caribou Tan Leather Shade (rays and Fancy Blues Your patrottage reespetfully= stolicited. G. H. Wild Comlpany 3tt South State St ret The New Hackett & Alexander Racket is sciettificaly "Perfect Oval model, the strait of trining s evenly (distritut...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…TMI6 MiCl'(AN tXAtLV Sam Burchfield's Trade Can vDeliver Th Goods Sam Burclifiekl &Co. EAST HURON ST. BF ST STOCK'ltO(F 1N THE1CIYAl BROWN'S Drug Store 120 Ei. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'et at lowv prices. ALAI~11CLOCKS $It() $1.50 1,7 NIICIiI( ,LN PINS A,,1I51 01B 25c up toyf. .4 A SP1 ClAITX, watchs iaipectoiriirth iiis Sisis ai s islrod J06 L.C"; !'tN Turksa y ' I5 cPkg. - = _ 2 for'2c 25- 1 P65:. - = or $I0 I C I[Ct'...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…M 1IcHtGAI~4 bAtty Ice C ream Soda 5 ents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of Ice Cream E. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR. Apiilt2.2 "TheeIDramatic Techmique of \lm.nn n I(0l arttelm,' " Dr. Carl E. '?,terr I Tappan1hlll lecture room, 4a Apr1it 23-Vari ty b1)n(1 (lnce. Bar- hour gyamasium. April2 1- he national Import of \trlnna.ront larntlelm,' "Prof. Max Wiler 'Tappan 1...…

April 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…TheM"ic igan Dal y \\N\ \Rl OIHIGNIi '\IIt_ PI . ks!) tIRI! 22, Hot). Vol. XIX. No. 141. TEAM DEPARTS FOR thtrm-aindlecr of ' n\xrnt1 p hI- oonier it Anti \rlor. EAST RN S ALP V~a i-Notre I)ame atAnn arbor. Its i Arbtor. Sflay iS N (trc IDamietat Southtl14-nc1. Pennsy and Chicago Our Worst Maty 13, r;Syraicuse at Aim Aritor. Rivals-Baseball Season Tick- Slay m Icloi taite tInn Abor. et Sale Begins. SIte si2;--N\onst criat Wloostr, ...…

April 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

… t gmfi PIGAN 0A I t THE MICHIGAN DAILY.; G. H. Wild Companyt MERCH-ANT TAILORS ..11115r~s 11ae 1) Have received a large line 01 1111511 woolens for SPRING and SUM- No 12. OsFedsIig MER in (MKeniut, Light, and Dark Ses sst. .......I. I;. iscougs Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Athleic ... ..Wiibr 1. Elliott Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and \ltic l'Ss st.. 8. 10 l alnlt King's Tan. )rassos. . John 'I'. Knny We have the Blarney, Hud...…

April 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…MidiUldAW DAILY- Shave Ihyself We ofettiefntrr Gillette Safety -AstiYou iI t.." I 145 II New Process Blades AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watches, Diamtonttl.Law tooks, oothber'perso~nal prperty. Watches anti Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at 'etidentie 3111E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. 'Hearsto'is11:30 a. m.. 1lto 1:3'0and 7to ALt BUSINESOS ('OrrNFI oTIAt JOSEPH C. WATTS THE F'ARMERS AND ME[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURilON STR...…

April 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

… '14~ MteUt -~ ~AILV i . H. 110M"AJO"Re Co FHElSARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH I LATEIST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE NSEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS xAdISIES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Ou1 sp~ecialty is fioe Decorating, soch as Papcr-hanging Paint- interior anid exterior) Walt-tinting, Kalsoinining, Fresco- (,1 c etc. enimploy only skille-d woorkmnen and guaratntee 0""'01k.Goods lDelivei...…

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